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Everything posted by GimmeSumSugar

  1. GimmeSumSugar

    Kate Winslet

    I have always loved Leo and Kate Winslet. She'd say in Titanic interviews she was like a big sister to him and he'd sit on her knee and fart all the time.
  2. GimmeSumSugar

    Carmen Electra

    Ah, it's a play on words isn't it. Drop a huge bomb = The Bombshells, her band.
  3. GimmeSumSugar

    Janet Jackson

    Oh lord. No. Not more babies wearing grandma's old tablecloth wrapped around their faces on every public outing.
  4. GimmeSumSugar

    Johnny Depp

    Good news that she's getting better.
  5. GimmeSumSugar

    Gisele Bundchen

    Damn, he's got some potent sperm. Oh come on! How expensive are condoms? If this is true, this is - I'm just freaking speechless. Let's just hope the women he'll cheat on Gisele with take birth control seriously. I weep for the future when half the women on the planet are impregnated by Tom Brady. It's like a far more horrifying version of Children of Men. I wonder if he'll ditch her for someone else? Ladies, get your chastity belts ready - Brady is ON THE LOOSE. This comment sealed the deal for me at the absolute ludicrous nature of his whole situation: I hope both Bundchen and Moynahan are having girls -- because 18 years from now, that's going to be the best season of "The Simple Life" ever. Indeed, he's a fast mover. Faster than O. J. rushing to claim he's now the father of little Anniesuebobbylynnettekerrykatona.
  6. GimmeSumSugar

    Sienna Miller

    Another well-timed, foolproof PR stunt bites the dust.
  7. GimmeSumSugar

    America Ferrera

    She seems so nice. You just get a nice vibe off her. I hope her career continues to go well. She's doing a great job in UB and deserves all the success that comes her way.
  8. GimmeSumSugar

    Jamie Foxx

    Heh cheeky, I like it.
  9. GimmeSumSugar

    Kate Hudson

    According to some sources she is seeing a guy from the band, the Jets. Holy Moly had this in print a good few weeks ago before it hit the mainstream. Now suddenly Owen Wilson shows up again. Hmmm...
  10. GimmeSumSugar

    Helen Mirren

    Love love love her. I hope she wins. But I love Kate and Judi Dench as well.
  11. GimmeSumSugar

    Paul & Stella McCartney clan

    They've all got way too much money and are way too greedy.
  12. GimmeSumSugar

    Oprah Winfrey

    Sounds to me like Oprah's camp planted this after Jamie Foxx's recent comment about Oprah and Gayle. Totally. Damage control in full swing.
  13. GimmeSumSugar

    Eddie Murphy

    Well, what a challenge for Eddie!
  14. GimmeSumSugar

    Eddie Murphy

    I agree with this--the only kind of action movie I like are the comedies, and there aren't too many to choose from these days.... Agreed.
  15. GimmeSumSugar

    Naomi Campbell

    Bollocks. She's a truly awful individual and the media should stop pandering to her.
  16. GimmeSumSugar

    Matthew McConaughey

    I like the other guy's Ozzy flag shorts in that frisbee pic.
  17. GimmeSumSugar

    Daniel Craig

    Hmm, see this is what gets me about celebs. While it's all lovely and I'm always happy to hear people are happy, they open up and are willing to talk about their private/love/sex lives when it suits but then they bemoan the attacks on their privacy when it gets too much. Sometimes you just can't work out what they want.
  18. GimmeSumSugar

    Sacha Baron Cohen aka Ali G

    Umm, okay wouldn't their standing be increased in the frat boy community by this very behaviour? We're not talking about these people moving within the upper echelons of society right? Or am I missing something. Oh no wait, hang on...I see the mighty dollar sign looming at the drop of a hat. Poor students, need money, someone puts 2+2 together in the back of the motor home and bingo bongo! Lawsuits at the ready! Now I get it.
  19. GimmeSumSugar

    Matthew McConaughey

    It logically follows on that quite often after there's a flurry of gay internet gossip about this man - including blind item chatter all over the place, you get the above sort of statements, released for no apparent newsworthy reason.
  20. GimmeSumSugar

    Eddie Murphy

    Lol, of course. You don't stop being human do you? Whether you're gay or straight most people have a natural affection for children and enjoy being parents whatever their orientation. I'd say given that he has about seven kids already (and possibly twins on the way if the story is true) he likes being a parent very much! The Eddie Empire is on the move!
  21. GimmeSumSugar

    Matthew McConaughey

    Hmm, funny that it's never bothered him when US Weekly, National Enquirer, Star etc, tattles about affairs with females and endless hookups that almost always prove to be untrue. Seems like he's only just noticed people gossip! I think this really is terrified PR at work. Matt and Lance probably aren't bothered what people say about them but their 'people' might well be. Hence this pile of baloney. I especially love the 'We're Not Gay' heading and constant references to 'we/us' which makes them sound like a married couple.
  22. GimmeSumSugar

    Celebs Getting Airbrushed 2

    LOVE that this has been making the rounds! Lol, I know. I didn't have to lift a finger, just posted it here. Found it on quite an obscure site but it's something I thought was really worth posting because people need to see how much you get deceived by magazines and billboards. I look at these images in a totally different light to a few years ago when I actually believed celebrities were born luckier than the rest of us. It's just ludicrous to me that you cannot be given a decent makeover/hairdo and leave it at that.
  23. GimmeSumSugar

    Eddie Murphy

    Mel gushing in a Hollywood boutique = "Ey up luv, d'ya know av gorra bun in't t'oven. Am a coupla months gone and bloody 'ell, a feel like am fookin' fourteen ston 'evvier! Me and mister's tyin' t'knot in a few weeks, like. Should be sound! A'll send ye an invite, right! Aff t'get gooin'. Tarah, luv!" I'm sure half of Hollywood will understand Mel gushing in a boutique. Trust me. I know this.
  24. GimmeSumSugar

    Celebs Getting Airbrushed 2

    Evolution of airbrushed celeb/model and how Photoshopping distorts the reality. Some of the YouTube comments are quite interesting also.
  25. GimmeSumSugar

    Sienna Miller

    I know words/sentences can be taken well out of context, but how does one take out of context the word 'Shittsburgh'?