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Everything posted by GimmeSumSugar

  1. GimmeSumSugar

    Leonardo DiCaprio

  2. GimmeSumSugar

    Julia Roberts

    I think she is being payed $35,000 a week? Something like that.The money they make is frightening considering there's such abject poverty in the world. Sports people are the same.Definitely don't dislike Julia and her play seems to be going well. I just think actors/actresses in general get paid overmuch and Julia is not even top whack on the A List anymore.
  3. GimmeSumSugar

    Diva Behavior Reports

    Are we talking about Leo the diva or his girlfriend the diva? Or both? Lol
  4. GimmeSumSugar

    Leonardo DiCaprio

    How has the 'observer' at the eatery come to talk to this media source? Have they rushed off and phoned/contacted Splash straight away? Or have Splash stuck a mic and tape recorder under the 'observer's' nose the moment the couple left? If Splash were there, why did they need to talk to an observer then?
  5. GimmeSumSugar

    Famous Mismatched Couples

    Oh god, how embarrassing for this poor girl. About a month ago, one of UK group, Girls Aloud (Nadine Coyle, if I remember rightly) hooked up (or got hooked up) with none other than the alleged 'desperately-gardening-for-the-other-team' Housewives hunk, Jesse Metcalfe. Soon after a blind item appeared which suggested a UK singer had just found out from a PR flack which tune the bf played to. It was all over the place and the girl is (hopefully) no idiot. Most people were guessing Jesse Metcalfe, who has a lot of rumours around him.Last week one of the UK tabs invented this cringingly embarrassing luvvy story of Nadine finding out Jesse Metcalfe was seeing some 'stunning' model who he was 'making out with' at various London clubs. Huh, talk about convieniently getting the poor gal off the hook. Probably less embarrassing to have him cheat on her with a made up model type. So, that is my terrible mismatch of the month. Jesse Metcalfe and Nadine Coyle flash in the pan. Next week they'll probably be back together but it did look like a face-saving Public Relations release for all the parties concerned.
  6. GimmeSumSugar

    Famous Mismatched Couples

    Oh come on, Bert and Ernie are easily the best of a bad bunch in that list.
  7. GimmeSumSugar

    Naomi Campbell

    The thing is, the shelf life of a model is not a long time, and Naomi's time is drastically running out now. Some of the more mellow older models will still be hired far into the future because they're easy to work with. If you have an aggressive temper you're going to be quietly passed over in favour of someone else. But there are much younger models coming up all the time snapping up contracts and pushing older ones noses out. Expect more tantrums and outbursts in the future. I think it goes with the territory. She'll probably still get work coming her way, but you could imagine people going in fear of her a lot more now she's actually drawn blood.
  8. GimmeSumSugar

    Naomi Campbell

    This woman gets away with murder. Her housekeeper needs four stitches in the back of her head and Naomi gets let off by the 'judge' to 'meet the children and her boss Nelson Mandella in South Africa'. I read this morning New Yorkers are calling it 'celebrity justice' and that really seems to be true. I think all this favouring of celebs should stop. If they want to be treated like ordinary people they should have to take the consequences of their actions like ordinary people.
  9. GimmeSumSugar

    Celebs & Their Weight Issues

    I read an old National Enquirer today at work. The first thing I noticed was that 'weight' was a significant issue in it. Not only women but men also. Anyone seen to be vaigly 'out of shape' was treated almost as having some sort of major body disorder. The wording was so hyper as if it was a huge deal that somebody had put a few pounds on here and there.In the UK celeb mags don't tend to be quite as in your face as the National Enquirer but they still make weight an almost weekly topic, especially where women are concerned. The slant tends to be more sort of patronisingly 'helpful', like 'so and so celeb can help you lose weight through her wonder diet' and such. I'm sure many US mags are like that. It's just one of those topics that never goes away and it must be quite embarrassing for celebs to be constantly ridiculed for putting on a bit (or even a lot) of weight at different times in their lives.
  10. GimmeSumSugar

    Matt Damon and Wife

    To me Ted seems to be strongly hinting at something. But what? The oddity of the situation? But is it? Or are they genuinely just a really private couple who just don't want to get involved with nosey neighbours? Why should she want to go out on the town when she's pregnant? She might not like partying, alcohol or want to expose the unborn baby to smoke or anything like that. Having said that, Ted never drop hints subtely does he? They're always there for some reason, though not necessarily the right ones. But he does seem pretty bold these days.
  11. GimmeSumSugar

    Teri Hatcher

    I think Teri's made an unwise move here. Comparing Geroge almost to a child molester, or at least, heavily implying that he's on a par with will not win her many new friends, even if she has a point or genuinely feels scorned or used. She's an adult, he's an adult, and her situation with her uncle is as a child. George has no evident interest in children in the least, so to link these incidents just seems the reaction of a scorned woman who wants to get her own back. Unfortunately, George is much hotter property and my guess is he'll be around a lot longer in the game than Teri will. I have nothing against her, I just think this is an unwise outburst and does nothing for her really. I feel sorry that she's done it actually, but maybe it'll blow over.
  12. GimmeSumSugar

    Wentworth Miller

    Well, it makes a change doesn't it, lol. He's great.
  13. GimmeSumSugar

    Kate Moss

    Kate Moss has a thing for short dark men, doesn't she.
  14. GimmeSumSugar

    Johnny Depp

    It surprises me to think Johnny's been floating along in happy fairy dreamworld living in France for so long and doesnt seem to have noticed that half the country is full of overrun slums. I went to France (from the UK) some years ago, when I was 13, with school on an art trip. The first thing that struck me was the immediate poverty of those outside the cities as we travelled through. Our hostel was next to a run-down farm, apparently owned by a goat and a hunchback (I kid you not) old lady, who'd creep out of her door at eight in the morning to milk the cow. She wore rags and in the week I was there, had no visitors and no help. We saw a lot of that, very poor people. There was no clean drinking water. You had to boil it from the tap or buy bottled. So antiquated. Paris was okay, and this was back when they maybe didn't have the same acute problem with immigrants they have now (although it's always been simmering). Even so, the lower end lifestyle of the city was very apparent to even a one-stop outsider like me.For all its faults, I was glad to get back on that ferry home to the UK. But it was a real eye-opener. How Johnny has missed it all I don't know. Even without the immigrant unrest and inequality, large parts of France are very rural and very, very poor.
  15. GimmeSumSugar

    Kate Moss

    The close up pic of Kate above is allegedly from Glastonbury last year or some earlier music festival. It is not on her recent return from rehab.The tanned picture of Kate is more than likely highly airbrushed, as every glossy picture that appears in these mags are, to a greater or lesser degree. I suspect a greater degree with this one, simply because it's not her natural colour. Recent pics of her return from rehab (check out Perez Hilton's site) show her to be naturally pale as ever she was.
  16. GimmeSumSugar

    Wentworth Miller

    I liked him in Dinotopia but I don't think we get Prison Break in the UK at the moment, at least not on terrestrial. I was surprised to find out he was over thirty as he has real boyish looks. I would have guessed 22-25, but not much more. But that's cool. Some people just stop clocks!
  17. GimmeSumSugar

    Zach Braff

    So what of the Rachel Bilson rumours? They have been photographed together (popsugar.com has pics and links and some tales to tell). Hmmm...
  18. GimmeSumSugar

    Jude Law

    I'm sorry but if she thinks she can be B/A-list, 'flee' Britain and not get hassled anywhere else in the world, get this: it's that bad everywhere. Especially if you've been in a love triangle and then been accused of tarting it up yourself. You are tabloid fodder from the UK to Hollywood to Japan to Moscow.