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Posts posted by Serendipity

  1. It's her... she tweeted herself, and everyone says she is TINY in person.

    That's just pathetic. She's a 47-year old woman with a crap load of money, lives comfortably and she spends her time tweeting and taking stupid cell phone photos of herself in a bathroom mirror like a 15-year old Kardashian on a MySpace page. :rolleyes:

  2. Kat Von D isn't really edgy or cool; she's just a tattoed sell-out and it's time for her to go away. No matter who Jesse James is with, that relationship will always be in the shadow of the relationship he screwed up with Sandra Bullock.

  3. here you go:


    Could this be true?!


    A friend of Paris Hilton's says that she is notorious for stashing cocaine in her vagina!


    Say WHAT?


    A source reveals:


    “That’s why the first thing she asked the cops in Vegas was to use the bathroom. She knew it would be her only chance to hide the cocaine and avoid arrest. Paris is not as dumb as she seems.


    "She’s one of the most clever and manipulative people one can ever meet. And she thinks quick, just like she did in Vegas. She has cat like reflexes.”


    The source adds that Paris smuggles drugs in a lubricated condom before hiding it in her vagina when she has to go through airport security:


    “That’s what I’ve heard from a very good source, she’s a pro at it. Paris travels all over the world and parties like a rockstar. I love her but she definitely needs professional help. It’s time she looks at herself in the mirror and realizes she’s not 21 anymore.”




    What do U think?!





    She smuggles a lubricated condom full of coke in her nethers? I don't believe it. A kilo of coke and 4 guys from a Mexican cartel, now THAT I'd believe. That little cubby hole has likely been stretched to the size of the Sahara.


  4. I agree about the jail time, I have no problem with the sentence. I was just surprised at how far Lohan has sank to not rate the extra special treatment that crybaby Paris got in getting out in two hours.

    You're so right about that - she's had a nasty decline and I don't think it's over. When she was more "relevant," so to speak, she had a promising acting career; she's was compelling to watch on the screen and had some talent. Now, she's compelling in a train wreck sort of way. Really sad, but jail could do her some good.

  5. I'm actually shocked that Lohan got more actual jail time then Hilton. I don't care that the circumstances may have been different, these are famous people. It just surprises me that Hilton may be more connected than someone who actually was in a hit movie or two.

    The Sheriff who released Paris Hilton after only 3-days (claiming budget cuts and overcrowding) was really under a lot of public scrutiny and disdain after that action. I don't know if Paris is connected (her father's money... now THAT I'd believe had some pull), but Lindsay has been so bottom-of-the-barrel for years now, that any films under her belt are just a memory and have no influence regarding anything even close to special consideration.


    For what it's worth, I think Lindsay's sentence for basically ignoring a Judge's orders, is appropriate.

  6. I watched two or three episodes this year if I happened across it while channel surfing. It's not so much fun to watch when there are "celebrities" who have lots of dance experience. I liked it when the show centered around celebs that had no background in dance - it was enjoyable to see them improve and to see them really get into what they were doing. I mean really - an Olympic ice skater who does choreographed moves and a Pussycat performer who dances as part of her show? C'mon. Where's the surprise that one of them would win?

  7. She needs to think of the children. Yeah, dad's a vile creep, but they don't need to have mom spilling his secrets far and wide.


    As for the $750 million... Even being cheated on with every ho in town doesn't warrant $150 million/ year.

    I don't think there are any more secrets left to spill. The affairs have been widely publicized, milked and made fun of. It's not like the children won't be able to read juicy details on dad and his girlfriends (who have been more than willing to talk and be seen at every opportunity afforded them) on the internet or in Vanity Fair magazine, so they might as well hear the truth as Mom saw it and lived it. Better than speculation and gossip.

  8. A lesser sentence might not get him the help he needs. Also, he's going to prison (not jail), and in CA that generally means the offenders serve only half of their sentence time before parole release. There is talk in CA of releasing many offenders because

    the budget problems are cutting into the costs to keep criminals in the prisons.

  9. I don't understand why Carrie was all over Pam's performance. Pam was ew.

    My guess is, ratings. Most people wanted to see Pam dance (or shake her implants to the beat of music) and that's why they put her on last. Truthfully, if you put all the "stars" next to the dancers, I can't really tell who's the celeb and who's the professional dancer.

  10. Oh wow. Is Howard Stern even relevant anymore? And Robin Givens - she's nothing more than a sycophant who has inspired no one. Give the kid a break - she's done more in her first job than both of those chuckleheads have done in their combined careers. <_<

  11. Don't shoot me but I would have voted for Avatar. :unsure:


    But congrats to Hurt Locker. It was great to see the cast of three up on stage sharing the moment of glory. And wow, Cameron's ex-wife wins over him?! You go girl!

    I rather enjoyed the irony of Sandra Bullock's heartfelt speech about growing up with the lesson that there are no color barriers, no gender or class barriers and that everyone deserves love... then Barbra Streisand immediately on stage after that to present best director (and why did she present it?) has to distinguish that the best director could make Academy history by either being a woman or an African American. "Hurt Locker" did surprisingly well. And I like that Cameron's ex-wife was seated in front of him too.

  12. Natalie Portman, Vanity Fair Italy, December 2009

    Posted Image


    SHEENA EASTON, anyone?




    :4biggrin: Sheena Easton dragged from the ocean with seaweed around her neck!





    Portman recently revealed she refuses to play Jewish characters in movies.


    Source showbizspy.com

    And what's with Natalie Portman's refusal to play Jewish people?

  13. they have to give their permission to be aired on TV if they don't sign a release they get blurred out. Same as for "Cops" and other shows like that. If you are a minor they automatically blurr the face. I would have my face blurred too...who wants your friends and relatives know you are making an ass of yourself!!!

    One time a film crew came into a local cafe, hovering around a woman and some kids. Then one of the crew's minions scrambled about with release forms for everyone to sign, but wouldn't say what show it was for, only that it was a "lifestyle documentary." Naturally, lots of people declined to sign anything with fine print that was shoved in the faces with little explanations. Later on, someone noticed the "Trading Spouses" truck parked downtown and that's how we found out what show it was.

  14. One thing that I found really annoying, was the amount of not-so-tiny promo icons that Lifetime has on the screen at any given time. There's the 'Project Runway' promo in the lower right, then 'Models of the Runway' promo in the upper right (or vice versa) and then something else popped up as the models first began walking down the runway - maybe that was the 'Models of the Runway' promo. Either way, it blocked full view of the design and very distracting.


    Right now there are too many designers for me to really tell who I like or even figure out who they are. Just glad Tim Gunn is still on!


    ...the restaurant dress looked like what a suicide bomber would wear. What woman in the world would strap a bunch of tubes around her midsection????

    LOL, I saw that and thought the same thing!

  15. was disapppointed with the winner of the All-Star Challenge. -_-


    The designer they sent home was frickin NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

    I completely loved the designer they choose as the winner. :wub: Although this person may have problems in the future because of lack of formal training & skills knowledge, it's a good start.


    But overall, there is some talent. It was just great to see the old crew. :banana: Gotta admit, during the All-Star episode, the judges panel looked awful, lethargic and depressed. I wonder if it was from all the legal crap and indecision?


    But by the time the new season was taped, everybody was back in tip top shape. Especially Heidi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :4biggrin: Damn woman, no wonder Seal keeps tapping that tush......


    (Somebody else please start commenting. :drool: I sooooooooo want to rant about a few knuckleheads on the show. I'm trying to be coy and patient but it's not working for me!)

    Even my boyfriend is hooked on this show. :1smile:


    The All Stars: Korto's collection was really wearable and feminine, but she is such a bitter pill! I didn't really get Daniel's collection at all, but he's a cutie. I hope Chris can slim down - it would be much healthier for him.


    The new season: Did you think the kookie girl they sent home resembled LiLo's gf Sam Ronson at all??? I think I can get past the fact they had LiLo as a judge (although I think her only red carpet experience is the interaction with the biohazard cleanup team sent sterilze where she barfed the contents of her drug addled belly after strolling down the carpet in something torn and thrown over leggings). None of the "best" designs rocked my boat at all. I did like one gown from the first group to go backstage - I don't recall who made it, only that it was a champagne color and the fabric moved like a dream when it came down the runway.


    What do you think of 'Models of the Runway?' I fell asleep before it was over. Just another model show, although thankfully, only 30-minutes long.

  16. OK, am loving Torchwood Children of Earth. I haven't finished it yet though - have watched one and two. Was searching for naked JOhn Barrowman screen captures (episode 2!!) and found a great Youtube video from DVD extras - John singing Anything Goes - I love that song & musical, and also John Barrowman. So Youtube just sucked me in for a good 45 minutes searching for other videos of him singing :4biggrin:


    I LOVED it! I thought it was the best thing they've done with Torchwood! Creepy and brilliant!


    My boyfriend loves this show. I'm not a sci-fi fan and never paid much attention to Torchwood, other than a glance or two if it was on when I was in the living room. But I've gotta say, we TiVo'd the "Children of the Earth" and it was very good! I watched all the episodes and it was indeed "creepy and brilliant' - a spot on description, daq! Not to sound all Gwyneth about British v. US, but one thing I love about the British shows is that they don't drag them on for years like the US shows (hello ER, Friends...) and that they aren't afraid to lose a character (the shows seem more character driven than actor/actress driven) to make the series move in a certain direction.
