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Everything posted by bittermuch?

  1. bittermuch?

    Does Anyone Read Chick Lit?

    Hmmm...that one looks like a possibility. But if you think of another one let me know. Thanks!!!!
  2. bittermuch?

    Star Jones

    (no public defender's office would hire Star. their clients have enough problems without Star further alienating every prosecutor, judge and jury on the planet.)but oooh oooh oooh. they should make a reality show pitting all these former "lawyers" who are now celebrities against each other in some sort of courtroom competition. sort of like that failed "law firm" show but campier and uglier. Star Jones, Nancy Grace.... who else "used to be a lawyer" and yipes about it all the time? (ok, I know Nancy Grace probably was a pretty good lawyer, but I can't stand her pointy sour self).
  3. bittermuch?

    Does Anyone Read Chick Lit?

    No, it's not Julie Kenner's new book (but I'm glad you suggested it might be - I just searched her name on Amazon. "The Manolo Matrix"? LOL!!!!)I think it was coming out in trade paperback and I swear the cover had hot pink on it (but that probably doesn't narrow it down much in the chick lit arena). I want to say it was mostly white with black print and pink accents.
  4. bittermuch?

    What are you reading?

    I'm slogging through Collapse. It started out so engaging and then I just got fatigued. Maybe it's too repetitive - all these societies making the same mistakes over and over? Or maybe I'm just not in the mood. Who knows. Someday I'll finish it - I have four one-hour flights coming up... I'm currently stuck with the Vikings. Started Goodnight Nobody by Jennifer Weiner last night. Not going well. Her voice always can be annoying, but it seems to have become increasingly irritating to me with Little Earthquakes and now this one. There's something about her self-consciously self-deprecating tone that's really all about feeling superior to other people...dunno, it's probably just me.
  5. bittermuch?

    Does Anyone Read Chick Lit?

    Ok, chick lit aficionados (or EW subscribers). I need your help. I was flipping through my Entertainment Weekly from a couple of weeks ago during a flight - I think it was the Summer Preview issue - and they had a section about upcoming book releases. There was one that looked really good, I want to say it had a fashion angle and a mystery angle (gah why can't I remember more details?). But like an idiot I left my magazine in the seat back pocket forevermore. Does anyone have the magazine or recognize the book from my meager description? I've done random searches on Amazon and came up empty.Another book, another mistakenly discarded magazine: People recently reviewed a memoir that the reviewer characterized as kind of a realistic Sex and the City - by a newspaper relationships columnist. Anyone heard of this one?
  6. bittermuch?

    Scarlett Johansson

    The funny thing is that her "natural" color is much closer to the brown than the platinum.Adore the shoes in the goofy-pose pic.
  7. bittermuch?

    Paul & Stella McCartney clan

    Weren't there rumors also that she was physically abusive (I recall something from Babloo re beating him with her wooden leg?) :wacko:eta: Heather beating PAUL with her wooden leg. NOT Babloo. As far as I know.
  8. bittermuch?

    What are you reading?

    I heard John Updike on the radio this morning talking about Terrorist and now I'm interested too.Finished Flapper by Joshua Zeitz over the weekend - highly recommend.
  9. bittermuch?

    Paul & Stella McCartney clan

    Here's the thing. If Sir Paul has so much clout and love in the British press that he protected Heather from all this crap to date, what does it say about him that he's letting all this come down on the mother of his child now?
  10. bittermuch?

    Paul & Stella McCartney clan

    Sounds like Sir Paul was just the highest-paying gig for this "vice girl." Wonder how much extra she charges for childbirth? Guess we'll find out.
  11. bittermuch?

    Paris Hilton recording album

    Damned song is so damned catchy that it was burned in my brain all night. The funny thing, though, is that even the editing in the video can't disguise the fact that Paris has absolutely no rhythym - girl cannot dance to save her life, which is funny considering all the table dancing she's done over the past few years. I had to punch boyfriend when he observed that her single "sounded like that girl from No Doubt."
  12. bittermuch?

    Prince William

    Hm. Well, he's definitely not getting any cuter. The horsey big-ear genes finally kicked in, after years of blessed gorgeousness. Harry's going through the cute phase now.
  13. bittermuch?

    Paul & Stella McCartney clan

    I'm sure she's far more annoying when she's given more coverage. I don't know enough about her to hate her. Yet. For some reason I give the benefit of the doubt to people who at least appear to be trying to do good. So many celebs don't even bother pretending (*cough* Aniston *cough*).
  14. bittermuch?

    Paul & Stella McCartney clan

    I'm not sure why everyone hates Heather so much, but they sure do. The people headline: "Why Paul Dumped Heather." Not "why did the marriage fail" or "what went wrong." "Why Paul Kicked Heather to the Curb." So far I've seen that she's not above whoring herself for money, but that would cover 99.999% of all the female celebs we discuss, and 99.9% of the males. Paul was the Cute Beatle, not the Principled Beatle.
  15. bittermuch?

    Ashlee Simpson

    I think I'd classify this as "good" plastic surgery...except for the deformed lips.Really, only a couple of weeks recovery time? Seriously? That's awesome.
  16. bittermuch?

    What are you reading?

    Read The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion on planes over the weekend. Quite moving despite her usual dry, detached style. The tone was rather dreamlike.
  17. bittermuch?

    Star Jones

    LOVE the star motif!But I'd take that place in a heartbeat. A quarter of a heartbeat. She's taking the zebra decor, and I imagine that wallpaper steams right off. Surprised it's not much tackier.
  18. bittermuch?

    Kate Moss

    "he's my lover. he's my dealer. he's my lover. he's my dealer." [/Evelyn Mulwray]
  19. bittermuch?


    I care about the loss of human life and the mistreatment of humans too. Unfortunately such things are endemic in this nation's beef industry. Food for thought, as it were. Not that it stops me from eating burgers, dammit. Or big juicy steaks. Or yummy beef stir fry. I'm evil. I could eat a nice big juicy burger while reading Fast Food Nation.Furthermore, wanton cruelty to animals and disregard for the value of animal life has been shown to lead to the disregard for human life. See, e.g., most serial killers. I think as a society we are kind of sociopathic in the same way. The more we can rationalize one kind of cruelty to a "lower life form," the more we start to rationalize lesser but still significant degradations to humans we for whatever reason view as less entitled to basic rights, whether they be terror suspects, "enemy combatants," criminal defendants, the homeless, or just people who are so desperate for work that they will do anything.
  20. bittermuch?


    I think fur is tacky on anyone under the age of 75 who's not an Eskimo. But militant extremists are tacky at any age. I fully support animal rights, but I don't think you have to be at one end of the spectrum or the other to have a valid opinion. We use animals for food or clothing, but we should do so as humanely as possible. I don't think that opinion is necessarily inconsistent with eating the occasional cheeseburger. Some people do find that inconsistent, but they should refrain from walking up to me as I'm taking my first sip of my glorious morning latte and saying "milk is pus!" or they are going to be sporting bright red Starbucks burns on their asses.[slinking away in shame realizing that my boyfriend and I both got wide-eyed and said YUM! at the KFC commercial Babloo is describing....]
  21. bittermuch?


    Yeah, in my heart I'm vegetarian. But apparently my taste buds and my tummy lost the memo.
  22. bittermuch?

    Animal Pics

    LMFAO re the squirrels. That is my dog's worst nightmare - armed squirrels.
  23. bittermuch?

    Animal Pics

    Wait..a...minute. That looks to me like a bunny with TWO pancakes on his head. Silver dollar pancakes.Heh. I don't know why that picture is so funny. It just is. The bunny is so sort of deadpan. Um, ok, there are pancakes on my head. That's kind of weird, but I'm just going to be very very still and maybe they will go away.
  24. bittermuch?

    Halle Berry

    I think we all would like to drool? Ok, I would?