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About cydonia

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  • Birthday 01/27/2005

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  1. cydonia

    Lost Discussion

    I guess I'm in the minority as I didn't love the finale. I did love the Juliet/Sawyer thing and I admit I cried when they had to let go. I am so bored with Jack and Kate. Why couldn't one of them have died? The whole Jack/Kate/Sawyer triangle is over, done with and should not be brought up again unless they want all the air sucked out of the room. Some critic suggested that a show with Rose, Bernard and Miles on their little patch of paradise would have been a great spinoff and I agree :4biggrin:
  2. cydonia

    TV shows that you USED to watch

    I've given up: Bones - enough. Done with it. Too cute for it's own good these days. Real Time with Bill Maher - this is the first season I haven't watched. I first stopped watching b/c for some reason the sound is always low (I have DISH) and it was hard to hear. After a few weeks, I realized that I didn't miss it.
  3. cydonia

    What are you reading?

    This is from the preface: Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the US Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign "aid" organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources. Bascially, this guy was paid to bankrupt third world countries so they would be in the debt of the US. The US (thru its major corporations) then would acquire oil and other natural resource rights and exploit the country for years to come. His story starts in the 1960's - I'm up to the mid 70's right now. I know the US has been up to no good, but this systematic economic destruction of these countries is quite deplorable.
  4. cydonia

    What are you reading?

    Reading Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins. Very interesting non fiction account of his days as an economic hit man. A book that has definitely opened up my eyes to what goes on in this world.
  5. cydonia

    Kathy Griffin

    Here it is
  6. cydonia

    TV shows that you USED to watch

    I can't believe I forgot Heroes! Season one was good (except for the awful season finale) and then it went all wrong. Season 2 was dreadful, so bad I didn't bother to watch season 3 but from what I read I made the right decision.
  7. cydonia

    TV shows that you USED to watch

    Great thread! Shows I don't watch anymore: Desperate Housewives - gave up on it in S2 I think. Too much silliness from the gals. I have been tuning in this season a bit mainly just to see my guy Gale Harold. Nip/Tuck - they lost me with the move to LA. They've always been over the top, but the show just got obnoxious. Monk - gave up a couple of seasons ago. Same old thing every episode. Smallville - didn't like Lois Lane. Hated Lana. And Clark still can't FLY? Give me a frackin' break. Pushing Daisies - too cute for me. Same thing every episode. Eil Stone - gave up on when that cutesy lawyer was introduced. Uggh. Boston Legal - mainly because I didn't have time to watch anymore I got annoyed with some of the shows. I will watch the finale though to say a proper goodbye. My Name is Earl - got bored with it. Prison Break - this would have been great as a one off series. It should have ended with season 1. It just got too silly for me. A show that has gotten better this season: Supernatural - I think this is season 4 and it's firing on all cylinders. Really good. Shows I'm losing patience with: Samantha Who - not loving it as much as I once did Fringe - I watch the show every week and then ask myself why I just wasted an hour doing so. Dour leading lady, not much plot development (last week's ep was an exception). I'm not sure why I'm still watching. Bones - hated the whole plot development last season with Zack. Hate the rotating "assistants". Hate that they broke up Angela and Jack. Don't like Dr. Sweets. And please, just get Bones and Booth together already!! The Amazing Race - they are coming off a really weak season and I hope the next season will be better. I can't believe I'd ever say I was bored during TAR, but I was. Often. American Idol - bored with Paula. Hate Paula. Paula is an idiot. Sanctuary - getting bored with it. Really don't like the fake british accent Amanda Tapping is sporting. Ghost Whisperer - I really, really, really don't like that they killed Jim. And had him come back in a ugly man's body. I might be done with this show. Shows I'm glad I stuck with through the bad times: Lost - yes there were some moments where I almost gave up on it, but it got better. Way better. Why I love TV (and not afraid to admit it): Doctor Who, Torchwood, Lost, Life, Psych, 24, Masterpiece (PBS), Celebrity Rehab (I'm not ashamed to admit that I LOVE this show), Chuck, True Blood, Skins, Gavin & Stacey, Dexter, Big Love, and many others that aren't coming to mind at the moment.
  8. cydonia

    True Blood

    HBO Sunday 9pm and repeated throughout the week. Go to the HBO website and do a search. Only 2 eps left!
  9. cydonia

    What are you reading?

    Just finished The Templar Legacy by Steve Berry. Fun, fast beach type book about finding a treasure hidden by the templars. I liked it as I like those kinds of books. Currently reading The Ruby in the Smoke by Philip Pullman (1st of 3 Sally Lockhart mysteries). I must say I'm enjoying it much more than the Golden Compass series. The first two books have been made into movies and have aired on Masterpiece Theater. Billie Piper of Dr Who fame plays Sally.
  10. cydonia

    True Blood

    Shame on you!!! Thanks for not spoiling it for us. Usually I'm such a spoiler whore, but not for this one. I'm enjoying how it's all unfolding.
  11. cydonia

    True Blood

    I would love to discuss I was very unhappy about grandma's demise, but noticed she's still in the credits. That may be good news. I don't know that Sam is the dog b/c when the dog sat besides Bill, Bill seemed like he might have known him? And Sookie finally let Bill do the deed - the big bite
  12. cydonia

    True Blood

    Okay, why is the bar owner rolling around and sniffing the dead girl's sheets? Is he the dog? Or another dog? Werewolf? Just looking for speculation - if you've read the books, then please mark as spoilers. Did you notice the picture behind the vamp bar of George Bush as a vamp biting Lady Liberty? I like all the little details they add in
  13. cydonia

    True Blood

    If you talk about the book can you please put a SPOILER warning up before the post? I haven't read the books and do NOT want to be spoiled. Thanks
  14. cydonia

    True Blood

    Thank you!! I was thinking about downloading the torrent, but I'm always afraid they are going to nail me.
  15. cydonia

    True Blood

    I got a chuckle out of the tabloid headline "Angelina adopts a vampire baby"