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Everything posted by Hoyaheel

  1. Hoyaheel

    Dane Cook

    I've heard a couple of his bits on the XM comedy channel, and didn't think he was terrible (not as bad as I think some people they play are) but I don't get his mass market appeal either...... I'm not really seeing the sex appeal there either. For sexy comics, give me Dennis Miller back in 1988, when he was the only reason I watched SNL and before he got so mean
  2. Hoyaheel

    What are you reading?

    I've read all the Austen, most Bronte, lots of Shakespeare, Dickens, Twain. Though I still have Innocents Abroad on my To-Read list. I just read Moveable Feast by Hemingway and sort of enjoyed it--I never liked Hemingway when I was reading in high school or college, except The Sun Also Rises--way too sexist, couldn't deal with it (I took a lot of women's studies lit classes ) Moveable Feast was nicely written in sections but it felt SOOO choppy. I realize it was published posthumously so I have to hope he never intended it to be published exactly as it was. I had that Waugh book on my list from a few pages ago--I think you mentioned in passing when I was talking about the biography of the Mitfords. One of the syllabi that looked interesting to me was called Re-Membering Empire (https://www2.georgetown.edu/explore/courses/index.cfm?Action=View&CourseID=ENGL-197) Said, Austen, Malouf. I seem to be drawn back to British writers of the 19th century. Some of the stuff on colonialism looks interesting too. I have a TON of books on my To-Read list (real books, fiction and non-fiction) that aren't "trash" (and I do LOVE trash and am not using the word disparagingly--more that once I read that kind of book, it's out of my brain in 5 minutes if not less) so maybe I just need to start looking at more of those books. And I have a long vacation coming up in September--have to find something really MEATY to bring with me that I won't read in a day--I can't pack my normal range of 1 book per day I'm thinking maybe Gore Vidal's most recent memoir--I like his writing and it tends to be more dense and take me a while to get through. I have a couple of his earlier "historic" novels to get through still, too......
  3. Hoyaheel

    What are you reading?

    I've gone to my undergrad website and am looking at course descriptions for English to get some ideas. What fun. I mean, I enjoyed college the first time around too......
  4. Hoyaheel

    What are you reading?

    OK, you need a game plan for reading these, apparently. You must forget the real history and read them as your mother says--pulp romances. The first English class I took in college was called Fictions of History. We read all sorts of books that were "true" and it was interesting to examine (in an academic setting) how sometimes we believe fiction more than, say, a memoir, etc. Now, when I read, I tend to not believe anything. I just enjoy the story. Much more fun that way. On a related ramble, I'm feeling that I've been reading a lot of trash recently and though I love it, I need to challenge myself more. Thought I might look for some college literature class syllabus online (or summer reading lists) and give it a go. Any suggestions?
  5. Hoyaheel

    Star Jones

    If that's the case, and they're both happy with the situation, fine. But PLEASE STOP trying to force us (through the media) to believe he's a straight man she has hot hetero sex with. UGH!
  6. Hoyaheel

    What are you reading?

    I wonder if Gregory made Anne so bland to focus the book more on Mary? I mean, if Anne were so interesting, wouldn't we be reading, thinking, so why should we care about the other Boleyn girl? OK, so maybe she could have (should have) done both, but....Just a thought. It's been a year since I've read the Other Boleyn girl so I can't recall what my impression was at the time....
  7. Hoyaheel

    Sci Fi TV

    Eureka is starting up again in a couple weeks (July 10 I think) and Ausiello (of tvguide.com) says the first two episodes are really good. I'm excited, but bummed that all the summer shows I want to watch seem to be on Tuesdays at 9:00pm
  8. Hoyaheel

    What are you reading?

    As a history major in college and self-proclaimed Tudor England fanatic, I can tell you that ALL the Gregory Tudor books are wonderful and you don't mind the inaccuracies because they seem like they could have happened and we just didn't hear about it. Love them all! I think The Virgin's Lover was my favorite....
  9. Hoyaheel

    What are you reading?

    I don't know that I ever said the "action" picked up, but it did take me about a chapter or so to get used to the writing style and become immersed in the narrative. I would NOT slog through 320 pages if I were still having that difficult a time getting into the book. Give it up!! I love the book but recognize not everyone (or even most ) will enjoy it. Don't torture yourself!! I'm getting ready to go on vacation Saturday--to Vegas--have a non-fiction book for starters (Sharks in the Desert by John Smith, about the corporate personalities behind the casinos) and then some lovely trashy romance for the pool
  10. Hoyaheel

    What are you reading?

    I'm still on a history kick, but back to fiction--finished Saturnalia by Lindsay Davis (ancient rome, mystery series) and started Roma by Steven Saylor. He also writes a mystery series set in ancient rome, but this book is a historical saga about the foundations of Rome. Sory of like Michener I guess. But I like Steven Saylor and have never been able to read Michener, so.... Also had a Princess-fest over the weekend--caught up on the last 5 (?) Princess Diary books by Meg Cabot. I think those only take about 2 hours to read (the shorter "1/2" books I can read in a single bubble bath ) The Starter Wife is on tonight (in case anyone has missed any of the publicity barrage). The book was moderately enjoyable so I'll watch the first part of the miniseries tonight and see if I like it
  11. Hoyaheel

    Matthew McConaughey

    Damn, if he worked out in my neighborhood, I would be thrilled he never wears a shirt!!! Gay or not, showered or not, I have always thought he is HOT and I still do. Yum!
  12. Hoyaheel

    Daniel Craig

    And also like Clark Gable--Craig looks better moving (acting, etc) than in still photographs. In my opinion, of course I think he's hot & definitely doable, as I told my husband repeatedly while we were watching Casino Royale
  13. Hoyaheel

    Sheryl Crow

    I like her, I just think that the treatment of the 2 kids named Wyatt is somewhat hypocritical. Even if I understand why we "approve" of her reasons for using it and don't "approve" of Costner's, the name itself is still funny, right? OK, maybe we'll just agree to disagree on this......
  14. Hoyaheel

    Sheryl Crow

    How come when Kevin Costner names his kid Wyatt, we make fun of him, but when Sheryl Crow does it, we think it's cute??
  15. Hoyaheel

    Eddie Murphy

    Yeah, I'm with you on all counts....He's a jerk in real life but I like his movies....
  16. Hoyaheel

    What are you reading?

    Prep engaged me (and I was able to read it quickly) because I went to boarding school around the same time as the author, so all the experiences were very realistic to me. The story itself--ugh. That girl had some serious psych issues! I sent the book to one of my best friends from prep school and she agreed with me--the book was an interesting read, very disturbing, but a fairly realistic portrayal of a lot of our experiences..... But if you're halfway through and you're still not into it, give it up. Life's too short! [i gave up on A Secret History....My best friend read it and loved it, I got it at the library used booksale I help run every year, I read a couple chapters and had to force myself to keep going....I stopped. I haven't gotten rid of the book, "just in case" I might want to go back to it some day.....]
  17. Hoyaheel

    Sacha Baron Cohen aka Ali G

    We watched a biography thing on Freddy Mercury over the weekend--pretty good! Wasn't Johnny Depp in the running for this at one point? I think with SBC's ability to totally morph into his character that he could do a fantastic job on this.....But can he sing??
  18. Hoyaheel

    Alyson Hannigan & Alexis Denisof

    I noticed in the 4/30 How I Met Your Mother she was starting to look really skinny. She doesn't look so bad in these recent photos, thankfully!!
  19. Hoyaheel

    What are you reading?

    Darn, that's on my reading list, great review in Vogue (I think? I read too many magazines ) Well, I'll put it off for a while...I was planning on requesting it from the library anyway....
  20. Hoyaheel

    What are you reading?

    I keep looking for Nancy Drew (and Trixie Belden) books at the book sales I go to. No luck so far. Think there's too much of a market on ebay or something I LOVED Nancy Drew when I was little. I really got into mysteries young, and have stayed with them. I think I read all the Agatha Christie books the summer I was 10 or 11. I know I was young because I remember strangers commenting to my mother that wasn't I a little too young. She disagreed--she told strangers if I understood what I was reading then I wasn't too young. Love her! That might have been the same summer I read all the Barbara Cartland books too. I vividly remember the library I used when I was growing up in Connecticut. The children's section was upstairs--I got to go every Tuesday and/or Thursday after school--I walked to the library from school and mom would pick me up after work. Yeah, back in the 80s it was safe to walk as a kid and the library actually allowed unaccompanied kids in. Downstairs, in the adults section, was a circular rack of all the Barbara Cartlands. They were numbered. Around 150 pages each? Yep, read them all....I also remember reading books in the library that I wasn't allowed to check out. Pretty sure I read Forever by Judy Blume that way...... OK, whose fault is it I just took this trip down memory lane?
  21. Hoyaheel

    What are you reading?

    Thank you for all the birthday wishes. Fykey--I commented on your blog that I may be the only person who really loved The Historian, even (especially?) all the "boring" history stuff. But I was a history major in college so maybe I'm immune by now??
  22. Hoyaheel

    Milla Jovovich

    Right, THAT I totally get. So cohabitate. Why get engaged?? That's the part I just don't get.....Oh well. Wonder if she'll start designing maternity clothing for her line now
  23. Hoyaheel

    Milla Jovovich

    4 years and not married? That I don't understand. You either cohabitate or you get married. Why an eternal engagement? Serves no purpose......
  24. Hoyaheel

    Sheryl Crow

    As a federal employee, I agree with plick. It's part of our department ethos, constantly reiterated in most of the things we do every day (I work for the VA, so all that I do is "for the veterans") I will, however, make an exception for some at the highest levels of govt that are, perhaps, political appointees?? While there might be some who truly feel they work "for the people", I don't think Karl Rove is one of them.....