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Posts posted by noodle

  1. When I was in grade school, Christian was in a Disney (?) muscial, "Newsies." That's where the crush officially started for me. He had a lisp in the movie, but it was almost a sexy lisp/accent. Yum.

    I am embarassed to admit I have seen that movie more than once :unsure: I too loved it. And I don't think I was in grade school when it came out :ph34r:


    Oh Hoya...don't be embarrassed....embarrassed would be me admitting that we owned the VHS (yes, VHS) and my sister had the soundtrack, which I would always beg to listen to. See, you must feel better now? :)

  2. I caught a segment of the Today Show this morning regarding Miley's Vanity Fair pics and opinion's on it.


    Donny Deutch (from The Big Idea with Donny Deutch) (sp?) said he thinks it was all completely orchestrated.


    Meaning, he thinks Miley and the family knew exactly what kind of photos they were planning on shooting, planning on printing, etc. He said the "I'm embarrassed" part was all planned, as well.


    He said in a sense, it was brilliant because a) she got to have her pictures out there and let people see her more "adult" side because eventually she's going to have to segway past the tween market and get an older fan base and B) because they went with a publication like Vanity Fair, he anticipates that all the 7 and 8 year olds that are obsessed with Hannah Montana, etc., won't ever even be privy to those photos or care or understand. So Donny thinks they played it perfectly. Show your "adult" side (he didn't agree it was appropriate, though...) and at the same time, send out the "I'm embarrassed" and keep the parents of the kids that like you to give you another chance.


    ETA: The "smiley face" in the above paragraph is supposed to be the letter "b". It keeps transferring it to a picture, though.

  3. Ashlee Simpson Is PREGNANT!!!!


    This explains their engagement.


    It's a shotgun wedding!


    What does Poppa Joe, a former minister, think about having a grandchild born out of wedlock???


    They better have those nuptials FAST!


    This will be the first child for both Asslee and fiancee Pete Wentz.


    The Fall Out Boy bassist's confirmed the happy news today, saying, "We are thrilled to confirm their engagement and congratulate this happy couple. Beyond that there is nothing to say."


    We're sure Asslee's label is THRILLED with the pregnancy. Simpson has a new album coming out this month. The baby news means she probably won't tour behind the record and any promotion will be minimal.





    Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy... :rolleyes:


    Although, I give her credit for having the baby. I'm not interested in starting a political debate, especially because I seem to be about 1 of 2 conservatives/Christians on this board, but I'm glad she's having it instead of handling a pregnancy the way it's rumored that her wonderful sister did.


    Hedda - didn't you say once in an earlier post that you didn't buy into their relationship? That it was manufactured for publicity? Or did you say it was to just upset Papa Joe? I thought you said something, but I can't remember and was curious what you think of it now that she's knocked up?


    Poor Jess...now she's REALLY not going to be the one getting attention...

  4. For any of you who are avid Blind Items followers, I swear there was a BI written about one or two months ago regarding a baby, the father not being who people think it is and then playing it off as if the baby was his after all....does that make sense?


    In other words, it could now be said to be Jessica's baby, not Cash's, but they're going to treat it as Cash's...I tried doing a search for it and came up fruitless. Anyone know what I'm talking about? :huh:
