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Posts posted by Hoyaheel

  1. I will buy it, but currently am thinking I'll try to get at Costco (it's not on their website, but was in the magazine last month so am hoping it will be in the store). Otherwise, I'll try to get it online at the library, not sure if they'll get it though. But yes, I will read it. I read the excerpts in the news, but want to read it in context as that helps me figure out intent a little better....

  2. She was always so try hard - not sure what happened, whose advice finally got through, but I think Lea Michele has handled this extremely well. It was very messy, but she's triumphed - and she leaned in to the twitter jokes etc. Instead of getting all pissy about it. Which I appreciate.

  3. I shouldn't be surprised - they were quite generous with the "airbrushing" for ERII as well. But damn - did they take the pics from his 40th birthday? 😂

    I just made sugarplums (for a solstice bonfire tonight at a neighbor's house) and watched Harry & Meghan episode 1. I like it. I love seeing all the photos & video from their personal collection. For nothing else (I am a gossip voyeuse, after all 😉) it's worth it! It's probably a little much, but I understand their rationale for how & why they did it this way.


  4. She was on Today this week - I thought the injections have relaxed a little, but her lips still looked a little overplump. Honestly not bad for Hollywood, so I guess I'm jaded at this point....I think in movement/on air vs a still photo, she still looks like herself....

    • Like 1

  5. I will watch eventually but I feel I've read all the juicy bits already 😉 We had vacation last week, I've been in a conference this week (using all the data I saved from not being here). I don't think hubs will want to watch with me, so I need time when he's not around too, so....I haven't watched S5 of The Crown yet either, though the bad reviews have definitely pushed it lower on my viewing/data priority list 😉 

  6. I've been watching Days since I was a toddler in day care - stopped when it switched to streaming (I was recording every day and FFing most of it, so....I do still read weekly recaps) I noticed a couple years ago whenever he was on, he would mostly be seated. But I knew he wasn't young and I appreciated he still wanted to be there and act! (he's not the oldest either! Doug Horton - played by Bill Hayes - is 96 and still shows up regularly!!!)

    • Like 1

  7. I can read it as about one person or two. Because, as usual, Fakey is a TERRIBLE writer.

    What other permanent A list (american born "permanent A list"- vs "foreign born permanent A list) has a new song out? Britney (I wouldn't consider her permanent a list for her voice, but probably celeb level)?

  8. It feels like I JUST saw her on Kelly Clarkson saying she was NEVER going to get married, so what she meant was she was going to be an unwed mom? I mean, maybe she really wants a kid and felt her clock  really ticking. But yeah, for someone who has really bad marriage history with quick-picks, AND has acknowledged this publicly, it seems like a bad bad idea. Sperm bank would have been better if it's the kid she wanted, not the relationship. Now she'll be linked to him forever.

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  9. Yeah, agree Charlene didn't look good. (the dress/coat was awful but I mean her face - but also my god Albert looked SO OLD, I didn't believe it was him!)

    I haven't watched all the funeral yet - was out at dentist yesterday, recorded bbc and nbc, only got up to the entrances to the Abbey on BBC (they started coverage almost 3 hrs before the funeral so there was a lot to watch!) I have a busy week so I'll watch in bits and pieces, probably. It's not like a sporting event where the ending is supposed to be a surprise.....



  10. I know - I sort of want to see if I can find it in Country Life (I don't think the new story has any interior shots - wonder if any older copies do?) online. Royalty aside, I ADORE waterfront houses, mills are special, and this looks like an amazing conversion.

    Some people have a LOT of opinions about adults who are married/together but maintain separate residences or rooms or whatever. To me, meh. Where you sleep or live doesn't tell me if you have a good or bad relationship (and honestly, NO ONE knows what goes on in a relationship except the people IN IT, appearances can be deceiving). They have a lot of houses, they travel a lot, they were old(er) divorcees when they married - and she was a scandal - good for her for keeping something for herself, and good for him for recognizing it's not a referendum about the state of their relationship.




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  11. The curtsy thing is ridiculous. But yes, Kate is lower in rank and originally would have had to curtsy to Bea & Eug but the Queen changed it, I think, but perhaps it was only when she was with William - on her own she'd still be lower? I've read I don't know how many stories about that and I'm still not sure what the original protocol was vs current protocol, and then whether there's an issue of "protocol" but everyone just does something else....

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