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Posts posted by annabeast

  1. Parade's End is another I'm looking forward to! Benedict Cumberbatch!!

    I'll have to look for that one.


    I JUST finished up with Forsyte Saga, and the ending was just stunning, a beautifully written and acted scene of closure and redemption. Damian Lewis is phenomenal as Soames Forsyte. You alternate between despising him and then seeing the human side that breaks your heart. I highly recommend this series.

  2. There are quite a few couples on there that I don't at all think will split: Ben and Jen (religious reasons on his part)...

    Is Ben Religious?!?


    I think he is Catholic.


    LOL! Thanks for the laugh!! Catholics THINK they are so religious!


    I notice Ben the oh-so-religious doesn't appear to have a problem with pre-marital sex or adultery.....


    I remember some blind (believed to be them) about how she desperately tried to keep up with him intellectually, and a side note to the story was that because of his Catholicism, he would never divorce. I'm not Catholic, but I've got quite a few friends who are, and this rings true to me. Evidentally, divorce is a mortal sin, but adultery is not??? Maybe it is because of the kids... aren't they damned to hell if their parents divorce or something like that? (or is that an annullment...)

  3. I know a bunch of you don't like Patricia Heaton, but the writers on the show have finally realized that the appeal is in the kids, particularly Sue. I LOVE Sue's character. Anyone who has ever been a hopeless geek will love her. Last night's episode with the cheerleading "cheer off" made me almost as happy as the "Waterloo" Start Search scene in Muriel's Wedding.

  4. Saw some comments from Jeremy Irons over the weekend and was thinking that seeing Brideshead Revisited again might be fun. I read the book after I saw it the first time, then watched it again......

    I was thinking about reading the book because although I think I get Charles' final conclusion about spitituality, I'm not entirely certain where the change took place, unless it was at Lord Marchmain's deathbed... but even that is probably far more clear in the book.

  5. Interesting article about the making of "The Canyons" and Lindsay Lohan.


    Read it here.

    It makes me sick. And she gets paid more than most people make in a year to show up and get wasted at a New Year's Eve party. She's repulsive.



    This will be an unpopular opinion but I don't really "blame" her -- I blame the sponsors who are are throwing a lighted match on a puddle of lighter fluid.


    If you are broke and someone says they are willing to write you a check, what are you going to do? Take the check.


    I am sure that we would all like to think we would take the high road, but . . . . . :blink:


    I see your point. And it is scary that there are people who would pay to have a sad train wreck at their party. Particularly if she had to provide other "benefits" as part of the deal to keep the posh hotel room. But yes, I would take the check too if I were in her situation. She's still repulsive.

  6. I am so mad I can't watch this show! It's not On Demand, and I don't subscribe to netflix or hulu. And I'm not going to buy the seasons on DVD. I also tried to find it online but had no luck. I know I would love it, too.


    So basically I just came into this thread to shake my virtual fist at all of you. Bah!

    Ah, Fykey. Someone sent me this link because I had to take my cat to the emergency vet right in the middle of the episode.... enjoy!



    Oh, just realized you may not have seen the first two seasons. If it is any consolation, it is free streaming if you are an Amazon Prime member. Along with HUNDREDS of other movies and shows, including Brideshead Revisited, The Tudors, etc.

  7. Here's to hoping that they actually let Edith be HAPPY this season; I kind of like her. And how many episodes do we have to wait before Matthew bails out the Crawleys??

    I thought he didn't leave his contract until the end of the British series, which would be what we're seeing right now (not me, yet, I dvr'd and haven't watched yet,.....But I also heard some of the UK gossip while it was airing there, so.....)


    Yes, and it will be interesting to see how they dispose of his character. Such a bummer... what will become of Mary? But I meant the money... oh, you haven't seen the episode, so I'll shut up now....

  8. What does he say?? :flag:

    hi. long and short of it not much. You can find it on the web site of the guys who hosted it (sorry i forget their names off the top of my head) but the only gossipy thing he addressed before I logged off (after abotu 20 mins) was that it was such a joke that he was fired because he accidently outted jeremy renner. He didnt say anything about the fact that the name jeremy was used in that BV, but he said that was his favorite theory. He's writting a book, he claims he could have signed a 3 year deal with eonline and has really loved it there but "it was time". He plans at some point to have another outlet. Anyway the rest of it was nattering on about really nothing. He mentioned his advocacy of pets. And finally i got so bored i turned it off. Nothing about any more BV's.


    So he was fired but yet he could have stayed but "it was time"?




    exactly what I was wondering. But this is defnitely the first time I have heard his departure was a direct result of that slip in the BV. Oh, wait... is he saying that is his "favorite theory" of why he left, as in it ISN'T true? I don't believe the three year contract story either, but I definitely miss him.

  9. I do have to say, now that I'm almost done with season two, that I see what everyone is saying about the difference between the two seasons. I mean, really... some of the resoluations to the problems, such as poor Lavinia, are a bit harsh. Not to say that I don't still love it!

  10. Well since we're on a roll, another fun show (not sure how available it would be) is Edwardian House from BBC. It was part of the rush of those shows about 10 years back (on both sides of the Pond) sending a family or group of people back to live in another era - in the US, we had Colonial House and Frontier House and probably some others - on PBS. BBC had Victorian House and Edwardian House that I can remember.


    Can you tell what sorts of shows I like to watch???

    Now THAT sounds interesting! I hadn't even heard of that.

  11. ADORE Brideshead Revisited. But I loved the book first, and Anthony Andrews (forever the best Scarlet Pimpernel!!!) in the original miniseries.


    Haven't seen the new Brideshead Revisited though.


    Of course, if you like these sorts of period manner pieces, Gosford Park is a requirement (Julian Fellowes wrote it, same guy who created Downton Abbey) Anything that Julian Fellowes has done I've adored.


    Yep, I do like period pieces. Thanks for the tip! Haven't see Brideshead Revisited either, off to check Netflix to see if it's available.


    And I'm going to look for Gosford Park too. I need stuff to download onto my Kindle for the plane trip to Europe coming up.
