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Everything posted by hedda_louella

  1. hedda_louella

    Ryan Phillippe

    Yep. I agree with your assessment of both of them and I kinda dig that "I'm not playing" thing from him.
  2. hedda_louella

    Ryan Phillippe

    Ted, as always, is right on track. I've heard these stories for years.
  3. hedda_louella

    Ryan Phillippe

    I've heard good things about Stop-Loss for quite a while. I also heard that Reese's peeps put on the pressure to make sure Ryan's Iraq War movie wouldn't compete with her own Iraq War Movie. I peevishly hope that his does better than hers. I'm probably going to see it this weekend too. Maybe sooner. I think the US Weekly cover sucks the big one, and by that I don't mean.... I'm trying to think of someone with a huge dick but I can't. Oh well. Anyway, I don't think that it's any coincidence. It's like Jen and Brad all over again - only Jen and Brad were better at this shit than Reese and Ryan will ever be. Ryan doesn't even seem like he's playing. If his Iraq movie outstrips hers - I think her head will explode. Put THAT on the cover of US Weekly and I'll buy the fucking thing.
  4. hedda_louella

    Jessica Alba

    When has Nikki Sixx ever created great art? Or helped anyone, for that matter? This is the Motley Crue guy you're talking about, right? Nevermind. Clearly we have different tastes and standards regarding what constitutes musical greatness. I'll stick with Ella Fitzgerald. I do pretty much hate Amy Winehouse and I think I've been fairly clear about that, although I have her two CD's and they aren't bad. And of course I stand by my opinion, as you stand by yours. I wonder, if we didn't stand by our opinions what would be the point in having them? If someone comes along with a convincing argument in favor of a differing opinion, I'm happy to listen to it or read it. If it's convincing, I'll change my mind. In the Amy Winehouse v. Ella Fitzgerald discussion, that hasn't happened. I'm sorry that your participation in this conversation has exhausted you. I found it slightly irritating and somewhat bizarre but it hardly reached the level of exhausting. Anyway, there are lots of other celebs to discuss who will not, one hopes, be quite so tiring.
  5. hedda_louella

    Ryan Phillippe

    Good luck to Ryan and Abbie - I kind of like both of them. I can't believe they are still pimping this Reese and Jake fiasco. Hellooo PR morons, it FAILED. Move on please.
  6. hedda_louella

    Whoopi Goldberg

    Wow. I saw this when it was originally produced in the 70's and it was fantastic. I'm really glad she's reviving it, it's a brilliant show and deserves another go round. I love Whoopie.
  7. hedda_louella

    Robin Williams

    Ahem. She was a nanny for his children. While she was his children's nanny, they had an affair that split up his marriage. Still, she actually managed to marry and last for 19 years with him. For a nanny, she'll end up very well taken care of financially.
  8. hedda_louella

    50 Cent

    I think this is how you get yourself shot again, Fifty. Idiot.
  9. hedda_louella

    Jessica Alba

    Um, she's only put out two albums. I have both of her CDs. Frank is pretty good but I prefer the two covers she did to anything she actually wrote on it. Other than that, I don't have terrifically strong feelings about Frank. I liked it better than Back to Black, if that tells you anything. No, she began singing with a jazz band as a teenager, after she dropped out (quelle surprise) of school at 15 (or was it 14?). She's been a professional singer for more than ten years and yet.... she's still totally unprofessional. That's a pretty big IF you've got going there, especially since she's shows no likelihood of pulling herself out of the gutter hell she's created any time soon - nor ever, really. I'd take her in a Dead Pool any day. Writing and singing are completely different disciplines and are rightly judged separately. Singing and performing brilliantly on a consistent basis is, arguably, more difficult than writing a song. At least that's what singer-songwriters say about it. Wino's talented, as I believe I mentioned before, but she's no Ella Fitzgerald or Billie Holiday, as I believe I've also mentioned before. She will never have a career in their realm. It's not simply because she doesn't have the same talent and power but because their realm of American popular music doesn't exist anymore. Nowadays there are too many competing forms of entertainment. At any rate, this conversation is getting pretty circular, no? And I stand by mine that it is an incredibly stupid thing for Alba to have said, as well as being completely wrong. But we're lucky, time will prove whether Amy Winehouse has a popular career that lasts for decades and gets the acclaim and respect that Ella Fitzgerald earned, or not. My money's on "not" and we shall see. In the meantime, I'll take her father's advice (or was it Blaaaaaaake's parents?). I won't buy her music again. Why support her junkie self-destruction trip? We've seen this movie before. It ends with an ugly OD on a dingy bathroom floor.
  10. hedda_louella

    Justin Timberlake

    Okay, I absolutely love Lyle Lovett so I'll have to see this movie. Actually, Jeff Bridges is usually very good and Harry Dean Stanton is almost always brilliant. Together they'll wipe out the Justin Factor.
  11. hedda_louella

    Carmen Electra

    Sure does. So what happened to Joan Jett? I thought they were an item. Maybe she can't afford to turkey baste with Joan because they're both pretty much broke at this point.
  12. hedda_louella

    Dolly Parton

    I had no idea she put out a new album. I'm friggin' THRILLED to buy it, especially if she put it out onher own label and gets all the money. Dolly's one celeb that I am more than happy to support in anything she does. Except I hate amusement parks so I'll never go to Dollywood.
  13. hedda_louella

    Milla Jovovich

    Ooh! I don't know the Lost chick, because I don't watch Lost but the rest of the cast and the scary-murderers plot line look pretty fab to me. I've loved Tim Olyphant since The Girl Next Door in which he was incredibly funny. And evil. I kept waiting for him to let loose in the latest Die Hard (which I kinda liked) but they kept him buttoned down for the most part. He gives great crazy/scary/funny. He was majorly buttoned down in Deadwood but I love, love, loved that series anyway. Anyway, I will now be looking forward to this flick. I like Jovovich and Steve Zahn is always worth the price of admission.
  14. hedda_louella

    Helen Mirren

    How incredible as a successful accomplished woman she is still "defending" her decision not to have children. Yep. She gets asked about it in EVERY interview. I think it's weird to require that she explain it over and over. I think they're waiting for her to express her deep regret about not having any little demons but she never does. Good for her.
  15. hedda_louella

    Miley Cyrus

    Hey! She's gonna need that name back when she starts stripping. She'll regret this, I tell you. Haha! Good point! Well, she can always change it back.
  16. hedda_louella

    Beyonce and Jay-Z

    That is some damn child abuse right there. Not just JonBenet-ing the little girls but the clothing itself is tacky, cheap looking and ATROCIOUS - as always from Mama Knowles. Does no one have the balls to tell that woman her clothing line is the fugliest thing ever?
  17. hedda_louella

    Julianne Moore

    She's so despised that I'd bet money it was her lack of charisma and overt hideousness that sank that flick. She's a two-time Oscar winner, as a co-star (on paper) she looks good. P.S. I Love You was, ostensibly, a good change-up from sand and blood for Butler. And I'm sure he was well paid. I've only seen him in a few things and they were all macho-macho roles. Perhaps my doubts about his ability to carry it off are my own prejudice coming to the fore. God knows that Swank is the most repulsive A-lister I've seen in years. Her massacred performance in The Black Dahlia made me swear off of ever seeing her in anything again. Brilliant novel, shit film. Of course now I'm wondering about the romcom with Butler, because I like him. In any event, CZJ is no Hilary Swank. He stands a much better chance with her. I'll certainly give it a look but I have my doubts.
  18. hedda_louella

    Julianne Moore

    Idiots. None of those movies made decent money. Poor Gerard Butler, so handsome and that bod in 300 was to die for. So his romcom with Hilary Swank tanked - quelle surprise. I think he's better off in sand and swords flicks for now. He can do the heroic/larger than life thing while not everyone can. Romantic comedy is something else altogether. I'm not sure he has the right touch for them. Zeta Jones should be able to pull them off, but hasn't thus far. She's better with the femme fatale roles. Well, one thing's for sure - no co-star romance.
  19. hedda_louella

    Anne Hathaway

    what family tragedy? Somebody died, no idea who it was though.
  20. hedda_louella

    Celeb Acts of Charity

    Oh for fuck's sake - can that dreadful woman not leave ANYONE in peace? Jesus. I love Simon just the way he is and I don't want the saggy, sanctimonious old cow polluting him with her batshit crazy ego problems. He's FINE. He just needs to stay away from loony bitches like Oprah. (insert Chris Crocker's Britney video voice) LEAVE SIMON ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!
  21. hedda_louella

    Jenny McCarthy

    I don't actually like either of these two individually, but I kind of like them as a couple. After what uber-ho/golddigger Lauren Holly put him through, I don't blame him for having no interest in getting married ever again.
  22. hedda_louella

    Jada Pinkett-Smith & Will Smith

    Wee Tom used to pretend he wasn't a $cieno too, until he was "outed" and had to admit it. As I recall, it prompted something of a career crisis for Wee Tom at the time. I don't believe any of them - Will, Jada and Kimora are all fucking $cienos. And Smith can fucking spare us the "you don't have to be a $cieno to hang with Tom Cruise" bullshit. You actually DO have to be a fucking $cieno to hang with him and everyone knows it.
  23. hedda_louella

    Paul & Stella McCartney clan

    Did anyone else catch this? Obviously the reporter also feels the wheelchair was a sympathy ploy. One that did not work ! Not to defend the peg-legged skank or anything, but I believe she was in a wheelchair for a short time early on in the split. Her leg was being adjusted or refitted or whatever the procedure is that people have to go through with their prosthetics from time to time. Anyway, if lawyer Fiona Whatshername called Ol Pegleg names, good. Mills will be a figure of ridicule and contempt for the rest of her life. She also won't be giving that money to charity the way she said she would. She's already crying poor over the settlement, bitching about airfare for the kid. Stupid cow. I'm glad the judge publicly called her an incompetent and a liar.
  24. hedda_louella


    Yikes! Thanks BobbyD, I did not hear about that. How weird for that dog, I've never even heard of such a thing and I've had dogs and pools all of my life. Anyway, that makes what the previous writer said even worse! She stops to save a stray dog on the freeway and she has to take shit from some asshole about her tragically dead dog? Fuck him! (Or her, as the case may be)
  25. hedda_louella

    Miley Cyrus

    Good move. Miley Ray sounds kind of country but Destiny Hope is nothing but trailer trash.