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Everything posted by MC

  1. MC

    Hilary Swank

    Okay, I need to say something here. Yes, wig makers take donated hair. But they put it into a vat and boil it (lots of hair from different donors) and then dye it. There's nothing wrong with taking care of her hair, but it sounds like she thinks that one person is going to get a wig made out of her hair - same color, only her hair - and that's not how it works.
  2. MC

    Ashlee Simpson

    Bogus. You don't do it monthly. It lasts from 3-6 months. Seriously, you'd think they'd pay these morons to at least do their research.
  3. MC

    Janet Jackson

    I can only imagine. But surgery can only do so much. She's obviously lost weight in her face. Drugs? If so, then she must goes off them because she gains back the weight, and rather quickly. I don't get it.
  4. MC

    Helen Mirren

    Respectfully.....I don't think that's fair. It's not my choice that they use unhealthy models. In fact, I really hate it! But not buying the magazine won't do anything about this problem. IMO. I buy magazines to read about fashion, trends, products. I don't see why I should be deprived of gathering this information just because some editor with a self esteem issue is throwing his/her weight around. (No pun intended). Off the soapbox...
  5. MC

    Julia Roberts

    I want a job that I can afford to go off and spend a week in Bali with my buddies after my vacation with my family. He must have areally good benefit program. Not to mention those are two pretty expesnive vacations. Thank goodness he has a good solid job to support two - make that almost three kids, but still get the alone time he needs... Yeah, how do I get a job like that?? You marry a multi-millionaire.
  6. MC

    Antonio Banderas & Melanie Griffith

    Not a lot of talent AND too much plastic surgery that has made her look like a freak. Someone might give her a cameo if she didn't look like The Joker. I've also seen her mom, Tippi Hedren, in a documentary on her wildlife refuge Shambala, and she's a plastic surgery victim, too. Melanie didn't lick it off the grass. I don't mind having some work done, but you have to know when to stop! That, and you have to do your research and I'm not talking about getting recommendations from friends and putting your face/body in the hands of someone you assume will not make you look like a freak. There's no reason to look pulled or frozen anymore. But regarding Melanie, it was her voice that was her best "feature". IMO.
  7. MC

    Antonio Banderas & Melanie Griffith

    Um...is Antonio trying to be supportive here or is this just backhanded?! God, I would die if my husband ever spoke about me like that to others, much less the press! It's bull, IMO. You can totally get rid of wrinkles, especially if you have their money. I think it was very mean of him to say that.
  8. MC

    Fashion Industry News

    Interesting question. While the fashion industry has a lot to do with women's fixation with being thin, they aren't solely to blame. I can see why they'd want their living mannequins to look like toothpicks - the clothes hang better and become something that anyone could envision. Or something like that. BUT, this "ideal" image is perpetuated by the television and film industry, along with the print media. It's one thing to have stick thin models for fashion shows. It's quite another to trumpet that form as the ideal for everyone else. I truly feel that if magazines, films and television would use real-sized people, then we'd see the fashion industry as an artsy showcase and not a measure of what we think we should be.
  9. MC

    Tim Gunn's Guide to Style

    Right I really really try to not let the first physical impression dictate my behavior (except for the obvious dangerous signs). I have learned that there is something hard-wired in us that recognizes visual clues and makes judgments instantly. I don't use the word "judgements" in a negative way, by the way. But we do categorize and file impressions and we really don't have a lot of control over the first impression we receive. It's what you do with that information that matters. Okay, now I need to get cleaned up and get out of here.
  10. MC

    Tim Gunn's Guide to Style

    You'd think that with the advent of the Food Channel, people would be cooking more. Apparently not. When I know I need to get dressed early in the morning and look great for a meeting or something, I choose the outfit the night before and hang everything on the closet door. It's not rocket science, it's just planning ahead. I think it all boils down to much more personal issues - do we deserve this or that? Are we okay with being different from the norm? (Norm being dressing like everyone else, running out for a packaged salad with everyone else, being chronically stressed and overextended like most everyone else). Not necessarily. Clothing sends a message. You build that message on the pieces. If you have the same stuff to choose from, the nuances of a message can't be addressed. I know this all sounds silly, but I really believe it's true. Maybe the message is, "I don't give a f&ck" (about myself or what you think of me). But it can also say, "I'm too busy to think about personalizing my look" or "I'm strong and capable and I won't pull out any personal stuff during work." But it goes beyond just clothing. How (or if) you take care of yourself also adds to the total impression. Is your hair clean and groomed? Do you take care of your skin? Are your nails grooomed? Do you add a little makeup (even lip gloss polishes a look) to finish the look? Sorry - I get carried away sometimes. I work in appearance therapy and the whole subject of how others see us (and why) fascinates me.
  11. MC

    Tim Gunn's Guide to Style

    Yes, it's the tone. Or they'll apologize for how they look when they honestly look fine. When my kids were in school, I noticed that the mothers were also in their own "school mentality." I was an outcast, I certainly wasn't one of them. And they let me know it. I can't really explain how they do it, but they do. It's like when you're not chosen for someone's team on the playground. They all used no makeup and wore sweats or shorts and tanks. Hair was either bedhead or a pony tail. They ran the PTA and all of the classroom social events. And if you weren't one of them, then you were nobody! I dress for myself. It's my own standard. I'm not anal about it. Some days I'm totally shabby, but nowadays, I think before getting dressed and although I LOVE skirts, I don't wear them as much. It's sad really, because I love clothes. I love the artsy part of making up an outfit (and I'm really conservative). I like looking pulled together. I think it's sign of respect to everyone else who has to share a space with me. Plus, I'm one of those horrid Virgos and we hate being criticized by anyone. We already do that to ourselves before we ever leave the house! Not sure if any of this made sense.
  12. MC

    Tim Gunn's Guide to Style

    Laziness. I agree with this, but I also think there's something else involved. I belong to a Dinner Club. This is a group of professionals who entertain each other in our homes with dinner (not gourmet), wines, conversation, etc. Last month I wore a skirt to the dinner and you'd think that I had committed a crime! Excuse me for looking nice or put together! I have found, in some circles, if one woman grooms herself everyday, she becomes an outcast. I've never driven a minivan, I don't shop in sweats, I always comb my hair and put on at least sunglasses and lipstick before I subject others to seeing me. But this isn't okay with some people.
  13. MC

    America Ferrera

    Now it makes sense. Last night, Entertainment Tonight (or the Insider) had a little blurb about America's size. They said she's a six or an eight. Now I get it - it was designed to make people think she has slimmed down so the fictional cover won't be such a huge surprise.
  14. MC

    Gisele Bundchen

    Probably totally made up by tabloids. It gives them something to write about. We all know that if there's no news, they'll make something up.
  15. MC

    Hilary Swank

    She certainly is in shape, but that suit looks odd on her. For one thing, it needs straps. But it's like she's trying to be girly. So that begs the question - is she gay? She's always pinged for me.
  16. MC

    Jenna Jameson

    I saw her on some entertainment show the other day, talking about having her breast implants removed. I thought at the time that since she's gone the anorexic way, having the boobs makes her weigh more and that's why she wanted them out. But I also realized that she's had lots of facial work done and it's obvious that she went to the same butcher that others go to. He must be a real smooth talker. It appears that she's had a face lift, brow lift, nose whittle, lips, teeth, and maybe cheek implants. I swear that so many women in the business are ending up looking alike these days! They do everything because one doctor talks them into it. It must be easy to do with all of these stars who have such low self esteem. I think she ruined her looks. Also- the lower abdomen on women usually has a little pooch. She has no pooch. That tells me that she most likely had some fat removal in that area. IMO.
  17. MC

    Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones

    I never liked her all that much, but I have to say - I liked her in "No Reservations" and so did my husband. She actually showed some emotions and didn't seem to be too diva-ish.
  18. MC

    Star Jones

    LOL! So how's that working for you Star? With her new thing for being honest, should we start a countdown to the divorce? First we need to hear whispers about trouble in paradise. Will this come on the heels of this first step in repairing her image? Stay tuned.
  19. MC

    Celebs Getting Airbrushed 2

    I wonder, do their agreements with these photographers state that the originals are deleted? Otherwise, we'd have all sorts of blackmail material held back. In the "olden days" before airbrushing, they had to look pretty good to begin with. But not now.....
  20. MC

    Celebs Getting Airbrushed 2

    Exactly! If you have to look for the captions to see who it is....... that's crazy. Thanks leaivory for posting the pics
  21. MC

    Celebs Getting Airbrushed 2

    I think that looks pretty much like CZJ. This one, of Jennifer Garner doesn't look at all like her to me. What is it with giving everyone Jennifer Aniston's chin? Edit: Interesting, the pic showed up when I posted it. It's on this webpage: LINK Scroll down and click on the one that's a cover on the left. (And while scrolling check out her "asian eyes" in the second picture down where she's wearing the blue skirt!)
  22. MC

    Celebs Getting Airbrushed 2

    Wow! They even photoshopped in her right arm! It's too bad that the "ideal" is still the bone look.
  23. MC

    Oprah Winfrey

    I'm not sure how this story got overlooked but I don't see it in this thread. My question is: How can Oprah get away with these kinds of remarks? From Fox News Oprah Tells Howard Grads Not to Be 'Slaves' to 'Selling Out,' Addresses Black Youth Sunday, May 13, 2007 WASHINGTON — The hope of her grandmother, a servant in 1950s Mississippi, was that the young Oprah Winfrey would "get some good white folks" to work for, the star talk-show host recalled Saturday. "I regret that she didn't live past 1963 and see that I did get some really good white folks — working for me," Winfrey told an estimated 30,000 people gathered for graduation ceremonies at Howard University, one of the nation's most prominent historically black universities. Winfrey drew repeated big cheers from the moment she took the stage on the university's main quadrangle to address the 2,300 members of the class of 2007 — 50 years after the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke at Howard's commencement. "I stand here as a symbol of what is possible when you believe in the dream of your own life," Winfrey said. "Don't be afraid. All you need to do is know who you are." The 53-year-old, whose show has remained the top-rated talk show for 20 consecutive seasons, said her success comes from maintaining her principles and serving others. "My integrity is not for sale, and neither is yours," Winfrey said, recalling times when she was under pressure to change course or avoid topics to help boost television ratings or keep advertisers. "Do not be a slave to any form of selling out." Winfrey recalled how early in her career at a TV station in Baltimore, executives told her she was "too big" and "too black" and "too emotional." She said they tried to have her TV name changed to "Susie" because it would be more familiar, but she refused. Finally Winfrey was put on a talk show, she said, to run out her contract. "And that was the beginning of my story," she added. Winfrey also spoke of what she called a crisis with the nation's black youth. "They don't know what you know. They're falling and they're failing. They're dropping out at rates of 50 percent and higher because we, our generation, didn't teach them who they are," Winfrey said. "We have a responsibility to raise them up, to lift them up, to save them, to liberate them from themselves." Hugh Duckett, 38, of Baltimore, graduated with his wife Diane Duckett. They both earned master's degrees in divinity and are associate ministers in Catonsville, Md. "Oprah's speech was powerful," he said. "She showed us what our vision is and our call to give back — to be the men and women that God called us to be." Mothers, fathers, sisters and cousins crowded onto the Howard University campus. Some 18,000 people sat on the quadrangle, while others filled the football stadium and 10 other sites on campus, university spokeswoman J.J. Pryor said. Rhonda Williams traveled from Cleveland to see her 21-year-old daughter Ashley Williams graduate with an accounting degree. She said Winfrey's opening of an academy for girls in South Africa was inspiring for her as a teacher. Winfrey was awarded an honorary doctorate in humanities for her generosity, which Howard President H. Patrick Swygert said "inspires all of us to grow." "You see with a journalistic eye and intellect, but you tell the complete story with your heart," he told her. The new degree drew calls of "Doctor Oprah" from the crowd. When it came time for her to speak, Winfrey echoed African American studies scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr., of Harvard University, who also was awarded an honorary degree Saturday. "You can receive a lot of awards in your life. But there is nothing better" — she paused to wipe away tears — "there is nothing better than to be honored by your own."
  24. MC

    Oprah Winfrey

    I has always bugged me that it's always Oprah on the cover, and airbrushed to within an inch of her life. After that first Harper's cover where they sculpted her arms away, I think she's been hooked on the magic of digital editing. Looks like the old empire may be showing a few cracks here and there. Dad felt he had to announce he was writing a book. Did he need a raise in his allowance? But other people now feel it's okay to criticize the big O. I say it's about time! I really think she's gotten too big for her own britches ( ).
  25. MC

    Leonardo DiCaprio

    Good for him! Seriously, sometimes the reporters sound so stupid. I know that Leo has been very environmentally oriented since 2000 - at least. He's been pretty consistent with it. Part of his official website has been dedicated to environmental issues (and has been for years.) I'm glad he slapped that snotty remark down!