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Hold onto your hats kids, we are going to upgrade!! :shocked:


Upgrade is scheduled to happen early next week (so the week of July 16, 2014), but they may get to us sooner so brace yourself (they tend to get back to me earlier than whatever they promised - that's a good thing!). All the threads, posts and user accounts "should" be fine during the upgrade. That being said, I have manually copied/pasted the Ted C. blind items list that Jerrica did just in case. If there is something you must have saved, please save onto your own desktop computer yourself to post after the upgrade. I don't think it's necessary, but better safe than sorry! And yes, I did have the host backup our database, but I'm a glass half empty person in the end!! In fact if someone wants to copy the master Ted C. blind items list as a third backup, my feelings would not be hurt!


While the upgrade is in progress, there will likely be some down time. I don't expect it to be more than an hour or two. If for some reason things go horribly wrong, you can go to http://www.fanchitchat.com/ and I will be posting the current status of FanChitChat there. My email is princess @ fanchitchat .com if you want to send an email, however I can't promise I'll respond to individual emails if the shit has hit the fan :D However, if you notice "hey I can see the board, I just can't post on it!" messages are always welcome even if I don't personally respond to you.


Send out some good vibes to us fellow ChitChaters! And oh yeah, I'll be hitting you up for annual hosting fee donations the end of this month, but for now I just want your good Juju!! :mellow:


As long as the board is up, I'll be posting current status in this thread. :GroupHug:

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