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Posts posted by MC

  1. I'm not sure why everyone is sooooo sure there has been infidelity or that it was a "marriage of convenience." Just because they are prominent Democrats? Please. People grow apart, particularly when one or both has an all-consuming career.

    And when one of them achieved so much on a lie. The evidence is clear and I doubt that Tipper hasn't read about it. HE is obviously totally in denial and out of control. I wouldn't stay with that either. He must be going CRAZY trying to maintain his (false) image. At least she won't be a broke divorcee!

  2. I agree about Len. Totally uncool.


    I have to say I agree with the result. Nicole really did an amazing job. Having people who have danced before (albeit another form of dance) does make it cooler to watch IMO. They have to step up as well.


    But Erin - with only her cheerleading behind her - was awesome. She would have won if there were no other dancers in the mix.


    I think Derek is amazingly talented. His routines are incredible. I don't know about objecting to Derek and Mark celebrating. It is about them as well. The show did backgrounds on the professionals this year, to humanize them. I think the professionals are part of the show's family. So yeah, I think it is okay if he celebrates. Imagine how hard it must be to train someone to do what you do, while they're also doing other things in their professional lives.


    Kelly Monaco (in the audience) looked so bored. I don't think she wanted to be there!

  3. Peeked at the story in the checkout line. From scanning it, it appears that the "scandal" is that people are saying the kids look like they could have Downs Syndrome, not that they do. Talks about the parents being upset that anyone would think that. Much ado about nothing...

  4. What a fun link. I love looking at pretty things!


    The dresses on Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Lopez and Emma Watson - they are just too low cut. What I mean by that is they're look like they about to fall out of them unless the girls slouch over slightly. At least Emma Watson had a fail-safe with one shoulder intact.

    I thought Taylor Swift looked very sweet.

    I love Chloe Sevigny. She has a smoking hot bod but she dresses so strangly I can't fathom what got her there. However, she is consistent to her own style and that's what I like about her.

  5. Very sweet photos but MAN, it looks like Sandra's had work done... am I mis-judging cheek implants, nose refining and eye-lift?

    I think she had her nose refined a long time ago, but I don't see anything else. I think she just takes care of herself. She probably does something like IPL to keep wrinkles and fine lines away.

  6. ,,,she is adopting 3 1/2-month-old boy, Louis Bardo Bullock as a single parent..... and brought Louis home in January

    Wow, she's goooood. All of that publicity and nobody has spotted an infant? I wonder who took care of him when she fled to Texas just after the cheating scandal broke. She has been under a microscope since before the Oscars and no sign of an infant. Ever. I wonder who is taking care of this baby??


    ETA: People Magazine has a picture!

  7. I'm calling shenanigans on last night's scoring. Evan got the same scores as Chad, Niecy and Jake? Really? It might not have been his best dance, but it was still much better than the others. I just don't like Nicole, she bugs, especially since she was whining a few weeks ago that she was an 'artist'.

    I think the judges know how the voting stands (historically) and take that into account with their scoring. We knew they wanted Kate gone and she was. They want Chad to stick around and they know that Evan's fans will save him. I'd like to see Jake gone tonight.

  8. So who is next? Maybe Jake's 15 minutes are finally up?


    And if so... let's start a pool about when he and Vienna will split up. Of course, they'll blame the DWTS show and his need to concentrate on dancing. Vienna doesn't seem to be getting the press I thought she had done this for. Or maybe they'll stay together until after the new Bachelorette show is finished airing? That way, they will almost surely be brought back into the limelight a few times.

  9. Didn't he say once that he wouldn't even think of getting married until he's 28? I think he turns 28 in June. Besides, Kate needs time to live as royalty before her husband takes the throne. ;)

    I wonder what happened to Edward and Sophie. They sure keep a low profile!

  10. Suri just turned four, so if the contract (as originally rumored) is five years, it is coming to a close. I still think it is karma that Suri looks so much like her daddy, ... and it ain't Tom.

    In December, right? ;)


    The NE is pretty good at breaking true stories (OJ, John Edwards). They must have something to put that out there. I mean surely, he's not going to "confess" that he doesn't have male lovers or use drugs. Right?

  11. Just knew this was coming around again :angry3: I'm completely against it because I don't believe the push has anything at all to do with "saving the planet", it's all about the money to be made from all of us over this business and pretending otherwise is bs.

    Exactly! Look :) We agree sometimes!


    The problem is that Congress voted against it so Obama gave the powers to the EPA. Congress knows that if they don't pass something, Obama will order the EPA to issue the guidelines he wants. I really wish someone would start an environmental movement that is based on being environmentally-friendly, without the gloom and doom, "save the planet or die" kind of motivator. It seems that we can't be trusted to do the "right thing" (clean air, clean water), so it will be done for us (even if the reasons are bogus). I'm so pissed that the scientific community was complicit in this! We used to be able to trust scientists. Now we can't.
