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Posts posted by leaivory

  1. Don't Make Me Laugh! HA!



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    Kate Moss is pissed off that Sienna Miller is trying to steal her swagger. Kate reportedly accused Sienna of stealing her look and friends. Sienna is currently sort-of fucking Rhys Ifans, one of Kate's closest friends. Kate isn't happy about it and let the bitch know at a wedding this past weekend.


    Brawl at a wedding? You can take the trash out of the trash can.....


    A witness said, "Kate had a go at Sienna and accused her of stealing her style. She was ranting on about how Sienna was now trying to steal her lifestyle and her friends too. It was really cutting and everyone was listening to them."


    "A few drinks had been sunk by the time Kate said it and Sienna had plucked up some Dutch courage too. She gave Kate as good as she got."


    Eventually someone reminded these two trash cans that they were at a wedding and they stopped. Yeah, they probably stopped to get drunk instead.


    Please! These two rat faces don't know how to fight. Someone should've just put a moldy piece of cheese in front of them and whoever got to the center first won the fight. My money would've been on Kate. That snaggle tooth looks turboized.

  2. Jen Keaton Had A Baby!



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    Fuck, we're all getting so old. Little Jen Keaton had a baby. People reports that Tina Yothers, 34, gave birth to a little boy today. This is her 4th brat with husband Robert.


    Jake Kaiser was born at 6am this morning in Orange County, CA. He weighed in at 8.8lbs.


    Tina recently was a part of Celebrity Fit Club where she lost a bunch of weight.


    All these child stars I grew up with have families and shit and it's depressing. Jen Keaton is a 4-time mother, Stephanie Tanner is knocked up! Who else? OMG, even Margeaux from Punky Brewster has a baby! Damn....l

  3. Best Friends For....The Week



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    Courtney Love was blamed for ruining Kate Moss' $8,000 dress at a charity event this past week. Kate bought the vintage Dior gown at some shop, wore it and some bitches tore it up by standing on it. Well, that's what you get for spending so much dough on a dress. Next time get your shit at Forever 21 and you won't cry when someone rips it up.


    Kate was said to be pissed at Courtney Love and blamed her crack ass for standing on her dress. It looks like they kissed and made up. The two were pals again at Thursday night's Adidas by Stella McCartney show.


    Wait, and I thought Courtney Love and Dreamboat Doherty shared a kiss? Kate doesn't care about that?


    A cleaned up Court is still fug. I'm sorry. She looks like a drag queen doing a bad impersonation of Donatella Versace.

  4. Hi BobbyD ~


    I can only speak for myself, but it's not Jesus' honor or Mohammad's or Buddha's honor that needs to be defended. I took the comment (at first glance - knee jerk reaction) to be mocking "me" or others who are followers of Jesus.


    After reading a few posts here though, I don't really think her intent was mean spirited or aimed at anyone in particular - it got her publicity and as I said in my previous post, publicity is what it's all about. I suppose I can liken my offense to someone telling my mom or my daughter to "suck it".


    I do think KG probably could have and should have chosen different words. I am what I am - maybe overly sensitive, but telling Jesus, who I love, to "suck it" bothers me.


    I know what you mean about judgmental overreactions by various sects and religions. I don't try to force my faith down another's throat, and I am by nature (if nothing else!) a pacifist, so I could not even IMAGINE killing or punishing someone whose beliefs differ from mine, and when I see that happen (not only Muslim Extremists, but also so called Christian Fundamentalists who would have me, a Catholic girl burning in Hell, or Jehovah's Witnesses who believe that only THEY will be amoung a certain limited few to end up in Heaven, or Mormons, or "old-school" Catholics - I could go on - you get the idea) the hypocrisy of it all REALLY strikes a nerve. The same nerve is struck when (as insinuated as the purpose behind KG's statement) I hear the hard partying, slutting, egotistical celebrities who in the light of day are God-less, thank Jesus or whomever for their success. Please. I'd like to believe that this is the point KG was trying to make. The words just really struck me as offensive - for ME - not for the personification of Jesus or any other great prophet.

    FWIW, tmn9761, I agree with you wholeheartedly. I wasn't saying that KG's comment wasn't inappropriate or that I think that anything's OK for a bit of publicity. Not at all. But while I did take offense to her words, I am more offended by the celebrities and other public figures who have made a continual mockery of my faith with their hypocrisy, lies and self-righteous judgement of others. How many more "Christian family men" are going to be exposed as adulterers, perverts and paedophiles? How many more of "God's faithful servants" are going to preach hate and judgement on their brothers because they are different from themselves? How many more celebrities are going to "find Jesus" the minute their life goes down the toilet and then forget about their so-called faith the second they are OK? Those are the people that are the most offensive to me.

  5. Why do I feel bad for him...He plays it well.

    Because even a prick like Charlie Sheen looks good compared to skanky Denise "Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger" Richards? ;)


    I don't know, but I agree with tyler. They both knew what the other was about when they got together.



    People are idiots, she was not mocking Jesus she was mocking the celebs that thank him for awards they receive. Like she said, Jesus has better things to do than make sure some self-obsorbed celeb wins an award. GO KATHY!!!!

    I didn't take offense at KG saying that her award had nothing to do with Jesus. I agree - Jesus has bigger things to think about than a loud-mouthed comedienne winning an award. If she'd stopped there, no problem. But to say "Suck it Jesus" is extremely offensive. She'd be a social pariah if she'd said "Suck it Mohammed," and I don't think many people here would be defending her. I actually like KG; she is loud and hilarious, sometimes offensive but not usually mean-spirited. I think she'd have been better served to say "I was excited about the win and made an unthinking joke in the spur of the moment" instead of "am I the only Catholic left with a sense of humor?" No Kathy, you aren't, but you are one of the few who thinks "Suck it Jesus" is a cool statement to make.


    VERY well said! Thank you! I never really "liked" or "dis-liked" KG - she's okay - not the best, not the worst, but personally, AS A CATHOLIC WITH A SENSE OF HUMOR I found that three word statement pretty vulgar and offensive. I wonder how offended those who consider me an "idiot" would be if she expressed the same sentiment toward something/someone they love and hold close to their heart...


    Anyway, Kathy Griffin (and Barry Manilow for that matter!!) just need to grow up and realize that THEY (and those with like-minded sentiments and beliefs) are not the ONLY ones, and if someone happens to DISAGREE with their opinions, it doesn't make them an "idiot". It's called having an individual thought process and not going along with whatever happens to be the "popular" opinion of the day!!


    Maybe I'm wrong, but I didn't take it that daq was calling me personally (or any other Christians here) idiots because of our faith, just the ones spending thousands of dollars on taking out the full page ads. Come on, KG said it for the shock value and media attention and look... those people are giving her even more publicity. She is loving it!


    I applauded the original post, not because I'm a KG fan (which I'm not particularly) but just because the original intent of the whole thing seems to have been lost. KG was mocking shallow hypocritical celebrities, not Christians. The same celebrities who have no qualms about sleeping around, using illegal drugs, dressing like prostitutes, and treating people like garbage in their day-to-day life will then accept an award with a speech thanking Jesus for their talent and for giving them a blessed life. However, I do agree with stilllovewestley and tmn9761 that there are less offensive ways to get your point across.


    As far as Barry Manilow goes, he's only doing it for the same reasons. Would we even be talking about him now if he didn't make a big deal about refusing to appear on The View? Exactly.

  7. Kathy Griffin's new apple ice



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    I'm about to totally gush. Here goes.... I love Kathy Griffin! I love, lovE, loVE, lOVE, LOVE her! I've seen every episode of My Life On The D-list, have seen all her concert specials, and actually saw her in concert at The Laugh Factory years ago. Once in a while as I'm channel surfing, I'll come across her on some talk show and it is like finding treasure. She always makes me laugh. I loved her Emmy acceptance speech, I love that she's a friend of the gays, I love how she pokes fun at the crazies, and I love how she says such unexpected things. Did I mention I love her?


    Allegedly she's engaged to Apple co-founder Steve Wosniak. She was allegedly spotted wearing an engagement ring on the Emmy red carpet this past sunday. Mr Wosniak is a billionaire. Yes, a billionaire. I imagine he could give her quite a lovely apple engagement ring.


    As far as I'm concerned, if she's on the D list then D is the new A. And I'm done gushing.

  8. (Diplomatic) Quote Of The Day!





    “What do you think is going on with Britney?” Oprah Winfrey asks Justin Timberlake.


    “I don’t know, to be honest with you,” he responds. “I haven’t spoken to her in years. I mean, there’s no ill will – I have nothing but love for her. It’s funny because we dated each other at a time … wow, I haven’t talked about this in a long time. It’s interesting. We were teenagers, you know?”


    “Yes,” Winfrey affirms, “famous teenagers.”


    “I think that’s basically the best way to describe what happened to us. I think she’s a great person, and I don’t know her as well as I did,” he says. “What I do know about her is she has a huge heart, and she is a great person.”

  9. MUTE



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    Snatchers just because you look like Michael Jackson doesn't mean you have the same talents as he does. Snatchers performed with the "Band from TV" at the TV Guide Emmy after party last night. The band consists of a bunch of TV actors. Thankfully, I just have pictures and not video. It's too early to hear that crow call.


    Bitch also forgot her dress. If you're going to wear a negligee, make sure it doesn't look like you fished it out of the bottom of the clearance bin at TJ Maxx.

  10. Where The Hell Is Doherty?!



    Kate Moss was seen leaving a pub in London with her new dude, Jamie Hince. I guess this means Moss and the Doherty really are done. But where the hell is he? Everyday I look for him and nothing! Did he kick the bucket and nobody told me! I'm about to attach an 8-ball to a pigeon and send it off. I'm getting worried.


    Oh and those sunglasses should be reason enough not to date that fug.


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  11. That's A New One



    In her new book "Celebrity Detox" Rosie O'Donnell admits to hurting herself as a child. I've heard of cutting, but I've never heard of "batting." Crazy bitch.


    The Insider reports:


    She writes that as a child, she used to break her own limbs with "a baseball bat" or a "wooden hanger."


    On page 186, it reads: "My hands and fingers usually. No one knew. My secret." Why? "Proof," she writes, "that I had some value, enough to be fixed." And later, Rosie cryptically adds, "There were many benefits to having a cast. In the middle of the night, it was a weapon."


    I'm guessing she needed a "weapon" because she abused? I could be wrong.


    She has determination. I tried to break my nose once so I could stay home from school. I couldn't go through with it, so I drank half a bottle of Palmolive to make myself vom. It tasted so nasty. They didn't have delicious scents like grapefruit and hibiscus back then. I know, Rosie and I need the crazy house.


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  12. Justin Timberlake’s Voice Was Strained from “Performing”



    Justin Timberlake Cancels Tour Dates after Getting Shitfaced at the VMAs


    JT postponed two tour dates in Northern California — one on Monday and one on Wednesday — after a doctor ordered him to rest his voice after his VMA performance.




    The performance was so, so stressful on the voice of a guy who puts on a full two-hour show every other night. But the three bits he did at the VMAs just put that poor little voice right over the edge.


    So, so stressful.



  13. I Want To Be A Sober Companion!



    InTouch Weekly reports that Owen Wilson has refused rehab and is instead paying $750 a day for a sober companion. This sober companion lives with Owen and follows him everywhere he goes to make sure he doesn't fall off the wagon.


    Owen has been in rehab twice before and believes a sober companion is the way to go. Friends and family are urging him to go back into rehab, but he has refused.


    So all I gotta do is follow him around all day and all night? Sign me up! I'd be the shittiest sober companion though. I'd be like "Owen I'm bored. Aww fuck it, get your drinking dress on! It's time to get wet!"


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  14. Never Retire Barbara!



    In her new book, Celebrity Detox, Rosie O'Donnell tells 77-year-old Barbara Walters to retire already.


    She writes, "And Barbara. At some point, a person gets tired. It's inevitable. Barbara Walters is almost twice my age. At some point it becomes necessary to step back. Everyone has to go. Going is part of the gig."


    "I would be less-than-honest if I were to say that there is no trouble between Barbara and I. I mean, our differences are obvious."


    Rosie also seems to suggest her new book that Barbara might have been jealous of her success on "The View." Rosie said when audience members would shout "I love you Rosie" Barbara would say to them, "It is impolite to say I love you to one person when there are four of us up here."


    Some who have read Rosie's book which is due out in October said it's a "rambling mess" not unlike her blog. As long as Rosie spills the beans, I'm reading.


    If Barbara retires I would seriously shed a tear. The TV world needs as many crazy, old ladies as possible!


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  15. Changed Your Mind?



    Jennifer Hudson has signed on for a role in the "Sex and the City" movie which begins shooting September 19th in NYC. Jennifer will play Carrie Bradshaw's assistant. Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis and Cynthia Nixon will all be back. The film will take place 4 years after the show's finale which was in 2004.


    So does this mean Samantha's tits are going to be covered up, because earlier this year Jennifer said she turned down $3 million to appear in a movie due to a nude scene in the movie. The nude scene didn't even involve her character! She even went so far to say she would never EVER act in a movie that had nudity, because she's a role model to young, black women.


    Dumb bitch should've kept her mouth shut, because now she looks stupid or maybe they are planning to keep those crows covered. Doubt it!


    Here is JHud at the VMAs. I don't blame her for the awful wig. I blame Beyonce. You know she sabotaged her ass!


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  16. Noooo RiRi Nooooo!!!



    The Alien Princess and the Queen of the VMAs, Rihanna, denied that she was dating Shia LaDouche last night. But....MediaTakeOut reports that she went home with Justin Timberfuck at the end of the night.


    A source said, "Justin and Rihanna were hanging out and [talking] for a while. Then they both got up all nonchalant and left together ... It was crazy because Jessica [biel] was there and she was looking all over for [Justin] ... Poor girl."


    I'm going to choose to not believe this. RiRi wouldn't mess with that doofus. He's soo....dorky and not cute dorky, just straight-up dorky.


    I can't blame JT for wanting to tap that though. He probably got sick of being manhandled by She-Hulk Biel.


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  17. Noooo RiRi Nooooo!!!



    The Alien Princess and the Queen of the VMAs, Rihanna, denied that she was dating Shia LaDouche last night. But....MediaTakeOut reports that she went home with Justin Timberfuck at the end of the night.


    A source said, "Justin and Rihanna were hanging out and [talking] for a while. Then they both got up all nonchalant and left together ... It was crazy because Jessica [biel] was there and she was looking all over for [Justin] ... Poor girl."


    I'm going to choose to not believe this. RiRi wouldn't mess with that doofus. He's soo....dorky and not cute dorky, just straight-up dorky.


    I can't blame JT for wanting to tap that though. He probably got sick of being manhandled by She-Hulk Biel.


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  18. Arroz Con Pollo



    Beyonce told Latina Magazine that she wishes she was born Latin. Some people are offended by this statement, but I think it's just Beyonce kissing ass. If it was Dog Fancy, she'd say she wishes she was born a dog. Matthew Knowles probably programmed that response into her.


    B said, "I'm just jealous that I wasn't born Latina. I wish I had been because the culture is so beautiful."


    Homegirl should've left it at that, but she kept going.


    "I noticed a big difference between speaking to all of the Latino stations and speaking to the pop stations or the other stations. With the Latino stations, there was so much love and everyone is so genuine."


    Can't wait what Miss Info and Wendy Williams are going to say about this. They are going to tear her a new one. If these statements came from someone with half a brain then it would probably be a little off, but Beyonce has no idea what the hell she's talking about.


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