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Everything posted by tyler

  1. tyler

    Christian Bale

    This story is a little inconsistent with the one above: the one above says that Christian went to live with his dad -- so how is it possible that she raised him. AS for his sister, I can almost guarantee that if you had the balls to ask me for money, and then insult my spouse after I turned you down, that I would probably fly off the handle too. 100K to help raise the kids? Where is dad, why is it Christian's obligation, and where does it stop? Sounds like the sister played the timing of her request thinking that he wouldn't turn her down the night before the premier. Wrong.
  2. tyler

    Christian Bale

    If its about money (which was my first thought) they can kiss that good bye. Hard to kiss, forgive and forget after something like this.
  3. tyler

    Christian Bale

    N ot that it makes the situation much better, but remember there is a difference between assault and an actual battery.
  4. tyler

    Andy Dick

    Wow, is that a pervy looking pic or what? :ph34r:
  5. tyler

    Matthew McConaughey

    ahem, I think Hoya meant that McM would want to play with your blue bongos instead of her ipink ones.
  6. tyler

    Matthew McConaughey

    Are we playing bongs with him or playing his bongos?
  7. tyler

    Movies You Have Walked Out On

    I was listening to the radio today and the reviewer said that Mr. Myers was working some out some issue and practicing movie therapy. I have never gotten Mike Myers.
  8. tyler

    Martha Stewart

    Martha Stewart bought Emeril. Emeril is leaving to FN to go to Fine Living. Just so you know.
  9. tyler

    Anne Hathaway

    From ElleDriver posted in "How he holds her" This was on Crazy Days and Nights I don't know what in the hell she sees in him, but the rumors about Anne Hathaway breaking up with her boyfriend are not true. Let me make this clear. He would break up with her, but she would never leave him. I think people ask her and plead with her everyday to break up with the douchebag, but when she tries to leave, he just sucks her back in. She gave up a long time ago trying to leave. Plus, I think he is really cool with her side activities if you know what I mean and she is okay with his. I will say that I'm not sure of the exact hold he has over her. I don't know if it is a bad boy thing or if there is something more sinister or if he owes her a bunch of money and so she is staying until she has a chance of getting paid. Just know this. That despite what you may read or even hear from PR people in the next few days, Anne is totally into this guy and isn't leaving. Wish she was, but she isn't.
  10. tyler

    Twilight Series

    Ok, I am going to be 40 in a few weeks and I cannot put these books down. I have read and reread and reread them. Is almost 40 to old to be in love with a fictional vampire? I, too, have fallen for these books and its all my daughters fault. The books are quite the rage at her school. I asked the clerk at the Barnes and Noble if they were for "adult" enough and she said that they sell quite a few copies to "moms" and there is even a web site for same: http://twilightmoms.com/ You should check out the trailer for the movie. I wasn't sure of the casting choices either, but Edward is looking pretty hot.
  11. tyler

    Anne Hathaway

    I thought all the pics were bad. The lighting looks way to harsh and her makeup to stark.
  12. tyler

    Charlie Sheen

    middle age knocked on the door and handed him the check.
  13. tyler

    Charlie Sheen

    he is in that "awkward 40s" stage edited because I can't spell where all the booze, drugs, and the wildness of your mispent youth catch up with you. He looks like shit.
  14. tyler

    Julia Roberts

    wouldn't the above make a great avatar.
  15. tyler

    Robert Downey Jr.

    Either he's using or he just became the first truly honest actor in Hollywood. He's using. He could be both.
  16. tyler

    Kate Hudson

    Not to be to crass or anything, but do you ever wonder if celebs wake up and forget who they are supposed to be fucking that night?
  17. tyler

    Dolly Parton

    Never say never. That's probably what people said when the lady sued McDonalds after burning herself with hot coffee. (She went through the drive thru, put the coffee between her legs and drove away.. . .) PS When did racism get to be funny? I must have missed that memo.
  18. tyler

    Dolly Parton

    No worries BobbyD. Now pass the frap and cheetos roomie.
  19. tyler

    Dolly Parton

    If you don't whine about people using your lifes work to put ugly words in your mouth, then what is worth whining about. Besides, maybe she whines about the other crap too. She may not be able to do anything about that crap, but she can do something about this crap. What will her lawsuit be about, hell, I don't know, but how about stealing her work without her permission, causing emotional distress, fraud, negligent infliction of emotional distress, intentional infliction of emotional distress for starters. People give howard a free ride because they think its funny, maybe its time the ride stopped because racism, etc, isn't funny.
  20. tyler

    Dolly Parton

    From what I have seen and heard, Dolly has a great sense of humor. Using her material to make racist comments, whether people believed it was her or not, is not really the point.
  21. tyler

    Dolly Parton

    Pretty uncool Howard. Go Dolly.
  22. tyler

    Kelsey Grammer & Camille Donatacci

    Yeah. I wouldn't even check out the show purely because of Heaton being on it. She's horrible on and off the screen. And I like Grammer, but not enough to wipe out my hatred of her. The show was cancelled.
  23. tyler

    Gary Dourdan

    Thanks for the info. Knowing that, Dourdan's story sounds plausible.
  24. tyler

    Gary Dourdan

    This must be news to all the CSI insiders that sold their story saying that they saw this coming. Coachella ran from April 25th through April 27th, and some people who went to the festival stayed in Palm Springs even though there were plenty of places closer. It's not like he's the first person to claim the drugs weren't his...the excuse worked for Lindsay - twice! Don't think so. I was in Indio on May 2 and: http://stagecoachfestival.com/ Unless there were two music fesitvals?
  25. tyler

    Gary Dourdan

    Ahem, I think the music festival started after he was busted. May 2, 3, and 4th. Wasn't he busted on April 29th. And the festival was in Indio not Palm Springs. This must be news to all the CSI insiders that sold their story saying that they saw this coming.