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Everything posted by Silliness

  1. Silliness

    Robin Thicke and Paula Patton

    I still can't find the old BIs about Paula Patton cheating (I will keep looking), but it is referenced by Michelle in the Gatecrasher link. I found these old BIs and I think they might apply to these two: Gatecrasher BI from 2007 Holy Moly BI from 2008 Buzzfoto BI from 2012 2DF Entertainment 2013 And here are a slew of BI's Enty revealed yesterday as solved about them:
  2. Silliness

    Jada Pinkett-Smith & Will Smith

    While they did sell their home in Hawaii, I wouldn't say "recently". They sold it in December 2011. I know divorces take time, but only if you want them to.Will & Jada sell Hawaii mansion for $20m. *I'm not saying they aren't headed for a split, but I don't think selling a house nearly 2 years ago is a clue for it. That's all. Yeah that is some poor journalism. A house sold two years ago isn't really recent.
  3. Silliness

    Jada Pinkett-Smith & Will Smith

    I think a divorce is coming (bolding mine)..... Link
  4. Silliness

    Sandra Bullock

    But maybe it is just shock of seeing him with a woman who is his equal on his arm rather than a model du jour, but they do look really good together. They seem really in sync. It is a shame that they would never date. But he can't control her. Maybe they could be really good friends though. I think Sandra would be a great addition to the little Oceans 11 crew of friends. I'd love an Oceans 14 movie. It could be so much fun with her in it.
  5. Silliness

    Miley Cyrus

    No one talking about the Miley trainwreck at the VMAs? One thing that I just cannot understand is why hasn't someone told her before now that she just doesn't have it in her DNA to dance or look sexy. Her body just doesn't move that way. She has no ass, hips or boobs. She has nothing to work. If you go all the way back to four years ago when she was trying so hard on the Teen Choice Awards with Party in the USA she looked ridiculous on that stripper pole. She just comes across as gangly. She is all arms and legs. There is no sex appeal there. And she tries so hard you feel embarrassed for her. She just doesn't have IT no matter how hard she tries. Even her latest music video is really embarrassing and not sexy at all. Her gyrating on the bed or in the bathtub has no sexiness to it at all. No mystery. No excitement. I thought when she cut her hair she was going to go more down the punk rock road like her brother. I think that could have worked for her. Gwen Stefani is edgy and sexy without being slutty. I think she missed the mark on this transition. Actually, I thought she already announced that she was grown up and done with her Disney image during the TCAs with the stripper pole. Her music had matured after that with The Climb and so forth. She did that semi-nude spread in Vanity Fair. She was engaged and she has no qualms about telling us of her drug use. I think we all put it together. I didn't know that we had to have a Part II of the original announcement. She is apparently not going to stop with her ridiculousness. Today she tweeted two pictures of her butt from her new music video. In really ackward positions. In one she looks like she is squatting to take a dump and the other like she lifted her leg to let out a fart. Something has gone berzerk when you can make Ice T's wife Coco's infamous ass shot look classy. I just hope someone from her management team rethinks this whole thing. Even though I could care less whether she succeeds, I still don't want to see her end up like the mess that is Lindsey Lohan.
  6. Silliness


    Season 3 starts soon on BBC America, but I couldn't wait and watched it already. What a scary season! Probably the scariest so far. There was one scene in the first story that made me almost pee my pants, because it is like my worst fear. The stories were really tight. However, I missed Alice. I felt like without that comedic relief it was just a bit too much on the horror side for me. My husband didn't agree entirely, but agrees that when Alice is on screen the whole show gets taken up a notch. Idris Elba knocked it out of the park. He is truly amazing. I hope that they do another season. I know he is pushing hard for a movie, but I don't understand how they would do that. If people don't have the backstory of Alice, then I don't think the movie would make sense to people that had never watched Luther. Plus, I don't want to spoil anything, but I think the movie would have to be a prequel of sorts. I went back and watched Seasons 1 and 2 prior to 3 and I remember that it had taken me some time to get into the show. Like 3 episodes. Now that I know all of the characters, I realized that those first three episodes were really fantastic and the action really starts from the first scene. The dialog is packed with nuggets of info that I didn't catch the first time. I guess for me it just took me some time to figure out all the players and motivations and so that is why it took me so long to get into the show the first time. So if you haven't watched Season 1 and 2 in a while, I highly recommend going back and catching up. You will not be disappointed. I hope we can talk more about this amazing season after it airs here.
  7. Silliness

    Lindsay Lohan still broke and a mess

    First, I don't understand why all these celebs are suddenly backing her, e.g. Oprah. I thought she was a pain to work with because she didn't show up to work due to being out of her mind. And, you know, she is a thief. I would think by now she has burned every bridge. Why is everyone trying to help her out now? It is just so strange that other celebs have gone to rehab and never had this kind of support. I can't figure this one out. Two, she looks better without all that botox. Her duck lips were not attractive. She looks much younger and prettier now that it is all out of her system.
  8. Silliness

    Nicole Kidman

    Her body language is super ackward in the pic. Is she trying to say, don't talk about my empty womb? Is she trying to hold in a fart? IDGI.
  9. Silliness

    Amanda Bynes

    Also, I think her move to NYC made it harder for her parents to get the conservatorship in California. I think she knew that when she moved there. Her move back to Cali was another piece of the puzzle that the parents needed in order to take the steps that they have. I don't have experience with mental illness but I have an uncle that became an alcoholic who refused any form of treatment. My aunt saw an attorney to try to get him the help he needed and the attorney said there was nothing that could be done legally to force him to go into a rehab center. He was occasionally violent (at home) and had been put in jail several times. The police were called many times, but it just wasn't enough. Eventually, and with great sadness, she had enough and had to divorce the love of her life who had become a shell of the person she married thirty years prior. But it is another example of how hard it is to take someone's rights away. I heard on the radio this morning that the Sam guy that was hanging out with Britney before she went crazy has been hanging around Amanda. Things that make you go hmmmmm. The detail being released from inside that facility she is being evaluated at is interesting because it could play into the whole narrative that she is faking this and she is the one leaking it. What a mess, either way! I am glad she is getting the help that she needs. I hope the parents are now able to do the things that needs to be done. I can only imagine how very hard it has been on them to watch her spin out of control with no real power to help her.
  10. Silliness

    Amanda Bynes

    I brought that up on back on Page 3 of the thread. I am in the same boat of skepticism as you are. Then again, faking ( or ACTing with) this level of mental problems is *almost* more psychotic than actually having said disease. I am not trying to undercut how serious of a disease schizophrenia is. I'm trying to say that coming up with the idea to fake the disease, thinking it is a good idea, and then executing that idea demonstrates a mental impairment in its own right. It would be sick and twisted. So either way, she has some serious problems and I hope she finds the help and guidance she needs.
  11. Silliness

    Lady GaGa

    From TMZ on 7/7/13 So any guesses as to what is her big secret? Is this only the Lina Morgana stuff rehashed or is there something more?
  12. Silliness

    Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones

    Well that makes alot more sense. I had completely forgotten he has cancer. I am glad to see him doing better and getting out and about.
  13. Silliness

    Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones

    She looks really skinny and unhealthy (for her). She has always looked good with some curves. This picture of Michael Douglas makes me sad. He was sex on a stick in Romancing the Stone. It just doesn't seem like it was that long ago. I hate to say this, but he isn't aging as well as his father did.
  14. Silliness

    Amanda Bynes

    Are we certain this isn't all an act? Wasn't there a BI about an actress planning to do the full Britney? I think our best guess was this was her.
  15. Silliness

    Natalie Wood case re-opened

    This is from Enty, so take it what you will, but this is related: http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2013/04/...s+and+Nights%29 The first comment has interesting info as well:
  16. Silliness


    After I saw your post, I started researching and it seems she posts pictures of herself smoking joints so at least some of the drug use is confirmed. Sounds like you know that she is into much harder stuff than pot. She also posts very foul and cruel language on her twitter. Sometimes she even is rude to her fans. For example: http://www.sugarscape.com/main-topics/cele...calls-fan-weak- I guess I have not been paying attention but I thought she had a mostly clean public image. I didn't realize that she has been working diligently to undermine that image. Does she not have a publicist or manager to keep this in check? I am no psychic but it doesn't take one to foretell that if she keeps this up there is a backlash that is coming her way. She got a lot of sympathy from the beating and she has been acting out in a very crude and vulgar way since then. At some point, people aren't going to think it is funny anymore. I just hope somebody will come into her life soon that can get her some help. It is really sad.
  17. Silliness


    She is so trashy and gross now. What is sad is that she is so beautiful and talented. It doesn't have to be this way.
  18. Silliness

    Anne Hathaway

    So you are saying the shadows of the darts made it look like her aureolas were showing through on the red carpet? I get what you are saying now. I had thought that the fabric was thin and when the camera was flashing on the red carpet, her aureolas were showing in the pics. I noticed by the time she got on stage some of the problem had been rectified in that area so I assumed that she had gotten a hold of some pasties by the time the show came on. But I now see it could have just been lighting/shadows from the darts. Oh well, it is still not as bad as what fishsticks wore in 2002.
  19. Silliness


    I am so glad there is another fan. Yeah I am sad about the four episodes, but I try to think positively that I would rather have 8 quality hours of television that the 23 hours of crap that shows like Revenge have been putting out this season. I just hope that they can continue to do more season despite Idris is getting so much more work. I adore Alice. I think she is my favorite villian of all time. Maybe not of all time- but she is such an intriguing character. One that I haven't really seen before and I think that is what makes her so fascinating. I kind of hope she doesn't get her own show which rumored. I just don't think I would like her character as well without the sizzling chemistry between her and Luther. But I will watch either way! When they announce the new season, I am going to have to rewatch the whole thing again. It has been so long since I watched I can't remember much about the other characters.
  20. Silliness

    Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23

    I hope they air these in the summer. The network really made a mess of this show. I think the title of the show turned people off to begin with and since this isn't cable they should have changed it. But that is not the most atrocious thing. It is the crazy order that they aired the episodes. The continuity was just terrible. Whoever made the decision to air them out of order like that should be fired. Plus, having it start this season later than any other show didn't help either. But if you can disregard all that, the show is really clever and I am going to miss it.
  21. Silliness

    Downton Abbey

    I know what you are talking about and I agree. Most of the (dark) comedy of the show will be lost without this character. At least Maggie Smith is still there to bring the LOLs.
  22. Silliness

    Anne Hathaway

    I also read Jennifer Aniston also changed her dress because she thought Anne was wearing the Valentino dress. Apparently, she had a similar one picked out from Valentino. What a mess! Someone at Valentino has got to be getting fired over this. Surely they keep charts of these kinds of things. Especially, if they had Anniston in a similar dress as Hathaway. I understand the Seyfried thing since it was another designer, but what I don't understand is why Valentino didn't have some backup options for Anne. Also, what is up with all the nude dresses this year. They don't look that great on the red carpet. The dress Anne originally had picked out would have been beautiful in another color besides nude. In all honesty, the dress she original picked out was much prettier on the runway, but I think with her hair short that dress would have made her look matronly. Especially, if it would have been in nude. I think she would have looked old in it. The Prada dress would have been OK if she just would have worn some pasties.
  23. Silliness

    Jennifer Lawrence

    In my opinion, she was too old to play Katniss. I've only seen the movie but she is portraying a 16 year old and she looks like a 30 year old. Which is why I think she was cast opposite a 40 year old man in SLP. I honestly thought there was going to be some twist where they find out she isn't really 16 but it never came. As far as her acting goes, she did fine. I don't think it was her best performance but that isn't entirely her fault. Her character is a quiet type. Also a good portion of the movie feels like she is just wandering around in a haze or is passed out in the woods. As far as the visuals go, the movie is very entertaining.
  24. Silliness

    Lindsay Lohan still broke and a mess

    You are half right. I just looked it up. Mark Heller is licensed in NY, but is not licensed to practice in California and was once suspended from practicing law for five years. I'm guessing her "benefactor" is connected with this guy somehow and that is how she found him. She certainly cannot afford her legal bills.
  25. Silliness

    Lindsay Lohan still broke and a mess

    Speaking as an attorney, Lindsay hasn't left him very many options to get her out of this mess. So he is just flinging shit against the wall and hoping something sticks. Also, it could not have been easy for her to get an attorney. All of the good ones would have stayed far far away. Especially, since she has a history of not being able to pay her legal bills. Only someone that is a sleazeball or trying to make a name for him/herself would take her case. I don't know where this guy falls on the spectrum, but let's just say that its not all that surprising that she has a shitty defense.