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Posts posted by e-lin

  1. has anyone noticed they are everywhere these days!!! I saw a pic of the "situration" in Vegas on Valentines Day with Holly Madison! They were with Kendra and her husband. Surprizingly because the Jersey Shore is not on E! Usually the E! stars all cross over and visit one anothers shows and appear in public together as if to publicize their shows!! Anyone ever notice that...its like a rule for E! reality stars to hang out with other E! reality stars. Or maybe it is because they are all so skanky thats all they know are other skanks!!!! lol

  2. I am ashamed to admit I watched the reunion show last night cause not much else was on!!! Sammy got upset and walked off then when she came back. Her and whats his name..her boyfriend had a fight and broke up. I also read on E! they are demanding more money to come back next year. MTV is saying they can replace them with dozens of others!!! True..lololol

  3. they have to give their permission to be aired on TV if they don't sign a release they get blurred out. Same as for "Cops" and other shows like that. If you are a minor they automatically blurr the face. I would have my face blurred too...who wants your friends and relatives know you are making an ass of yourself!!!

  4. she sure looks like she has had more than that! She looks like a plastic doll. I still love her though. I saw "Steel Magnolias" again on TV over the holidays. She was so good in that. That and "9 to 5" were her best movies. The other ones were just kind of jokes on her physical attributes.

  5. I got hooked on it over Christmas when they ran all the episodes in a row and I had lots of time off. I am ashamed to admit it too...lol. It is so bad that it is funny. They are so trashy that its a hoot. I never watch the episode when it is on the first time but always catch the rerun airing on the weekends late at night!! lollol My 21 yr old daughter thinks its funny that I am addicted now. She said they watch it at college and laugh about how dumb and trashy they are.

  6. I am still waiting for the Stephanie Plum movie to be coming. From the SP bounty hunter mystery novels. I heard years ago they were trying to get it cast to make into a movie. Sandra Bullock is a shoe in for Stephanie, Queen Latifia or Sherry Sheperd for Lulu her friend, Dwayne the rock for the one bounty hunter, the hot, dark mysterious one. I can't remember his name. I just cant decide who for be good for her boyfirend the cop- Joe Morelli. Maybe Ben Affleck ?? Anyone else got any ideas??

  7. I thought I read that Ugly Betty was cancelled and now it is back! This must be the last year for it. Other shows I think need to be cancelled- Desparate Housewives, Lost, Heroes, that Christine show with whats her name from Seinfield, Law and Order SVU, CSI Miami with the red headed guy . I really like The Middle..it reminds me of early Roseanne shows just because the humor is pretty real and true to life. I think at one time or another we all can identify with its siturations lol!!!!!
