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Everything posted by e-lin

  1. e-lin

    TV shows that you USED to watch

    I gave up on Desperate Housewives, Greys Anatomy, ER- that show should have been off the air 5 years ago, all the CSI's- they just overdid it with too many of them !!
  2. e-lin

    Jerry O'Connell & Rebecca Romijn

    maybe i am showing my age but i remember when it was real popular for girls when the Charlie perfume first came out !! lol
  3. e-lin

    Ricky Martin

    I don't think he has ever mentioned a partner !!
  4. e-lin

    Hugh Jackman

    definately a gay BV
  5. e-lin

    Kate Winslet

    either she's had plastic surgery, lost tons of weight or this has been majorly photoshopped. It doesn't even look like her at all !! One of the things i always liked about her was that she wasn't stick thin, she seemed pretty average weight !! These pics look like she's as thin as Nicole Richie !!
  6. e-lin

    Miley Cyrus

    I read in PEOPLE that Miley has her own wing of the house. Sort of like an appartment far away from the rest of the house. I am sure she can do what ever she wants there, and have who ever she wants sleep over and no one knows about it. They gave her a separate wing for her "privacy". lol
  7. e-lin

    Ashlee Simpson

    Why ? Surely you can't think they are going to stay home with a new baby !! (sarcasm) lol
  8. e-lin

    Miley Cyrus

    Like they say on "The Soup"..... its still a felony !!!
  9. e-lin

    Elizabeth Hurley

    she looks like she has melons under her dress !!! That is awful ! lol
  10. e-lin

    Miley Cyrus

    yeah, an under age party !!
  11. e-lin

    Janet Jackson

    I know I log on to mainly read the BI's and it seems like it has been slim pickens with BI's lately !! lol Maybe they are just busy.
  12. e-lin

    Scarlett Johansson

    He has been in a couple of those low budget should have gone straight to DVD movies. He is cute but always seems limited in his acting ability. The TV show he was on seemed to showcase his sexiness and thats all. It really was a stupid show. He was the "sex symbol" on it. I think his looks are his biggest asset ! I could see him playing for the other team !! lol Or at least trying it out !! Good luck to them !!
  13. e-lin

    Heather Locklear

    Sounds like the bitch set her up. Thats too bad !
  14. e-lin

    What Ever Happened to.....?

    thats a face of too much sun wo protection and probaly smoking and drinking !! Plus no moisturizer !!
  15. e-lin

    Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones

    It seems like she has been 38 for years now !!
  16. e-lin

    Sienna Miller

    also Penelope Cruz...should be listed on her resume "professional beard" to several high profile, well known actors !!! Knows how to be discreet and keep secrets !!
  17. e-lin

    Matthew McConaughey

    So has anyone thought that it is funny- Mathew having a baby recently and Ted C saying "toothy tile" was having a baby !!! quite a conicidence !!! Especially with there always being rumors with Mathews sexuality !!! lol
  18. e-lin

    Charlie Sheen

    He had a son when he was in his 20's by a girlfriend. You never hear about him. Poor kid is probaly ashamed of his dad !! lol
  19. e-lin

    Ricky Martin

    is this the new thing ?? Gay men having babies with surrogates because they all want to be daddies ?? First Clay Aiken now Ricky Martin !!!!!
  20. e-lin

    Beyonce and Jay-Z

    Her whole face looks strange- not as round ! She did some major plastic surgery or photoshopped or something !!
  21. e-lin

    Sienna Miller

    I wouldn't want to be hanging out topless with my mom and my boyfriends mom !! Still sounds skanky !! But WTF ...its Sienna !!!! lollol
  22. e-lin

    Miley Cyrus

    5 years from now she will either be in rehab and strung out or will be sueing Billy Ray for keeping too much of a % of her money !! Or maybe both !!! lol
  23. e-lin

    Oprah Winfrey

    How sweet Gayle and Oprah had a romantic summer vacation in Italy ! Just the two of them !! They need to come out and admit they are gay !!!
  24. e-lin

    Jerry O'Connell & Rebecca Romijn

    Another set of twins...another dose of IVF...another day in hollywood !!! lol They didn't waste any time to saying they would like to try for a pregnancy to announcing a pregnancy. The IVF must have taken on the first time !! Good for them !! lollol
  25. e-lin

    Sienna Miller

    WAH ! WAH ! WAH !! Shes crying cause she has no one to suck her nipples in public now !! Lol She will find a new married man soon !! Watch and see !!