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Everything posted by WiLdFiRe

  1. WiLdFiRe

    Scarlett Johansson

    I was sad to see it looks like Jessica Alba has fallen into that look. She must really be desperate to make it in hollywood.
  2. WiLdFiRe

    Scarlett Johansson

    Its odd that she would pose nude for Vanity Fair & then turn around & refuse to pose nude for a company that she got paid alot of money to promote their products.
  3. WiLdFiRe

    Alyssa Milano

    She's still dressing like she's in her early 20's instead of early-mid 30's.
  4. WiLdFiRe

    Guns N’ Roses

    Didn't I read Axl is the ONLY original band member left? Does anyone care about this band anymore??
  5. WiLdFiRe

    Kate Moss

  6. WiLdFiRe

    Hilary Duff

    I'm all for animal rights but they are trying to dictate where she can hold her concerts. Hilary is from Texas so she may have a different view on horse shows.
  7. WiLdFiRe

    Natalie Portman

    If thats what she said & she wasn't misquoted, my opinion of her just went down!
  8. WiLdFiRe

    Paris Hilton recording album

    Is her cd ever coming out? They've been talking about it for about 2 years now.
  9. WiLdFiRe

    Rosie O'Donnell

    AMEN, Cutie.Couldn't have said it better myself. My State, Minnesota has some horrifying self-righteous ass state senator named Michele Bachmann trying to change the state's constitution to "prevent THOSE people" from getting married. Bachmann has a lesbian sister and finds her "troublesome and ill". The jackass Governor is ALL FOR IT, because like Bachmann, he is an Evangelical Christian and thinks gays are some kind of horrible sinners. If more people can only see gays for what they are, normal people born with a different sexual tilt, we would overcome a huge hurdle in this country. I'm all for a show that allows Rosie to show that she is a normal woman, who has issues with raising four kids, like any other Mother would.I hate prejudice of any kind. When these people (the haters) die & are judged I think they are the ones who are going to come off like absolute shits for the hatred they spread.
  10. WiLdFiRe

    Naomi Campbell

    I saw a clip of her on t.v. where they showed the photographer's booing her because she was at that May 1st fashion show & walked up the stairs & just barely paused for them.
  11. WiLdFiRe

    Drew Barrymore

    Bette Davis is one of my favorite actresses!
  12. WiLdFiRe

    Gisele Bundchen

    That is so incredibly air brushed!!
  13. WiLdFiRe


    So, she who outs others for not being real is denying she's a lesbian. Her comments about her "husband" just fuels the fire that he's her beard. Why he 'married' her is beyond me. The only reason I can think of is the usual, publicity, because I had never heard of him until I saw him pictured with Pink.
  14. WiLdFiRe

    Rosie O'Donnell

    Rosie should definately liven things up on The View! She became alot more opinionated once she left her old show. When she was on talk shows, you could tell she missed it.
  15. WiLdFiRe

    Diva Behavior Reports

    This kind of behavior works for Naomi & Kate, maybe she thought it would work for her too.
  16. WiLdFiRe

    The Celeb Price of Fame

    What B.S.!
  17. WiLdFiRe

    Scarlett Johansson

    Thats a perfect description of her.
  18. WiLdFiRe

    Diva Behavior Reports

    It's probably going to be Leo's new girlfriend. Right after he started dating Gisele is when she got her first VS contract. I've never thought she was pretty and she's certainly not "curvy." She has a straight boy's body and always angled her body to look curved. Now that she's "out", maybe Leo has found the next IT girl? I've never thought Giselle was all that attractive either. It will be interesting to see if this girls career takes off now that she's hooked up with Leo D., or if he's enough of a has been that no one will care.
  19. WiLdFiRe

    Julia Roberts

    They aren't the only ones who make a disgusting amount of money. I heard some top guy who was retiring from, I think it was Mobile, is getting a retirement package of 400 million.
  20. WiLdFiRe

    Diva Behavior Reports

    Like Giselle, she has a long lean body. Maybe thats all it takes to be a "super" model these days. Sounds like they're desperate to find the latest "IT" model. Someone should tell them the "supermodel" days are LONG over.
  21. WiLdFiRe

    Julia Roberts

    I heard all her shows are sold out.
  22. WiLdFiRe

    Scarlett Johansson

    I do like they fact that she hasn't given in to the rail thin look.
  23. WiLdFiRe

    Shannen Doherty

    About her show,
  24. WiLdFiRe

    Leonardo DiCaprio

    I wonder how long they have to serve?
  25. WiLdFiRe

    Diva Behavior Reports

    Tacky!! I looked him up on IMDb & he seems to have been working alot, is he just cheap?