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Everything posted by tifflet

  1. tifflet

    Jessica Alba

  2. tifflet

    Matthew McConaughey

    I love the name Levi, but I am also a sucker for Old Testament names (my sons both have them.)
  3. tifflet

    Ashlee Simpson

    I agree. The dress is too low and too clingy. Her "girls" are a little too exposed, and if she reaches too far, a nipple might pop out. Not a big fan of the underside of the breast being exposed in broad daylight either. It is a miss, in my opinion. (It doesn't help that I hate, loathe, and despise all things Simpson.)
  4. tifflet

    Ashlee Simpson

    I think he is fugly AND has a bad comb-forward!
  5. tifflet

    Harrison Ford & Calista Flockhart

    He has been my biggest crush since I was in 4th grade and saw "Star Wars" 46 times. I can't even get that upset that he is a boozer. He is still hot.
  6. tifflet

    Movies You Have Walked Out On

    Oh, I loved The English Patient, but I am admittedly a bit of a Ralph Fiennes fanatic. I don't even care that he boffed a Quantas flight attendant in an airplane lavatory, he is still on my freebie list. First got my crazy crush when he did Shindler's List. Those eyes! Sigh.
  7. tifflet

    What Ever Happened to.....?

    Alcohol It has claimed many folks, that demon in a bottle.
  8. tifflet

    What Ever Happened to.....?

    I thought he was SO hot in Terminator. Sigh. He bulked up later, and I liked him better lean.
  9. tifflet

    Gisele Bundchen

    She always cocks her hips when she poses, to make it look like she is curvier than she really is. That dress is doing her breasts no favors - they look squashed down.
  10. tifflet

    Ashlee Simpson

    Ditto that !
  11. tifflet

    Daniel Craig

    No, I'm the same way. It irks me no end to see the obvious spelling and grammar skills that make it into print. And don't get me started on news anchors who cannot speak properly. I saw a clip somewhere on television last week about a guy who is crossing the country and politely changing grammar and spelling mistakes on people's signs (he asks first). He carries white-out and a lot of markers. One of my least favorite signs is one that sometimes is outside of Macy's. It says, "Macy's let's you (something about saving money and earning points).....". Pisses me off that stuff like that gets through such a huge retail chain's marketing and printing departments. Grammatical errors drive me absolutely crazy. The misuse of pronouns has become rampant in society and on television! I teach science, but I continually correct grammar in my classroom. My students sometimes actually stop and correct themselves in order to avoid my pesky corrections. I can't help myself - my grandmother taught English for over 40 years!
  12. tifflet

    Movies You Have Walked Out On

    I had the misfortune of paying to see "Autumn in New York". I didn't walk out, but I am still scarred from the boredom I endured.
  13. tifflet

    Ashlee Simpson

    You took the words out of my mouth. Somebody PLEASE make the Simpson sisters go away. How long can the celebrity continue for two dumb, talentless girls? Never mind, it can probably go on forever.
  14. tifflet

    What Ever Happened to.....?

    She looks great! Check out this picture from her stint on Dirt. It doesn't look anything like her. Ashley Johnson Must learn how to post a pic. <grumble grumble> It is not her. It is the actress who plays Milan Carlton. Ashley plays another character (the Britney-based one, I think.)
  15. tifflet

    Jessica Alba

    That quote just shows how ignorant she is of the MANY good restaurants in ABQ. My mouth starts watering every time I know we are going to New Mexico, because I LOVE green chile.
  16. tifflet

    Halle Berry

    Have we seen them together since the news of the pregnancy broke? Oh, sure, they have been photographed MANY times. I love her hair, but still do not understand why women wear skin-tight pregnant clothes. The one time in your life when you can get away with wearing a baggy shirt or comfy dress and people tell you that you are beautiful and glowing, and they wear things like this....I just do not get it. She is beautiful. I agree about the tight pregnancy clothes. Of course, I may just be jealous because I looked like a beluga whale during both my pregnancies. My "you're pregnant" tip-off was always the 5 lb. gained in the interim between conception and that first pregnancy test (in spite of no change in eating habits!)
  17. tifflet

    Zac Efron

    Jessica is just jealous because he's prettier than her. LOL. Maybe she realized that the color of that dress wasn't doing her any favors and it made her bitchy.
  18. tifflet

    Beyonce and Jay-Z

    Solange would look better if she wore a dress that covered the stretch marks on her breasts.
  19. tifflet

    Justin Timberlake

    I think JT's ability to be a tool is certainly a strong likelihood. I have it from a very reliable source that on a private flight about 18 months ago, Justin's list of "notes" for the flight included one minor thing..... that he be called "You da man". Not Mr. Timberlake, but "You da man." The flight crew was not amused, and to my understanding avoided any situation in which his name would have to be used. Stupid egotistical prick. Having said that about him, damn it, I do like some of his songs. However, I have refused to purchase a CD because that story just makes it impossible for me to do so.
  20. tifflet

    Hilary Swank

    Hillary and Mr. Ed - Separated at Birth? She is fugly. I do think she is a good actress, but she is no beauty.
  21. tifflet

    America Ferrera

    I think she looks great, but unless she is 4'10" there is NO WAY she is a 6 or 8. Let the truth be told about her size, because she is much more attractive than any Tinseltown Lollipop!
  22. tifflet

    Sienna Miller

    Umm... so, he's just crashing on her couch. Okay. And did she take her couch to Ibiza on vacation with the two of them last week? Oh, and to answer her question.... Yes! Yes your nickname is Sleeparound Sienna - sort of. It's actually more like "That slutty cokewhore" or "Sluttienna" or "Just another whore who blew Harvey for work" basically. What dumb-dumb also fails to realize is that her "career" started in sex scandal. I mean Jude Law(remember him) cheated on her with a real woman with curves(the nanny). And she returned the favor with a fling with Daniel Craig, and God knows who else....so she will always be linked as a ho, same as Jude Law. She also has a fast career rise...I mean Colin Farrell did as well...and that's not based on talent...well maybe "talent" in another department. Well said BobbyD!
  23. tifflet

    Sienna Miller

    I think she looks stunning here. One has to appreciate the wonders of a good makeup artist and temporary sobriety. However, I hardly view her as a fashion icon (feisty or otherwise.)