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Posts posted by annabeast


    I kind of think it was brave and refreshingly honest to out Chad's addictions. Let's face it, we want to know why relationships break up and she was brutally honest. However, I completely agree that her trying to play the victim was completely disgusting and hypocritical when she was the one that had an affair three years after he was clean.

    It would have been brave if she'd outed her own addictions. As it was, it just came across as bitchy and spiteful and completely unnecessary. And if she was using it as an excuse to end the marriage, why wait three years after he was sober to do it? Nah, I didn't buy it then and I'm not buying it now. I think she was just trying to take the focus off her infidelity.


    It would be brave if CHAD outed his addictions. She was definitely diverting blame in a situation that made her look like the culprit. It was lame, and the public reaction was appropriate.


    Many people were angry with her for "outing" Chad's coke addiction, does Heath's death and the subsequent backlash on Hollywood drug abuse change anyone's mind about her actions?

    No, because by the time Swank spoke about Chad Lowe's addictions, he had been sober for 3 (?) years. I don't underestimate the toll that addiction takes on a relationship, and I don't blame Swank for leaving a failing relationship -- but to bring up private matters from the past -- that's badly done.


    I agree.


    From imdb.com today...


    Magazine Fires Back at Berry Over Suicide Story


    Parade magazine bosses have reacted angrily to Halle Berry's claims they dredged up a 10-year-old story about the actress' 1997 suicide attempt and tried to make it fresh. In a recent WENN interview, Berry accused the weekend supplement of "regurgitating" the story, prompting other publications and agencies to ask her to talk about her darkest moment all over again. But Parade editors insist the Oscar winner readily chatted about the day she started the process of poisoning herself with carbon monoxide in her car after the end of her first marriage to Baseball player David Justice. The magazine's spokeswoman Alexis Collado says, "All of the quotes in Parade profile on Halle Berry came from a candid sit-down interview between Ms. Berry and Parade writer Emily Listfield on January 25, 2007. Ms. Berry talked very freely about the challenges she has faced in her life, including her failed marriages and suicide attempt. It is unfortunate that Ms. Berry has chosen to respond to media interest by backing away from what she originally told Parade. Anyone who actually read the article is sure to see it as a very positive profile of a strong woman who has overcome many challenges in her life and is now on a clear path to happiness."

    Me too! She's so friggin needy.


    Good for them! I am so fvking sick about hearing about her suicide attemps :angry:


  4. The Pete Wentz School Of Beauty


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    Why David Silver why?! Put down the mascara please. You should not take beauty advice from Pete Wentz. David Austin Green is looking beat and the make-up is not helping. I'd still get with that shit, because the dick is large. That's probably what's keeping Megan Fox around.


    Here's Miss David and Megan at the premiere of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles last night.


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    Oh man, the second picture!!! He's gotten an eye lift!

  5. Brooke Burke: 'I Feel Like a Baby Factory'


    With three little girls at home and another due in the spring, no wonder pregnant actress Brooke Burke feels "like a baby factory."


    "I feel like I’ve been pregnant my whole life," Burke, 36, tells Mom Logic. "I’m excited about the fourth, but I think this is it!"


    Burke’s fourth daughter will be her second with fiancé David Charvet, 35, also the father of Heaven Rain, who turns a year old Jan. 8. Neriah, 7, and Sierra, 5, are her children with ex-husband Garth Fisher. Regarding their "crazy, hippy names," Burke laughs, "People are wondering what we are going to come up with next."


    Burke also recently launched Baboosh Baby, an eco-friendly online store, and reveals that her secret to a svelte post-baby body is a belly wrap called Taut. "You pull it super tight and Velcro it," she says, "It feels good for all of that baby skin. I swear by it."


    She is not 36!



    December 20, 2007 -- SUPERMODEL Kate Moss has her lawyers busy trying to gag her drug-addict ex-boyfriend, Pete Doherty. The Babyshambles frontman is negotiating with Britain's ITV2 network to tell all about their romance and share his home videos of her in a documentary titled "Kate & Pete: A Love Story." Doherty, who split with Moss last summer, could make $1 million, a source said, adding, "Producers hope he'll let them use a lot of film he and Kate shot on camcorders." But an insider told PageSix.com, "Kate is furious with Pete. She has contacted her lawyers and plans to get an injunction to stop the production." Moss will be horrified if the tapes surface. "Some of it is really raunchy stuff Kate believed would never be seen by anyone else," we're told. "She'll feel betrayed."





    These people are so effed up.


    There was a very interesting article in EW a week or so ago about Sean Young, and how, had it not been for James Woods and everyone else being out to get her, she would have been Julia Roberts. The accompanying photos are good, but unfortunately she looks like a man in drag in most of them.


    I LOVE people like that - it is never them it is really everyone else out to get them. Sadly I have to supervise someone JUST like that. She is always sick, is on pills for everything and it is never ever her fault. Everyone hates her (or so she says) but it is never her fault.


    UNREAL.. thank god for ear phones.


    I read the article. Victim victim victim victim victim. Victim. Boring.

  8. don't know who this is, really, except that they kept showing her "laughing" at Britney at the MTV awards. For the record, she didn't appear to be laughing at Britney, it looked to me like she and her friend were giggling about the fact that one of the stripper poles from the ceiling came down within inches of their heads at the table. Just thought someone should chime in on this.


    Owen did indeed try to commit suicide over Kate, but its not totally her fault.

    I don't know anything about that guy's blog or whether he's full of shit or not, but this line really pissed me off. It's not only not TOTALLY Kate's fault, it's not even a little bit her fault. I don't care if she was a complete bitch to him, sucked face with that Dax guy right in front of Owen, or what. No one is responsible for someone else's suicide attempt, period. The suicide attempt is 100% Owen's fault. He is the only one responsible for it.


    Couldn't have said it better myself!


    I think the spin should be: she obviously made the right decision!

  10. I never get too much "first-hand" gossip here in Boston, but yesterday my husband, two kids and I were strolling around downtown Boston near the Four Seasons and saw Kate Hudson, Ryder, and Dax. I tend to think of her as too thin from the tabloid photos, but she has a great body. Thin, but not too much so with great arms. She was in a pair of very tight jeans. "dadofvande" was quite impressed! ;) As we got a little closer I noticed her skin wasn't too great, but other than that she was looking good.


    Now for her behavior. She was very giggly, pushing Ryder in a stroller and being VERY affectionate with Dax. We happened to be walking in the same direction they were, and every time they got to a corner where they had to wait for a walk signal in order to cross (you know Boston drivers! :D ) they would pretty much make out. Didn't seem like an act to us ... looked like high schoolers in love!!


    Ah, my pet peeve!!! How do celebrities somehow miss the social cues that tell them that humping each other in public isn't impressive? I'm raising teenagers who can't understand why I won't let them make out on the front porch, when assholes like this, GROWN UPS, grind all over each other at each corner in a major city. (I'm more thinking of the repulsive behavior of GMD and Stepford Beard more than Kate and Dax, but it's the same concept) Losers.

  11. Britney Spears would never have had a hit with the song Toxic, if not for Cathy Dennis. Cathy not only wrote the song she sang backup vocals on it. Actually Cathy sang the song and Britney sang a little backup! :lol:


    Cathy Dennis Is Still A Hot Piece


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    Remember Cathy Dennis?! This is a blast from the past. I really think Cathy turned me homo. I mean one listen to her "Move To This" album will turn the straightest of straights into a raging, dick-loving, salad-tossing homersexual. So if you're a straight dude and you want to be gay, just listen to that album and your mouth will start salivating for peen almost immediately. She's like a gay dracula.


    It's nice to see she's still a hot chick and hasn't turned into a plastic victim like most 80s popstars. Here's Cathy at the O2 X Awards in London last night.


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    Odd. I think she's a fug.



  12. Everybody Cut "Footloose" -- Again

    Posted Jul 11th 2007 12:08PM by TMZ Staff

    Filed under: Movies

    Get ready to kick off your Sunday shoes -- Paramount is re-making "Footloose." Oowhee, Marie!


    Zac Efron, of "High School Musical" and "Hairspray" fame, will take on the Kevin Bacon role as the rebellious newcomer in a town where dancing has been banned.


    Let's just hope Zac dances as well with a tractor as Kevin did.

    I can't believe this craptacular film needs a remake, it's perfect trash as is.



    I actually think this one could work if it could they could camp it up, poke fun of itself. But with Zac Efron, not a possibility.




    Stars Team Up for 'The Women'


    Meg Ryan, Annette Bening, Eva Mendes, Jada Pinkett Smith, Debra Messing and Candice Bergen are teaming up for a remake of the 1939 classic The Women. The cast members, who have either signed up for the movie or are on the verge of doing so, will be directed by Diane English, who has spent more than 10 years trying to get the project off the ground. Despite its all-star cast, The Women has a budget of less than $20 million, reports Daily Variety. The 1939 original was directed by George Cukor and starred Norma Shearer and Joan Crawford.


    The Women was perfect. Noone will direct it as well as Cukor and noone will make a better femme fatale then Joan Crawford was.


    It was also the genteel delivery of the snark that made the movie great, the acid spit through a sweet smile. Women aren't trained to act like "ladies" in awkward social situations anymore, so this brand of humor isn't relevant for contemporary times. I vote NO REMAKE!!
