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So Jaded

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Everything posted by So Jaded

  1. So Jaded

    Cameron Diaz

    I have no idea why the Kiegal girl was there but did anyone else notice Camerons lower part of her face. I mean I know her nose just had surgery but her mouth and just mouth area looked very odd, like a little frozen... I can't describe it but you really saw it when she was talking.. It was not her ususal HUGE MOUTH with FULL teeth smile...
  2. So Jaded

    Drew Barrymore

    Did Cameron Diaz have work down to the lower part of her face. I know her nose is done but on the red carpet her mouth and mouth area was just weird and oddly moving...
  3. So Jaded

    Miley Cyrus

    On the Oscar Red Carpet the girl kept making this face.... It was like between smelling a fart and giving a bl*wjob.... I use to like her... What is going on with 15 year old looking 30
  4. So Jaded

    Does anyone read historicals?

    The latest issue of Bookmarks (the magazine just in case you don't know) has a whole two pages dedicated to Tudor England books.....If anyone is interested you can email me your email addy and I can scan the pages and forward... I know some people here are big Tudor England Novels..... Kayla
  5. So Jaded

    Beyonce and Jay-Z

    She was wearing like 3 pairs of stockings during her performance and I guess the glittery stockings got lost because she got stock with nude opaque ones - looked awful.. Like some highschool chick performing at her talent show.
  6. So Jaded


    I LOVE her lips.... and all the little giggle giggle, pawing that went on with her and Jay -Z during her acceptance I am SURE made BEYONCE just tinkle a little in the seat... BTW what in the hell was up with Beyonce's face -did she have a nose job or do something to her eyes. BOTH my husband and I noticed something was different during her performance with tina but we could not figure it out.
  7. So Jaded

    Beyonce and Jay-Z

    Did anyone just watch the Grammy's... HMMMM did she do something to her face - It looks like she MAY have had a nose job or something funky with her eyes.. SOMETHING funky was going on and I can't pin point it...
  8. So Jaded

    Eva Mendes

    LOL! U funny...but then if it helps...look at Tara Reid, Sienna Miller, Amy Winehouse, Kate Moss, Pete "Doughy" Doherty...Lindsay Lohan...Well hohan still looks doable even though she looks "40." You are right I forgot about the very small handful.. BUT HONEY I never ever MET any Druggie that looked like Sienna Miller. Tara - YES. PET - Sadly YES - Amy - YUP, Kate - Sorta.. I grew up in a small ghetto in NJ and that entitled me to knowing many druggies.... However, thanks to being raised right and working hard, I now live in a nice suburb in NJ BUT I have not lost my roots and so I KNOW what a crack head looks like - I WISH they looked like Ava.
  9. So Jaded

    Eva Mendes

    You know what I just don't get - how come all these drug addicts/substance abusers LOOK AMAZING.. LOOK better then the average person.... I have lived in some shit places growing up and man an addict looks like straight up shit! There was this "lady" that was known to be a cracker - always loosing her kids JUSt sad stuff.. WHEN my mom told me that she wsa 28 I almost fainted and swore to never ever look like that at 28.. NOW I am 30 and thankfully don't but my point is WHY do the hollywood druggies look so very different from real life druggies.. Real life druggies you can spot from a block away. That Pete guy looks as close to a real life druggies then the other druggies
  10. So Jaded

    Miley Cyrus

    r those pictures of her.. I am not so sure of it...
  11. So Jaded

    Gerard Butler

    He needs to STOP making movies with woman I dislike....
  12. So Jaded

    Brittany Murphy

    Sadly he looks like my good friends boyfriend:( and he is not even a nice guy.. I always get the impression that they are not really married. I really do not know too much about Britany Murphy but I just get that feeling. O well
  13. So Jaded

    Eliza Dushku

    What in fucks name did she do to her nose - it is like like TINY and so very Janet Jacksonesque...
  14. So Jaded

    What are you reading?

    Tell me about it! One time I wrote a negative review about a book on Barnes and Noble.com and the author wrote back to me and was pretty upset and wanted to know HOW I would have written it...
  15. So Jaded

    What are you reading?

    I have written to Stephen King, Isabelle Allende, Philip Margolin, Christopher Rice, Jack Ketchum and Jullianne Hoffman and they all wrote back to me with very kind words....
  16. So Jaded

    Ashlee Simpson

    I have always gotten the gay vibe from Pete - so maybe they are gay and just covering for eachother. BUT my gaydar is always broken - ALWAYS.
  17. So Jaded

    What are you reading?

    I am reading the Tender Bar - So far it is VERY good, I love his use of words.
  18. So Jaded

    Does anyone read historicals?

    I live in a not so small county and in a town that is seriously 20 minutes from NYC.. I can see the skyline from our bedroom window and yet our library sucks. Now I work 1 hour from home, in a much smaller town most people are like WHERE IS THAT??? and yet their library rocks. Lucky for me I am able to get a library card through my job to that library...
  19. So Jaded

    Does anyone read historicals?

    Hoya - you are lucky. My local library SUXS!!!! The people have the worst attidude in the universe. Another thing that irritates me to KNOW end is that whenever you go YOU HARDLY ever walk out with a freaking thing because either the computer says they have ir and they just did not put it back in place or they dont' have it and then you need to request. IT IS AWFUL.. I go to the library near my job - a complete 360!!! The thing about libraries are that normally I like to read on my pace and I feel that when I have a due date looming I need to hurry hurry hurry. I have a trillion books at home to many bookshelves to count and I feel like if I am reading one from the library I am not helping out the collection at home:( It is a battle of the books.
  20. So Jaded

    Does anyone read historicals?

    Bette The first two weeks is going to be addictive:) I was not able to get off the sight for days on end:) Keila
  21. So Jaded

    Does anyone read historicals?

    Hey I have been lurking and getting so many great suggestions so THANK YOU.. Also for the two book lovers that have pages and pages of books they want to buy you guys should totally check out www.paperbackswap.com I joined about a year ago and now only buy when I strictly need a book NOW.. I list the books that are not keepers (everyone has those) and then order from other people the books I want. THUS FAR I have not had a bad experience. You can even say you don't want books from people that smoke, have cats etc.. Cool site and has saved me a ton of money.
  22. So Jaded

    What are you reading?

    As soon as I finish making my salad - I will be starting the Tender Bar:)
  23. So Jaded

    What are you reading?

    That is on my TBR pile that I will one day get to - YOU know I said "when I finish grad school I am going to have all this free time to read"..... I finished school last week of July and if I have read two books that has been a small miracle.. Some how once I finished school it was automatically assumed by MR. So Jaded that Mrs. So Jaded would cook, clean, laundry, managed the money/bills, care for our small animals, manage the home, care for our 9 year old daughter (I was a very VERY young mom) and still go to work....Who has time to read..
  24. So Jaded

    What Ever Happened to.....?

    I want to know what ever happened to the pretty black actress that was in Waiting to Exhale. She was the one that was pregnat at the end and she was also in Boomerang.
  25. So Jaded

    Old Hollywood

    I took 15 years of dance classes because of this man!