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Everything posted by witchkitten

  1. witchkitten

    Quiet on the Set

    I watched it and found it really disturbing. Not surprising if you pay attention to Hollywood gossip and especially talk about children's experiences in Hollywood but still so difficult to watch. I had a similar experience with the Michael Jackson documentary that I had to this one. I deleted all of his music from my devices afterwards because I just couldn't listen to it anymore without being creeped out. And it's not like I didn't know about the allegations but there's something really powerful about hearing directly from survivors and their loved ones about their experiences and the impact. The same was true for me with Quiet on Set too.
  2. witchkitten

    British Royals

    I can’t think of anything planned that’s pregnancy related that would cause her to be in the hospital that long or require that long of a recovery. Even the emergency pregnancy situations I can think of (except those very close to birth or while giving birth) wouldn’t require that long of a hospitalization or recovery and the ones I can think of that happen further along in a pregnancy are all emergencies. I also don’t think she eats enough to get pregnant at her age. She is painfully thin.
  3. witchkitten

    Official 2020 Divorce Poll

    So many couples splitting up this year. Joshua Jackson and Jodie Turner-Smith are getting divorced. There have been rumors about him cheating and she’s been doing events without him for some time now. Lots of people heartbroken over this one though. https://amp.tmz.com/2023/10/02/jodie-turner-smith-files-divorce-joshua-jackson-split-custody-child/
  4. witchkitten

    British Royals

    I think William looks a lot less like Diana as he ages but I still think he has a lot of her features, particularly her eyes and nose. The baldness (which doesn't suit him at all) and general aging (which Diana, sadly, didn't get to do much of), and the wider Windsor jawline (Queen Elizabeth also had a wider fuller lower face too) makes him less attractive than Diana and obscures her features. I never though Harry looked much like either of his parents but then while watching his Netflix documentary they showed a younger picture of Charles (in his 20s, I think) and I finally saw the resemblance between him and Harry. They have different noses but their eyes are placed and shaped very similarly. Both of them have narrow eyes that are super close together and I think maybe their mouths are similar too. Philip had a narrow face but I don't think his eyes are as close together as Charles' or Harry's so this features is distinctly from Charles. I think Charles has actually aged fairly well. His problem is that he was never physically attractive so he's not particularly attractive as he ages either, but I think he's less unattractive compared to other men his age now than he was when he was in his 20s and 30s. The gap has narrowed over time but he's still not attractive. He's very lucky not to have lost his hair.
  5. witchkitten

    British Royals

    I'm not going to buy it but I already have the digital version on hold at my library. I'm number one in the queue so I'll be getting it the day it's released.
  6. witchkitten

    British Royals

    I really really really want to like Meghan and Harry because I am opposed to the idea of monarchy. I think the British monarchy (and probably all monarchies, I just don't know as much about the other ones to comment) are toxic, not only for the people they "represent" but also for the members of the monarchy itself. I think Meghan was a victim of racism from the family, the media, and the general public. All of that can be true and she and Harry both can be some of the most out of touch entitled people on the planet at the same time. Meghan is so inauthentic and no matter how much I want to like her, I just can't because it's clear she isn't being honest a lot of the time. Does she really expect anyone to believe that she didn't know who Prince Harry was, that she decided to go on a date with him based on his instagram profile and his pictures of Africa? It would be ludicrous in anyone's case, but it's especially unbelievable for someone whose stated goal was to become rich and famous. At one point she also says that she thought the main takeaway from her interview with Oprah would be her struggle with depression, and she was shocked that everyone was focused on the allegations of racism. 🙄 These are just two examples but there are many other unbelievable things that she said throughout the documentary. Harry, on the other hand, is extremely authentic, which is charming at some points and off-putting at others because he is authentically entitled and self unaware. He thinks very highly of himself and his journey to self discovery but he's not as far along in that journey as he thinks he is. I agree with @princess that when a couple has to try this hard to sell their love as the greatest love story in history, it indicates that the relationship isn't on very solid ground. If you listen to couples who have been together for decades and who are clearly secure in their love and their relationship, they're not afraid to admit that being in a relationship is hard work, that they have disagreements and that there are difficult times caused not just by environmental factors but also internal factors as well, and that is part of their story. I don't think that Harry and Meghan are headed for imminent divorce, and it's entirely likely they'll never split, but I'm not convinced of their current happiness nor am I convinced that even if they are happy now that they'll be happy in the long term.
  7. witchkitten

    British Royals

    Blindgossip has been as transparently anti-Meghan and Harry as Celebitchy has been anti-Kate and William. They’re a conservative outlet. They’ve done some political blinds about democrats too that were none too flattering while often ignoring bad behavior from republicans. I 100% believe Andrew faked COVID as a way of explaining his absence at the Jubilee events as though we don’t all know that he’s been forbidden to go by everyone other than the Queen, who has a real blind spot when it comes to him. I don’t think Blind Gossip has any inside intel on this, though. It’s just really obvious. I loved Meghan’s outfit at the Trooping of the Guard (from the pictures through the window). I thought her hat was much prettier than Kate’s (can’t help comparing because they’re the same colors). I’m in the minority on the St. Paul’s service fashion because I didn’t like the cream coat outfit Meghan wore. The outfit was fine but I don’t think it flatters her at all. I did like the yellow dress Kate wore (it is flattering on her), though I’m always struck by how thin she looks.
  8. witchkitten

    Met Gala 2022

    It kills me that they let Kim wear Marilyn's actual dress for even five minutes. Historic dresses should be kept in a museum and not worn. Wearing them ruins them. The body oils, make up, etc. will degrade them. Plus she stepped on it at one point, and I heard that even with the massive weight loss her rear end still didn't fit into it so god knows what they did to get it on her. I'm with the many costume historians that are outraged by her being allowed to wear the dress at all. I also didn't think it looked good on her (Marilyn she is not) and the hair was atrocious.
  9. witchkitten

    British Royals

    I get it. My statement, though it wasn’t clear at all, was in response to all the people I saw defending the decision online. I just needed to get that off my chest. I didn’t think you were defending it. It’s mind boggling that this even happened. They had to have known how terrible it was going to come across and they did it anyway.
  10. witchkitten

    British Royals

    Anyone else see the coverage of Will and Kate's disastrous trip to the Caribbean? The monarchy is just so tone deaf and inflexible. An outdated institution in the modern world. The images of them greeting those people who are behind the fence is especially cringeworthy. https://www.independent.co.uk/world/william-kate-bahamas-slavery-b2042524.html
  11. witchkitten

    British Royals

    I've seen a lot of people defending the decision to have Andrew escort the Queen because he's her son. The reasoning goes you can't expect a mother to turn on her son even if he is a vile piece of crap (though you wouldn't blame her if she did either), which I generally agree with when it comes to regular people but Elizabeth is the Queen. She gets a boatload of money from the public and is given a position of power and influence so she doesn't get to act like a regular mother in public. She's supposed to belong to the people in a sense. Obviously, she can do what she wants in private. I don't begrudge her a relationship with her sexual predator son, but allowing him to escort her to an event in public doesn't just look bad, it's wrong, IMO.
  12. witchkitten

    Oscars 2022

  13. witchkitten

    Things that make you say "Hummm....."

    Chris Noth accused of sexual assault by two women. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/chris-noth-accused-of-sexual-assault-1235063596/?fbclid=IwAR1ew9IZIAZoSChfKcURU5kteTBtz8uAd2hTj4d5e3zhRrOi_ngcmiM5VEg
  14. witchkitten

    And Just Like That… (Sex & The City reboot)

    I've read the reviews and the spoilers and I know I won't enjoy it so I'm not going to be watching. I loved the original series but this sequel series doesn't interest me at all.
  15. witchkitten

    Things that make you say "Hummm....."

    My daughter’s friend moved to San Francisco and went to preschool with Ava Getty, one of the butterfly flower girls. The parents were supposedly very nice and not pretentious at all. I find that to be the case more often with old money than new money because they don’t have as much to prove. Apparently Ava’s birthday party was at one of those normal children’s venues but the party favors were expensive for a kid’s party.
  16. witchkitten

    Who will divorce first?

    We were right Kaley, was the first to divorce (she’s now on her second one). I can’t believe Tori and Dean lasted as long as they did, and I’m really surprised Eddie and Leann are still together.
  17. witchkitten

    Tom Cruise

    Fourteen is the most common age specified for when a judge is required to consider the child’s wishes but many states don’t specify the age and instead use language like a “‘mature child”. I think in many of those states, though, 14 is the unspoken age. A few do specify 12 as the age at which a judge is required to take the child’s wishes into account. Georgia is an outlier. They require that a judge consider a child’s preference at 11 and they are the only state that specifies that a 14 year old can decide which parent they live with, however, a judge can overrule the child’s wishes so it’s still ultimately up to the court.
  18. witchkitten

    Tom Cruise

    There is no age at which a child can legally decide their own custody or visitation. Until the child turns 18 the court can still disregard their wishes and order them to live with or see a parent they would rather not see or not see a parent they wish to see. However, at age 14 the court is required to take the kid’s wishes into account even if they ultimately disregard them. Prior to that, it’s at the judge’s discretion whether they want to hear what the child wants. At age 12, children get a say in whether or not they’re adopted. Before 12, a child can be forced into an adoption they don’t want. I thought the age at which children would get a say in court would be the same for custody and adoption but apparently not.
  19. witchkitten

    Britney Spears

    Jamie Spears is stepping down as Britney’s conservator. I think this is for the best regardless of whether the allegations against him are true or not. https://variety.com/2021/music/news/britney-spears-father-jamie-spears-quits-conservator-1235040690/?fbclid=IwAR1wbPY8ZuHKzyeKCux0dzWNIBt3F7X7a_SxGp1eH9MU4Yfg3bIUqRkLxN8
  20. witchkitten


    Granted I have never been a huge fan of the Olympics or sports in general (I sometimes watch figure skating and gymnastics) but this year I was even less interested. It’s partly COVID but a lot of it is because of the gymnastics scandal. Unpopular opinion. I think only adults should be able to compete in the Olympics. Children shouldn’t have that kind of pressure on them, and it creates a situation where abuse is rewarded, which makes them more vulnerable than they already are by virtue of being children. I’m not just talking about the Larry Nassar sexual abuse scandal. Those child gymnasts were (and probably still are) also being physically and emotionally abused by many other adults, and while raising the minimum age to 18 wouldn’t completely protect them since training would still start early on, I do think it would lessen it. Before the Karolyis the female gymnasts were all adults. I know because of their size children are often capable of more than adults are in some sports but it’s not worth it, IMO. Figure skaters have also gotten much younger over the years it seems although not to the same extent as the gymnasts. It just creeps me out now seeing these children compete at this level.
  21. witchkitten

    British Royals

    Princess Eugenie’s husband snapped partying with models in bikinis, one of whom was topless. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9847853/Jack-Brooksbank-pictured-Capri-glamorous-women-Princess-Eugenie-stays-home.html
  22. witchkitten

    British Royals

    Prince Harry is writing a memoir. It’s set to be published in 2022. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/19/books/prince-harry-memoir.html
  23. witchkitten

    British Royals

    Kate Middleton was always thin but she lost a lot of weight once she started dating Will. There are a few pictures from right before or just after they started dating and though she is thin she definitely weighed more than she did by the end of university and beyond. You can really see a difference in her face in particular. Also, the camera really does add ten to fifteen pounds as well as a few inches in height. Celebrities that look skinny but normal in photos or on screen look scary skinny in person. I grew up on the west side of Los Angeles so I’ve seen quite a few celebrities in person and I’m always shocked by how tiny (both in weight and height) they are. If they look scary skinny in photos or on screen I can almost guarantee they look even scarier in person.
  24. witchkitten

    Official 2020 Divorce Poll

    The research on this topic is pretty clear. It’s never a good idea to stay together for the kids if there is conflict between the parents and usually there is before a divorce. Family conflict (including conflict between parents) is much more damaging than divorce.
  25. witchkitten

    Official 2020 Divorce Poll

    Good guess. Their youngest child, Phoebe, is 18 and must be going to college this coming fall.