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Posts posted by annabeast

  1. Am I the only one here with a soft spot for Heather? I don't know if it's because I grew up on TJ Hooker and Dynasty, but I'm cheering for her to get her life back on track.

    No, not at all. She was at UCLA when I was, although I didn't know her and she left fairly quickly. I always kind of watched her career with interest because she's a "peer" age-wise, and she had such a charmed rise to fame. But I figured she was pretty screwed up when she married her SECOND rocker bad boy.


    My heart goes out to her on this one. It's not just getting caught, it's the backstory about the sunglasses and the Nicole-Ritchie-esque choice of parking spaces. Pretty humiliating.



    I missed the backstory on the sunglasses and parking spot. Care to elaborate?



    Look at Pitt-Lovers post about six above mine.

  2. Am I the only one here with a soft spot for Heather? I don't know if it's because I grew up on TJ Hooker and Dynasty, but I'm cheering for her to get her life back on track.

    No, not at all. She was at UCLA when I was, although I didn't know her and she left fairly quickly. I always kind of watched her career with interest because she's a "peer" age-wise, and she had such a charmed rise to fame. But I figured she was pretty screwed up when she married her SECOND rocker bad boy.


    My heart goes out to her on this one. It's not just getting caught, it's the backstory about the sunglasses and the Nicole-Ritchie-esque choice of parking spaces. Pretty humiliating.

  3. or she stuck with him knowing he was pulling off shady deals until it threatened to hurt her career.

    I'm inclined to lean that way. But then I also think she helped the Feds by luring him back to the States so they could arrest him. Eh, we've all made stupide boyfriend decisions in our lives :mellow:



    Annabeast raises her hand for that one! Both hands.

  4. WOW that baby is gorgeous!!!!


    She certainly is! Her eyes and mouth are stunning.


    Even though I dislike Brangelina I'll concede that Shiloh's a pretty little thing, but I think Nahla has her beat!



    I think she's okay, certainly the eyes are stunning. I think Suri is cuter, which I know many people disagree with.

  5. O’Connell, whose wife, “Ugly Betty” star Rebecca Romijn, is filming her hit TV show in New York presently, said the former supermodel is indulging in pregnancy cravings.


    “A lot of ice cream, man,” O’Connell laughed. “And not any one particular brand, like hitting up a lot of the different ones at Ben and Jerry’s, but also other crazy brands.”

    She's been pregnant for about 2 weeks. Isn't it kind of early for cravings?


    Not necessarily. With all our kids I knew I was pregnant within days because I would get a huge craving for salt and Mexican food. And I don't mean like "I want Mexican food for dinner"...I mean like a heroin addict needing a fix! I still tease them about what they put me through, lol.


    Ha, I craved Mexican with my daughter, too -- specifically beef/black bean burritos. With my son it was orange sherbet and actual oranges. And in his case, I had the cravings before I knew I was pregnant ... so I could see it.


    I craved Thai food, Musaman curry, as spicy as you can get it.

  6. Maybe I'm overthinking this, but If I wanted to get as much pr buzz out of this as possible, I'd make up fake diaries to conveniently leave for police to find.


    I mean, come on, how long does anyone think Anne Hathaway is going to be the It girl. About as long as it takes a match to burn out.

    Anne Hathaway is an It girl? I think of her as a fortunate-to-be-working actress. I don't find her appealing at all.

  7. The Awful Truth, 06-09-08:


    More news on the sorta-kinda-couple of the mo'. Kate Hudson and Lance Armstrong were allegedly caught canoodling, and then some, at Cannes. More so, getting frisky in the bathroom at a posh party to a surprised partygoer’s discovery. Guess Lancey-pants is still enjoying the perks of having risen to the ranks of sports celebrity. And benefit numero uno is banging doable starlets wherever you damn well please.

    Tacky. To say the least.
