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Everything posted by KikiTopaz

  1. KikiTopaz

    What are you reading?

    I just love this site. I am very interested in reading the Taylor/Burton story, Furious Love. Thanks for the recommendation! I had dinner at their villa in Puerto Vallarta once. It is owned by an eccentric woman with several small dogs. Hacienda San Angel, I will never forget it.
  2. KikiTopaz

    Randy Quaid

    yikes. Sounds like a case of serious paranoid drug-induced insanity. Put down the pipe, kids. Reality has left your world.
  3. KikiTopaz


    Walter continues to crack me up. If you saw last night's episode, I'm sure you would agree. Perhaps I don't care for the role of Olivia because I'm jealous? Yup, I think that's it. Never saw one episode of Party of Five so this is my first introduction to Joshua Jackson. (I'm not going to count The Mighty Ducks movie-that would just make me a pervy old lady)
  4. KikiTopaz

    Celebrity Smart-Ass Quotes

    I think Joan just meant what she said and said what she meant. She told it straight. Gotta admire her chutzpah. Is she the original cougar?
  5. KikiTopaz

    Celeb Acts of Awesomeness

    and this is exactly why I love Johnny Depp!
  6. KikiTopaz

    Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore

    I just gleamed this from the Huffington Post: Ashton Kutcher's purported mistress, Brittney Jones, has given a new interview to Star magazine claiming that Ashton and Demi have an open relationship filled with threesomes, and Hollywood Life has some excerpts. Brittney, 21, came forward last month claiming she had sex with Ashton on his couch while Demi was out of town. Now she tells Star that Ashton told her he and Demi share lovers--but Demi was mad in this instance because she wasn't around to participate. "He said they share women, but he isn't supposed to go off and sleep with women on his own," she said. "He said Demi had to be there and that Demi likes to pick the girls out." Here's my question: Is there someone else hiding 'neath the covers in their anniversary pic?
  7. KikiTopaz

    Lady GaGa

    Sorry, not a fan. I guess I'm just too old for this crap. I also hate techno/electro pop music and I cringe whenever I hear Cher sing that effed up song, Believe or whatever the hell it's called. It reminds me of aliens or some kid playing around with his older sibling's sound equipment. Sorry, really on a rant here. It just kinda pisses me off when theatrics take over to cover an otherwise craptastic performance. The only ones allowed to do that in my book were Freddie Mercury and David Bowie, real talent. GaGa gags me.
  8. KikiTopaz

    500 Days Of Summer

    My daughters recommended this movie to me, they really liked it. I came home from work last week and was hit with a severe case of the blues. (My dog was put down a few weeks ago and coming home to an empty house sucks. Mr. Topaz was working late that night.) I really liked the way the timeline was portrayed and found the actors to be interesting, enough so, as to keep on watching when I should have been making dinner. Not giving away the ending, I will suffice it to say that I enjoyed this movie more than I thought I would.
  9. KikiTopaz


    I thought Anna Torv was Canadian. Now I see you Jinx Girls point, lol, about Olivia portrayed as rigid/reserved/mannish, it was her conditioning at an early age. I agree that she does show a softer side with her sister and niece. Do we have any gossip on her short-lived marriage to the guy from Boston Legal, can't think of his name but he's on another action tv show.
  10. KikiTopaz


    Mr. Topaz and I have been hooked since the very first episode. I love Walter's humor and Peter is nice on the eyes. Those baby blues are quite striking. As for Olivia, I find her kind of odd. Her acting style reminds me of Scully (X-files) and Benson (SVU), kind of mannish/cold fish because they are in untraditional female roles (FBI and Cop). Why does that mean the writers have to portray them that way? Haven't we come a long way, Baby?? Almost cried laughing last night when Walter called Astrid "Aspirin."
  11. KikiTopaz

    Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore

    Seems to me that Demi also had her hands full disspelling rumors of a philandering Bruce Willis, while they were married. Using twitter and the media to prove she's still desirable and sexy doesn't help her marriage or image. She's regressed to stupidity and immaturity, trying to mesh with Ashton's level. She was once A-list. Now she's just A-ssinine.
  12. KikiTopaz

    Celeb Death Watch

    Tony Curtis has passed away at age 85 I don't know how to post a picture here but I was a great fan of Tony Curtis. I adored him in the story of Houdini, I think it was one of the earliest movies I remember when I cried at the ending.
  13. I WANNA 'NOTHER BABYEEEE, says Tom See Ya! says Katie
  14. KikiTopaz

    Hilton Sisters

    I believe the amount of coke was .80/gram not 8 grams. If it were 8 grams, I don't think they would have let her go so soon. Thought it was gum? Does she think the police or the public are really that stupid?? I hope they charge her with giving false information to a police officer in addition to her possession charge. Why didn't they drug test her? Do they do that?
  15. KikiTopaz

    Wanda Sykes

    I adore Wanda. She is too funny! Her talk show isn't half bad but I would like to see her in more big screen comedies. She's stolen every scene she's ever been in.
  16. KikiTopaz

    Brittany Murphy's Husband Dead

    WTF!!??!! Prescription bottle with the name Sharon Monjack?? Are you kidding me? There needs to be another autopsy performed on Simon. I wonder if Simon and Sharon were in cahoots to end Brittany's life using some type of undetectable drug and then Sharon turned the tables on Simon with the same method?
  17. KikiTopaz

    Brittany Murphy's Husband Dead

    I just knew it! Sharon was up to no good with her son-in-law. Wretched woman. (I think she was involved with Monjack before Brittany's death.) Now she's alone and has no money from the estate. Serves her right. I hope they investigate her to the fullest extent.
  18. Well I feel somewhat guilty for watching what will become a major trainwreck: Suri growing up. I always get the feeling like they are parenting her as though she was an ancient empress or royalty. I'm telling ya...the scientology philosophy to child rearing is mind boggling. I'm guessing that she will be their only child and Katie will stay with Tom for another five years minimum. She probably gets what she wants as much as Suri does.
  19. KikiTopaz

    Jake Gyllenhaal

    I just saw the lady wearing the Toothy t-shirt! LOL I wonder if Ted has seen this pic? Ironic is the perfect word here.
  20. KikiTopaz

    Brittany Murphy's Husband Dead

    wouldn't it make a great "true hollywood stories" segment if Brittany's mother turned out to be the culprit? She stood to inherit everything, didn't she? I was also suspicious when Simon moved with her to New York after Brittany's death. It seemed like there was more to the relationship than in-laws.
  21. KikiTopaz

    Brittany Murphy's Husband Dead

    This really strikes me as being more than coincidental. Pneumonia and anemia? It sounds like a side-effect of prolonged drug abuse.
  22. KikiTopaz

    Lindsay Lohan still broke and a mess

    the only thing that came to mind when I saw the pic of Dina visiting jail was that she lost the phone number to their connection. If someone were to take a picture of underage Ali in a sheer top with no bra, would that be considered akin to child porn? At least Britney and the others were "legal age" when they flashed the cameras.
  23. KikiTopaz

    Lindsay Lohan still broke and a mess

    Why are they still letting her have adderall??? Just because she has a "prescription" doesn't make this right, in fact, it's horribly wrong. Why would you need to treat ADHD while being locked up 24/7 for only three weeks? UGGHHHH. I am so done with this.
  24. KikiTopaz

    The Last Airbender

    Bobby, at least tell me that Jackson Rathbone wasn't the problem. M. Night sure is getting crucified over this movie. After seeing the budget, will we ever see him direct again?
  25. KikiTopaz

    Mel Gibson

    I agree with Bobby D that this should not be played out in public. What I would like to know is if the dentist is required by law to report suspected abuse to the authorities. Aren't doctors supposed to report any signs of physical abuse to the police? Why did Oksana release this information to the media BEFORE contacting authorities? Something smells funky here and I think the dentist is somehow more involved in this disgusting saga than just repairing her teeth. I get a fame-whore vibe from him. I'm done with this topic.