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Everything posted by hedda_louella

  1. hedda_louella


    Pardon? Why would they say something so nasty? Did a dog ever end up dead in Pink's pool? Did a person ever end up dead in Pink's pool? If so, I never heard about it. Anyway, hurrah for Pink. I'm so glad she stopped and tried to save that dog. She may be crude and abrasive and whatever else but she's got a good heart. Her song to the President with the Indigo Girls is one of my faves of last year.
  2. hedda_louella

    Paul & Stella McCartney clan

    Riiiiight. She became a litigating person only after she'd had attorneys working on this case for her for at least two years. Stupid cow. If people take her advice seriously, they'll end up in a world of hurt and with very little money to show for it. In divorcing billionaire Paul McCartney, she was obviously going to get a decent settlement. Other litigants won't be so lucky. Mills wouldn't have been that lucky without the prior work and case files of all the lawyers she fired. God, I can't stand this skank. It's good to know that she can't move out of England. She'd make a beeline for Hollywood and we have enough golddigging bitches out here already. We're full up!
  3. hedda_louella

    Snoop Dogg

    Oh my god..... It's been a good 10-15 years since the last time I watched the show but I REMEMBER LT. ED HALL! I don't remember the affair or the adoption, I think that was before my time. I'm glad something was before my time, these days that is so often not the case. Thanks for the Nikki confirmation, I wasn't sure I remembered it correctly. It's good to know that Dorian Lord is being played by the fabulous Robin Strasser. She was so great in that role, I remember being sad when I heard she'd packed it in. Go party with Snoop, Dorian! Please PM me with any shocking developments that have occurred over the past few years! Did Nikki come back to life? Is Bo still married to that icky woman? (He can't be - his character must have been married a half dozen more times by now. To twenty year old twits.) And what about Adam and his twin, Stuart the retarded guy? ETA: Sorry, my bad. I think Adam and retarded Stuart are from All My Children. I used to watch all three ABC soaps and it's been so friggin' long I can't keep the characters straight anymore.
  4. hedda_louella

    What Ever Happened to.....?

    I have no idea, I don't even know who this chick is but if it's her and her face used to be more oval with less pronounced cheekbones, I call chicken cutlets.
  5. hedda_louella

    Snoop Dogg

    Is she still played by Robin Strasser? She was fabulous as Dorian. I heard she left the show, then I think I heard that she came back. It's been so long I really don't know but she was always my fave. Vickie Lord, not so much. I liked her hooker/skank alter-ego thing when she had a multiple personality disorder but that was years ago (unless they brought Evil Nikki back to life! It was Nikki, right?). I can't even imagine how many times these characters have been married by now, nor to whom! Anyway, bring on the Snoop, god knows they need him. As I recall, Llanview was basically a restricted community.
  6. hedda_louella

    Snoop Dogg

    Snoop comes to Llanview - kinda makes me sad that I stopped watching soaps all those years ago. But now see, what he really needs is to go there and get Dorian Lord stoned out of her mind. (I don't even know if her character's on the show anymore but if she is, that's the chick I want Snoop to smoke out.)
  7. hedda_louella

    Scarlett Johansson

    Stretch marks alert - our-left/her-right boob! You can't be slinging around cans like that without getting stretch marks. Sorry, Scarjo, but you've reached that point in your young, mammary enhanced career, when it's time to break out the body make-up.
  8. hedda_louella

    Heather Locklear

    Actually more of a jock chaser than a skirt-chaser. At least that I've ever heard. Heather, lovely girl though she is, has a bigger problem with coke than she does with booze. Pierce Brosnan is a god among men. Love him, love him, love him.
  9. hedda_louella

    Justin Timberlake

    Oh my. You know, I rarely (if ever) find myself feeling sorry for uber-pussy Justin Timberlake but I kind of do at the moment. He's been getting those 3:00 am drunk-dial calls from her for years and years.
  10. hedda_louella

    Heather Locklear

    Anti I understand the frustration but you are not seriously asking that question. It's all about fuckability and that's valid for the women AND the men. TV and films are vehicles for the audience to project their sexual fantasies. When that goes, or the suits are afraid it's gone, they become beloved character actors. You know this is true. There is a grey area of sorts. In certain roles, older actresses are allowed to be sexy but they are few and far between. Renee Russo caught one with that remake of the Thomas Crown Affair. They come up occasionally. On television, there are the Joan Collins and Linda Evans parts although there used to be more of them. Are there sexy cougars on the hour-long dramas now? Older businesswomen, doctors, cops or lawyers or something? I can't think of any but I miss a lot of programs. Those Desperate Housewives are at least in their 40s (except Longwhoria) and they are allowed to be sexy. Most women over 40 are relegated to mom roles. Older actors are allowed to play romantic/sexual leads far longer than actresses but even for them, it runs out eventually. Then it's character parts to the grave.
  11. hedda_louella

    Heather Locklear

    No, she doesn't need the money but she wants to work. She needs to lay off the self-pity-party and embrace her inner Joan Collins. If she does that, she'll work for another 15-20 years.
  12. hedda_louella

    Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones

    Both CZJ and Sharon Stone shave off about 10 years. I remember the BI you're talking about but I can't remember which 10-years-older chick was the answer. LOL! Sharon Stone allegedly turned 50 this week. I couldn't stop laughing. She's got to be over 55 for sure. Well preserved, but older nonetheless. CZJ is probably in her late 40's. I also cracked up at Stone's turning "50" this week. Honey, please. Her first nosejob is 50. Great surgeon she's using these days, you have to give her that. (Or she's slowly sucking the lifeblood out of those three aryan boys she adopted. I don't think I want to know.) With CZJ, I agree with you on her age. Her surgeon's not as good as Sharon's. You know, I can't help but like the set of balls on Mrs. Douglas. I know she's a greedy cow and I don't usually admire people who get to the top on something other than talent. With CZJ it's different. She's so blatantly opportunistic and shady that I kind of dig it. She's an old-school bitch and she got her shit the old fashioned way - she earned it (sometimes on her knees). Plus, she always dresses. You won't catch her going out looking like half-baked hell. (Well, okay, some pap's probably caught her at some point but it's rare. At least she's trying.) Anyway, she nabbed an Oscar based on average beauty, average skill and average smarts. Well, that and hard work. CZJ's lazy but she will actually work when it's necessary. From what she started with, she's done remarkably well. She must be able to suck the chrome off a bumper.
  13. hedda_louella

    Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones

    I think she dropped out of school and went to work in theater when she was very young so that kind of proof may be hard to come by. However, even back then she was rumored to be shaving years off of her age. She convinced people that she was a precociously talented young teen when she was years older and far more experienced. I'm not sure what would account for the first-she's-younger and then-she's-older thing. I mean, obviously she plays games with her age but that sounds like she got caught doing it. They say she was busted for it at the White House. The same people say the same thing about Sharon Stone. You can fool most of the people most of the time but you can't fool the United States Secret Service.
  14. hedda_louella

    Heather Locklear

    Your friend has her pegged exactly and she didn't change at all after she hit big on Melrose. She's always been a sweetheart and a consummate professional. You never get any diva shit from her. I think her current troubles are a dreadful shame. And seriously, if Aaron Spelling were still alive, she'd be well taken care of. He knew who'd made him his fortune and he always treated them well. Look at all the chances he gave to that selfish, evil cow Shannen Doherty! There are a few stories about him with other women during his "Felicia" marriage but they're mostly for show (as was that marriage). There are a lot more stories about him with other men. As far as I know, the dude's gay. I don't blame Heather for dating him right now. After the Sambora marriage and that coke-fuelled hell with David Spade, she probably just wants a photo-op-friendly guy she can make appearances with - no strings attached. Of all the celebrity trainwrecks in this town, she's one I'd really like to see pull out of it intact. Good luck to her.
  15. hedda_louella

    Heather Locklear

    She is one of the nicest, easiest to get along with people I've met in this business but to say she's doing just fine is a load of horseshit. She is deeply depressed over her divorce and - especially - her age. She knows that she can't play the sex vixen anymore and figures her career is over. It's not - lord knows Joan Collins has been around forever. Heather can play those aging vixen roles too, but she's got to put away the fucking mini skirts and face reality. She'a a mamabitch now, not a sexybitch. She's over-drugging with pills, booze and way Way WAY too much coke. She needs some serious professional help. That gay guy she's dating is no friggin' help at all. I hope that those pricks who've made millions off of her bony ass all these years will step up and see to it that she gets some treatment. I wish Aaron Spelling were still alive. He ADORED her and he'd make damn sure that she had a shrink, a long stint in private de-tox and a fucking job.
  16. hedda_louella

    Brittany Murphy

    Yah, you betcha. I was actually thinking Ivana Trump but Melanie's another excellent comparison.
  17. hedda_louella

    Janet Jackson

    She's as dumb as a box of rocks (with all due respect to the perfectly lovely boxes of rocks among us). Also, she's on some kind of drug regimen, I don't know what the fuck it is but it includes opiates, that's for sure. Maybe she needs painkillers from all that "discipline" she's into. Of course, Mariah's no better but maybe she's holding her shit together more this week.
  18. hedda_louella

    Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones

    Both CZJ and Sharon Stone shave off about 10 years. I remember the BI you're talking about but I can't remember which 10-years-older chick was the answer.
  19. hedda_louella

    Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones

    You were thinking that 20 years ago, when he made those movies, he looked a lot better I too love him in A Chorus Line I had a crush on him during The Streets of San Francisco he was hot when he was young. Now he's just a hot mess.
  20. hedda_louella

    Tim Gunn's Guide to Style

    Seriously, Tim Gunn should rule the world. Fuck Obama AND Hillary - Gunn '08!
  21. hedda_louella

    Robert Downey Jr.

    We just went through this argument last year with that stupid ho Angelina Jolie. Blackface is unacceptable. The End.
  22. hedda_louella

    Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones

    That's nowhere near every inch his age - he's had more surgery than Cher. Well, okay, not really but then so few have had more surgery than our beloved Cher. Still, remember those old pics of Douglas' facelift scars gaping open? Eww. At least they've healed up. That's a hell of a case of rosacea he's got going. Too much drinking, drugs and whoring around all those years, not to mention too much sun in his tax haven legal residence of Bermuda. ETA: I forgot to agree that he's looking as old as Methuzelah - he is aging rapidly despite his surgeries.
  23. hedda_louella

    Miley Cyrus

    You mean.... she's NOT 25? WTF? Kids may like her, her mom may be keeping her out of the Tinsel Town crack dens but there is something about that girl that just puts me off. Granted, I've never seen her show nor have I seen her movie(s?) but you're right, it's not her outfits. It's her FACE. Every time I see her on the red carpet she looks 25-30. I'll throw Ms. Cyrus a bone and say that at least she doesn't look as old as Ali Lohan. That poor kid looks about 40. Her mom must be pleased.
  24. hedda_louella

    Sienna Miller

    What is her fucking problem? (Yeah, I know, but I mean her problem with marrying Rhys Ifans.) Oh wait, I know what it is.... Memo To: Sienna Miller From: Hollywood We just wanted to make it perfectly clear that you will still be able to blow fat, ugly, old men for work in this town, even if you are no longer single. We don't care whether you marry the Welsh guy or not. Seriously. It makes absolutely no difference to our enjoyment of your blowjobs. After you turn thirty, then you can start worrying. Also, you will never, Ever, EVER snag an A-list American movie star, at least not one who will marry you. Even the closeted gay ones won't have you as a beard. You may as well go ahead and marry that fool you've bamboozled into thinking you love him, poor sap. p.s. Harvey says he wants his guest knee-pads back. He'll send a courier in the morning.
  25. hedda_louella

    Jessica Alba

    Right, you don't. I actually do find something seriously wrong with what she said, hence our conversation about it. Charity work? Tipping? Umm.... I wasn't talking about that but yes, Ella did charity work and tipped well. How about singing? How about performance? How about career longevity? Ella Fitzgerald sets the standard for interpretation of the Great American Songbook, beloved by the public for decade after decade. Amy Wino sets the standard for missed performances, unprofessional behavior, contempt for her "fans" and general crackwhoredom. She's not the new Ella Fitzgerald she's the new Whitney Houston. She'd better watch it, Whitney will cut a bitch. Oh no wait, Amy would actually like that. On talent alone, Amy Wino isn't even on the same planet as Ella Fitzgerald (nor Billie, for that matter). She's just not in their league.