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Everything posted by bittermuch?

  1. bittermuch?

    Paul & Stella McCartney clan

    How do raspberry margaritas sound?
  2. bittermuch?

    Kate Moss

    Wow, you know you're bad off when you are photographed with Kate Moss and Kate is the one who looks with it and alert.
  3. bittermuch?

    Halle Berry

    I expected to think Halle's performance in Monster's Ball was overrated, but I was pleasantly surprised. The hysterical scenes they showed at the Oscars were not her strongest parts - there were quieter moments towards the end where she was most impressive. Just my opinion, of course. Agree that Bassett should have an Oscar too. Also think Bassett is the more beautiful of the two.
  4. bittermuch?

    What are you reading?

    Just finished "A Murder in Belmont" by Sebastian Junger. Worth reading but kinda disappointing - I really liked the excerpt in Vanity Fair, but it was practically as bad as a movie trailer and all the best parts of the book were in it so the book itself was a let-down.
  5. bittermuch?

    Celeb Acts of Charity

    I remember seeing the "One" commercial at some point. Loads of celebs in it, including Damon, Clooney, Pointyhead, etc.
  6. bittermuch?

    Ashlee Simpson

    eh, I think her non-denial is pretty much of an admission. more than you can say for her sis and those inner-tube lips.
  7. bittermuch?

    Courteney Cox & David Arquette

    Yeah, if I were Jen I'd looked bummed to be photographed so close to a glowing, gorgeous Courteney Cox, too. Courteney has one of the most beautiful faces in Hollywood, I think. Too bad she's not as talented as she is gorgeous. She's adequate, certainly, but I always thought she and Matt LeBlanc were the weak links on Friends, and as time went on and Matt got better, she really didn't.
  8. bittermuch?

    Ashlee Simpson

    how long ago was she supposed to have had the nose job? because, yeah, it looks fabulous. now I'm kind of reconsidering my own position on nose jobs.... wonder if she'd send me the number of her plastic surgeon. nah!
  9. bittermuch?

    What are you reading?

    oh I read The Pilot's Wife a while back. I remember not being able to decide whether I liked it or not.just engaged in massive reading binge. Last four books: Bachelorette #1 (lame and a waste of my time but NOT SPOOKY which was my main criterion after waking up all scared and alone in my dark house - except for bad barking-at-nothing-so-must-be-ghosts doggie - the night I finished The Ghost Writer...), Going Down and High Maintenance by Jennifer Belle (both good, liked second better than first), and now Bergdorf Blondes. Am liking Bergdorf more than I expected to based on my general disdain for Plum Sykes - she seems to be making fun of the whole thing and highlighting how lame and superficial it all is, while simultaneously allowing us to revel in how lame and superficial it all is... am not quite done but so far give it definite thumbs-up as a beach or poolside read.
  10. bittermuch?

    Paul & Stella McCartney clan

    eh, how much will it really hurt him if she gets half? I certainly could live on it. I'm not losing any sleep over Paul McCartney's impending poverty... but yeah, prenups = good.
  11. bittermuch?

    Teri Hatcher

    AAAAAAAAAAAA! AAAAAAAAAAA! Too. much. information. Eyes. burning. Brain. bleach. needed.
  12. bittermuch?

    Chloe Sevigny

    I think she dresses like a crazy bag lady more often than not. I like to see people taking fashion risks - unlike, say, Aniston or SJP (although I may take that back after that ridiculous tartan thingie) - but with Sevigny I feel like the risks so seldom work. To me, that's not so much gutsy and creative as just bad taste. I'm willing to be persuaded, of course, I just feel like the don'ts far outnumber the dos as far as I've seen.I agree she does have a dynamite figure and think she is a highly competent actress. Looks best with soft hair with body closer to her face - the severe, pulled-back look or lanky greasy flat hair she can't pull off because her face is so plain.
  13. bittermuch?

    Teri Hatcher

    I kinda feel sorry for Teri. Sure, she seems to make her own problems, but she also seems kind of damaged. And cute shoes! Super cute shoes!Plus my little brother has a gihugic crush on her. But he likes those basket-casey types (has nothing to do with example set by older sister at all). His other favorite is the character Elliott on Scrubs...
  14. bittermuch?

    Scarlett Johansson

    Amusingly enough, aside from the ample and impressive cleavage, she actually looks a bit skinny in that particular pic.
  15. bittermuch?

    Scarlett Johansson

    ScarJo has a WAY better figure than Rita Hayworth (who had a thick waist, no ass, but dynamite legs). I adore her for the old-school Hollywood glam beauty too (as you might guess from my avatar, I'm a bit partial to same). I don't see where she's flabby at all (just not built like she's carved out of plastic) and I think it's refreshing that she's not (currently) fake-baked or skincancered to the hilt. Her boobs look real, her bod looks real, her skin looks real, even her lips look real. Nope, she's no Barbie doll. She's a lush, soft, real-looking woman. Not so sure she's terribly bright in real life, but hey, she exudes intelligence from time to time onscreen, and that's good enough for me. I can see her playing the femme fatale in some noir throwback (and I can see her being smoking hot in such a film as a blonde, brunette or redhead - it appears she's currently a brunette).
  16. bittermuch?

    Drew Barrymore

    For some reason she looks JUST like a young Bette Davis to me in that 2005 Vogue spread.
  17. bittermuch?

    Star Jones

    What is the point of marrying a gay man if he lets you walk out the door looking like that?
  18. bittermuch?

    Antonio Banderas & Melanie Griffith

    Yeah, the confusing thing about the Banderas/Griffith pairing is not that he's younger and way hotter than she is (which of course he is), but that she is so obviously hanging by a thread 95% of the time. (aside from her public appearance, has anyone seen her website? Melanie Online I mean come on!) Maybe he has a savior complex. Who knows.
  19. bittermuch?

    Antonio Banderas & Melanie Griffith

    Yes. I totally find him sexy. The first Zorro . . . mmmmmmmm.
  20. bittermuch?

    Ashlee Simpson

    Once again demonstrating that a lot of these girls whose parents started pimping them young are permanently fixed at the emotional age of 10. Britney, Jessica, Ashlee, etc.
  21. bittermuch?

    Eva Mendes

    Wow, Wes Bentley still exists? Who knew?
  22. bittermuch?

    Sienna Miller

    Hm... well, having a seperate Federline thread hasn't ended that gruesome union. oh, no, or are you saying that having the Federline thread will allow him to occupy our tabloids and computer and television screens after Britney kicks him to the curb? that can't be allowed!
  23. bittermuch?

    What are you reading?

    Finished Chuck Klosterman's Killing Yourself to Live yesterday morning. I was deeply annoyed with him and the book for about the first 100 pages, but eventually it grew on me. Don't expect it to be more than tangentially related to the premise (rock critic takes road trip across the country to visit sites of rock-n-roll deaths). I knew Klosterman tended to be a bit on the narcissistic and self-involved side, but I kinda expected his self-examinations and reflections to at least be inspired by the events that took place at the different sites he was visiting. Nope. But overall not a bad read if you can tolerate living in a world that revolves around Klosterman and the women he thinks he has loved for two hundred pages or so.Also just finished The Ghost Writer by John Harwood. Nice and spooky for the most part, and I find myself thinking about all the different things that Harwood may or may not have been doing with the book. At first I found the ending a bit of a letdown, but now I'm reconsidering. Worth checking out, especially if you like spooky Gothic/Victorian-inspired ghosty stuff.
  24. bittermuch?

    Scarlett Johansson

    I think she's either sublimely ethereally beautiful or just kind of dorky looking. I lean toward the beautiful camp, but agree that the same qualities that make her beautiful could make her unattractive if (1) she's not packaged properly, or (2) you just don't like that look. She definitely has strong and distinctive features.
  25. bittermuch?

    Scarlett Johansson

    Wow, that girl has a smokin hot shape. Much more aesthetically pleasing than Cammy's man belly or any of the other stick figure types out there.