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Everything posted by leaivory

  1. leaivory

    Rosie O'Donnell

    Never Retire Barbara! http://www.dlisted.com/ In her new book, Celebrity Detox, Rosie O'Donnell tells 77-year-old Barbara Walters to retire already. She writes, "And Barbara. At some point, a person gets tired. It's inevitable. Barbara Walters is almost twice my age. At some point it becomes necessary to step back. Everyone has to go. Going is part of the gig." "I would be less-than-honest if I were to say that there is no trouble between Barbara and I. I mean, our differences are obvious." Rosie also seems to suggest her new book that Barbara might have been jealous of her success on "The View." Rosie said when audience members would shout "I love you Rosie" Barbara would say to them, "It is impolite to say I love you to one person when there are four of us up here." Some who have read Rosie's book which is due out in October said it's a "rambling mess" not unlike her blog. As long as Rosie spills the beans, I'm reading. If Barbara retires I would seriously shed a tear. The TV world needs as many crazy, old ladies as possible!
  2. leaivory

    Jennifer Hudson

    Changed Your Mind? http://www.dlisted.com/ Jennifer Hudson has signed on for a role in the "Sex and the City" movie which begins shooting September 19th in NYC. Jennifer will play Carrie Bradshaw's assistant. Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis and Cynthia Nixon will all be back. The film will take place 4 years after the show's finale which was in 2004. So does this mean Samantha's tits are going to be covered up, because earlier this year Jennifer said she turned down $3 million to appear in a movie due to a nude scene in the movie. The nude scene didn't even involve her character! She even went so far to say she would never EVER act in a movie that had nudity, because she's a role model to young, black women. Dumb bitch should've kept her mouth shut, because now she looks stupid or maybe they are planning to keep those crows covered. Doubt it! Here is JHud at the VMAs. I don't blame her for the awful wig. I blame Beyonce. You know she sabotaged her ass!
  3. leaivory


    Noooo RiRi Nooooo!!! http://www.dlisted.com/ The Alien Princess and the Queen of the VMAs, Rihanna, denied that she was dating Shia LaDouche last night. But....MediaTakeOut reports that she went home with Justin Timberfuck at the end of the night. A source said, "Justin and Rihanna were hanging out and [talking] for a while. Then they both got up all nonchalant and left together ... It was crazy because Jessica [biel] was there and she was looking all over for [Justin] ... Poor girl." I'm going to choose to not believe this. RiRi wouldn't mess with that doofus. He's soo....dorky and not cute dorky, just straight-up dorky. I can't blame JT for wanting to tap that though. He probably got sick of being manhandled by She-Hulk Biel.
  4. leaivory

    Justin Timberlake

    Noooo RiRi Nooooo!!! http://www.dlisted.com/ The Alien Princess and the Queen of the VMAs, Rihanna, denied that she was dating Shia LaDouche last night. But....MediaTakeOut reports that she went home with Justin Timberfuck at the end of the night. A source said, "Justin and Rihanna were hanging out and [talking] for a while. Then they both got up all nonchalant and left together ... It was crazy because Jessica [biel] was there and she was looking all over for [Justin] ... Poor girl." I'm going to choose to not believe this. RiRi wouldn't mess with that doofus. He's soo....dorky and not cute dorky, just straight-up dorky. I can't blame JT for wanting to tap that though. He probably got sick of being manhandled by She-Hulk Biel.
  5. leaivory

    Fashion Industry News

    Ugh. Did Britney Start This Trend? http://wouldyoublogme.blogspot.com/ Dresses that don't cover the butt hit the runway during "Exposhow 2007".
  6. leaivory

    50 Cent

    NSFHB (Not Safe For Human Beings) http://www.dlisted.com/ Ugh....I'll be back. I have to run to the free clinic before they close and get some medication. This shit is making me sick! Does 50 know what this skank has said in the past?! Anyway, here's Wonky McWonk and 50 Cent at his party at the Hard Rock last night.
  7. leaivory

    Beyonce and Jay-Z

    Arroz Con Pollo http://www.dlisted.com/ Beyonce told Latina Magazine that she wishes she was born Latin. Some people are offended by this statement, but I think it's just Beyonce kissing ass. If it was Dog Fancy, she'd say she wishes she was born a dog. Matthew Knowles probably programmed that response into her. B said, "I'm just jealous that I wasn't born Latina. I wish I had been because the culture is so beautiful." Homegirl should've left it at that, but she kept going. "I noticed a big difference between speaking to all of the Latino stations and speaking to the pop stations or the other stations. With the Latino stations, there was so much love and everyone is so genuine." Can't wait what Miss Info and Wendy Williams are going to say about this. They are going to tear her a new one. If these statements came from someone with half a brain then it would probably be a little off, but Beyonce has no idea what the hell she's talking about.
  8. leaivory

    Tim Gunn's Guide to Style

    Good work, golden*girl!
  9. leaivory

    Ashlee Simpson

    Double The Fug http://www.dlisted.com/ Ashlee Simpson needs to drop into Dr. 90210's office or whoever did her nose job and get a redo. That thing is dropping fast and will cover her mouth soon. Actually, maybe that's not such a bad thing. It will keep her beak shut! Jessica on the other hand should pursue a career in the NFL. She seriously would make a great linebacker! She used to be so hot and then she went and overprocessed herself! At least she kept her mouth shut most of the night... towards the end she had to let it slip just a little. She can't help it. Here's Ass and Jess at the opening of Just Cavalli in NYC last night.
  10. leaivory

    Jamie Foxx

    09.06.2007 JAMIE FOXX IS A JACKASS http://www.wwtdd.com/ Good luck finding a bigger jackass than Jamie Foxx. No one on any level anywhere is more in love with themselves. And apparently he’s too talented and fabulous to share elevators with civilians. Page Six says: Jamie Foxx may claim he's just a regular guy, but he sure acted like a diva last week. During a publicity tour for "The Kingdom" at the Four Seasons in L.A., according to several junketeers, Foxx had his bodyguard commandeer the elevator. "He told guests of the hotel and journalists to leave the elevator," our spy said. "Then, at every floor where the elevator stopped, the bodyguard would stand with his arm stretched out and say, 'You can't enter' to anyone who tried to get on..." If Jamie Foxx were on fire, and standing next to a swimming pool, I'm not a complete monster so I wouldn't just let him burn to death, but I would look around for a quite a while to see if there was a shovel I could beat the flames out with first.
  11. leaivory

    Whoopi Goldberg

    09.05.2007 WHOOPI DEFENDS MIKE VICK http://www.wwtdd.com/ Yesterday on "The View", Whoopi Goldberg defended Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick, who pleaded guilty two weeks ago for his role in the fighting and execution of eight dogs. Rueters says: "He's from the South, from the Deep South ... This is part of his cultural upbringing," "For a lot of people, dogs are sport," Goldberg said on the show. "Instead of just saying (Vick) is a beast and he's a monster, this is a kid who comes from a culture where this is not questioned." Whoopi really might wanna rethink her "well they've done it in the deep south for years so it's cool" position. Uhh, they used to hang black people in the Deep South too. What are your feelings on that, Whoopi? Is that cool too? Is there anything left on earth where everyone will say, wow, yeah, that's wrong. Does everyone have to argue everything. Or is life just some Japanese game show where we're all standing on logs over a river and smacking each with big foam bats all the dame time. This guy's an animal. Fuck him. (By the way, Mike Vick is from Newport News, Virginia, which is about about 2 hours from Washington DC. Since when is that considered the "Deep South"?)
  12. leaivory

    Fergie/Stacy Ferguson

    Twinsies http://www.dlisted.com/ Gulp! I must say Fergie Fug actually looks...."alright" ...next to Steven Tyler or is that Janice Dickinson? I'll get back to you on that one. All on her own though, the Meth Face returns. She should keep Steven with her at all time. He helps take the meth from her face. It's like magic! Here's Fergie Fug and Steven at last night's Fashion Rocks where the two performed together. Can't wait to hear that wreck. Oh and you can get a hummer from Fergie on eBay! True story!
  13. leaivory

    Hilary Swank

    Don't Pose With Demi http://www.dlisted.com/ Hilary Swank made the mistake of posing next to Demi Moore at the Miss Sixty show today in NYC. Beauty and the Beast! Seriously. I don't know what's going on with Demi Moore, but bitch is glowing. She can't act worth shit, but who cares when you look that hot. She made a pact with the devil, I swear. Below are Maggie GyllenHAG, Hilary and Demi. You know Demi's telling Hilary, "Did you see GyllenHAG's lingerie photos? She's even fuglier than you! IMAGINE THAT!"
  14. leaivory

    Chloe Sevigny

    This Is A Fashion Icon? http://www.dlisted.com/ Chloe Sevigny would like to think of herself as a fashion icon. She's even launching her own line for Opening Ceremony here in NYC this week. This outfit would totally make Dawn Weiner proud. That t-shirt looks like it was made by a 4-year-old in the back of a bumpy van. The sad part is Chloe is probably charging hundreds for that rag! I mean I wouldn't even clean my furniture with that mess. My furniture deserves better and yes, it's IKEA, and IKEA needs love too sometimes. Damn. Anyway, here's Chloe with Linda Evangelista at an F.I.T event in NYC today. Linda is totally saying to herself "I can't believe I'm being seen with this. How will I ever recover? Linda, if you don't look at it...it doesn't exist!" Attached: Dawn Weiner
  15. leaivory

    America Ferrera

    What The..... http://www.dlisted.com/ I wouldn't even call this airbrushing. This is straight-up CUT and PASTE. They took America Ferrera's head and put it on some skinny bitch's body. They were probably just like "eff it, just cut the skank's head off." Where are her breasts, ass and arm waddle? On the left is America's head and some model's body on the cover of Glamour and on the right is America a couple of weeks ago.
  16. leaivory

    Halle Berry

    See, I knew someone would come back with that. That wasn't my point. She can be dominant or assertive or whatever without being a bitch. Yes, the toyboy needs to learn how to shop for himself but she didn't have to make a fool out of him in front of the shop staff. JMO.
  17. leaivory

    Naomi Campbell

    Smile Through The Anger http://www.dlisted.com/ Naomi Campbell was all smiles through the GQ Awards last night. I'm guessing she learned that in Anger Management. Keep a smile on your face and you'll be less likely to want to rip a skank's weave off. You know Naomi just wanted to stick her Blackberry down Elle's throat. I can see it in her eyes. You can't wash away bitch. I've tried...yeah with bleach and everything....it doesn't come out. Yeah, I tried Oxy too...it gets some spots out, but not the whole...ANYWAYS! Elle Macpherson was caught "canoodling" with Sir Paul McCartney during the show. Don't let poor Renee Zellweger see this. She probably thought she finally found a man! The bird is gonna have to fly off to another nest. Oh and Elle has had to some work, right?! Bitch looks hot, well hot in the bod.
  18. leaivory

    Halle Berry

    Way to belittle your man there, Halle. I'm starting to see why her marriages don't last. And yeah, he should be able to do things for himself but does she need to treat him like an imbecile?
  19. leaivory

    Whoopi Goldberg

    It Only Took A Minute http://www.dlisted.com/ Whoopi Goldberg made her debut today as the new co-host of "The View." Just 15 minutes into her new gig, Whoopi defended Michael Vick. Ruh roh! Just like Jamie Foxx, Whoopi seemed to think that Vick was naive and blamed his background for his actions. WSBTV reports: "You know from his background this is not an unusual thing for where he comes from," said Goldberg. "There are certain things that are indicative to certain parts of our country." Co-host Joy Behar seemed shocked at Goldberg's statements."How about dog torture and dog murdering," Behar asked. "Unfortunately it's part of the thing," Goldberg replied. "You're a dog lover. For a lot of people dogs are sport," she added. Behar continued to shake her head in disgust. Goldberg said it seemed to her that it took a while for Vick to realize that the charges against him were serious. "It seemed like a light went off in his head when he realized that this was something the entire country really didn't appreciated, didn't like," Goldberg said, referring to Vick's guilty plea. She said if the case had involved somebody from New York City her feelings would have been different. Goldberg pointed out that Vick was raised in the South. "This is part of his cultural upbringing," said Goldberg. I just don't get this whole theory that Michael Vick seemed to think what he was doing was normal and okay. She wouldn't be saying this if the bitch killed a person. I mean some of us grew up surrounded by drugs and violence and we took the high road. We knew that shit was bad. People need to stop defending his ass! What he did was wrong, end of fucking story. I mean I grew up around sluts and well...um...bad example.
  20. leaivory

    Celebrity Acts of Dumbness

    Jerry Lewis Is On A Roll http://www.dlisted.com/ Put this old, grouchy bitch in a home already! First, Jerry Lewis said that Merv Griffin "deserved" to die and now this?! During his famed telethon yesterday Jerry went on some kind of weird rant ending in calling someone an "illiterate faggot." In the clip Jerry is wandering around like a crazy person and when he realizes what he said he quickly tries to change it up. This is LIVE TV! He still raised over $60 Million. Now will someone use like $10,000 of that money to put the old bat away already?! He's bringing everyone down! Why is he so damn angry? Maybe someone's spiking his Metamucil! Click here to see Jerry's antics
  21. leaivory

    Halle Berry

    'I'm pregnant!' says Halle Berry http://www.smh.com.au/news/people/halle-be...8783275351.html Hollywood star Halle Berry is pregnant with her first baby. "Yes, I am three months pregnant," the Oscar-winning actor said in an email to the TV entertainment show Access Hollywood today. "Gabriel and I are beyond excited and I've waited a long time for this moment in my life." Berry has been dating model Gabriel Aubry since the two met at a photo shoot for Versace in November 2005. Rumours of a baby had been rife, with website TMZ.com reporting earlier today that the producers of her upcoming film Tulia, due for release in 2008, had delayed the October start of filming as she was pregnant. The film is now expected to start filming at a later date. The Hollywood star has been married twice, once to baseball star David Justice and once to singer Eric Benet, but neither marriage produced children.
  22. leaivory

    Gisele Bundchen

    Gisele baby boo-boo http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/bwiddicombe/index.html Anybody who needs some posh presents for a new baby might want to check the trash outside Bridget Moynahan 's house. I have a feeling there's some great stuff in there. A rep for Petit Tresor, an upscale children's store in Los Angeles, confirmed that her estranged baby-daddy, Tom Brady, had phoned in an order. His new girlfriend, Gisele Bundchen, paid for a separate order in the same phone call. Included in Gisele's $1,000 gift basket was a onesie with the word "supermodel" written across it. Which is exactly what you want when your boyfriend leaves you for a Brazilian supermodel just after you get pregnant. Tactful!
  23. leaivory

    Fergie/Stacy Ferguson

    THE TRUTH ABOUT FERGIE'S BIG SLIDE http://www.janetcharltonshollywood.com/ You just can't trust anonymous internet gossip. Many blogs printed a story recently about Fergie puking on a ride at the Minnesota State fair. And NOBODY bothered to check it out! The anonymous "witness" claimed that after she performed at the fair, Fergie took a ride on The Big Slide and at the end tossed her cookies all over the place. Supposedly the ride had to be closed down for twenty minutes for clean-up. Our intrepid colleague, CJ of the Star Tribune in Minneapolis went to the fair and interviewed the manager of The Giant Slide which, incidentally, is NOT a stomach churning ride. Mgr Joe Kegley said the story was false "I'm the guy who'd have to clean it up and I DIDN'T have to!" Fergie can thank CJ for setting the record straight.
  24. leaivory

    Cameron Diaz

    CAMERON DIAZ DODGED TWO BULLETS IN LAS VEGAS http://www.janetcharltonshollywood.com/ Cameron Diaz pulled off a skillful juggling act in Las Vegas this weekend. With no boyfriends in sight, Cameron and Drew Barrymore partied at the Light club at Bellagio and had fun without ever bumping into two of Cameron's recent boyfriends who were ALSO in Vegas. Justin Timberlake was at Jet nightclub and Criss Angel was (with Britney Spears) at LAX at the Luxor . Cameron REALLY didn't feel like seeing either of them, so she pulled the right strings and navigated the weekend smoothly - there were no awkward encounters.
  25. leaivory

    Gisele Bundchen

    Gisele Bundchen Is A Good Shopper http://www.dlisted.com/ Gisele Bundchen could end up being little John Moynahan's stepmother. Gisele is currently dating Tom Brady who is the father of Bridget Moynahan's son. Tom left Bridge when she was knocked up for Gis. Well, Gis decided to do a little shopping for the new bundle of joyness. She stopped into Petit Tresor and dropped $1,000 on a special gift basket. Included in the basket was a onesie with the word SUPERMODEL splattered across it. That will make a lovely dust rag for Bridge and just what a little boy needs to broadcast to the world. GAY! Here is Gis and Tom being gross in NYC the other day.