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Celeb Acts of Charity

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people.com...  The African Children's Choir performed for the celebrities – even grabbing the attention of Lindsay Lohan.

How sad is that! She must be such a seriously disturbed character! :rolleyes:

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ok. so clooney gave a talk about poverty, and I certainly applaud that. But i'd applaud celebrities even more if they dedicated, say, half of every dollar they earned above their first $7million to charity. I get tired of people like Bono or Gwyneth Paltrow lecturing everyone about the world's problems and then hopping on their privat jets to go to a Balenciaga fashion show...Who gives the most money? The hightest percentage of their income? That's what I'd like to know.

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NICE WHEELS: Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck and Laurence Fishburne donating custom-made motorcycles to an online charity auction organized by Morgan Freeman to benefit a planned memorial for Martin Luther King Jr. in Washington.

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EOnline.comSPREAD THE WEALTH: Forbes spotlighting some of the most generous celebrities, including Sandra Bullock, Angelina Jolie, Steven Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey, in recognition of their charitable donations. While we applaud their giving spirit, we'd be far more interested in a profile of the least generous celebs.

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Interesting. I agree; I loudly applaud all the celebs who put their money where their mouths are. I'd be interested to see a list of the celebs who are the most vocal about OTHERS' duty to give money but who don't give much themselves. However, I do understand that some people prefer to fly below the radar - who give money but do so anonymously or who don't ask for recognition. I suppose we'd never hear about them.... but seriously, do any celebs have small enough egos that they wouldn't want full credit for their donations? I'm not so sure.

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I (and 5 million others) got a really cool email from "Matt Damon" via the ONE campaign talking about AIDS in Africa. I've never heard about him publicizing this other than this email. It was a really strongly worded email about how much help these people needed and what we all needed to do -- stop the U.S. Congress from cutting aid to Africa. I actually looked at the email and said to myself, who is Matt Damon, thinking it was from someone I knew :)

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I (and 5 million others) got a really cool email from "Matt Damon" via the ONE campaign talking about AIDS in Africa. I've never heard about him publicizing this other than this email. It was a really strongly worded email about how much help these people needed and what we all needed to do -- stop the U.S. Congress from cutting aid to Africa. I actually looked at the email and said to myself, who is Matt Damon, thinking it was from someone I knew :)

Hey mf'smom, do you still have the email?? Can you post here?

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Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie at the 13th Annual Race to Erase MS (05/12/2006)


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EOnline.comFOR A GOOD CAUSE: Celine Dion, Elton John and comedian Jerry Seinfeld performing a benefit at the Colosseum at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas and raising $2.1 million for some 8,000 casino workers living in the Gulf Coast region.

Check out that photo - Proof positive that you don't have to be attractive to be a major, international celebrity. MEOW! But it's nice that Elton, Jerry and Celine raised so much money. I hate when celebrities hrow a dinner and raise 100K - a drop in the bucket - and the event probably cost more than that. But of course, if funds are not going to the charity, then they can't write off the expense of entertaining all their friends! Argh. Edited by k80cat

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Here's the email from Matt Damon - I got one, too. Dear ONE Campaign Member:I just returned from a 7 day trip to South Africa and Zambia. What I saw changed my life. I want to tell you about my trip and let you know about billions of dollars in development assistance that is at risk this week.Each day, I saw the devastating impact of AIDS and extreme poverty, but I also saw the incredible work being done to save lives and give people the tools to provide for themselves. I visited a facility that reduced, by half, the chances of a mother transmitting HIV to their child. I met a 24 year old woman who told me that there was a good chance the anti-retrovirals she was taking would save the her baby's life. The next day, I met a widow who had become self-sufficient thanks to a micro-finance loan. With her new financial freedom, she was not only able to take care of her children, but also began caring for local orphans.The biggest lesson I took home from the trip was that folks in these countries can turn things around if given the basic resources that we take for granted here every day. That's why I was shocked to learn from the ONE campaign that within the next 2 weeks the U.S. Senate is poised to slash billions of dollars from President Bush's plan to fight AIDS and poverty.This is an outrage - and it can be stopped. Please join me in speaking out right now!The second day of the trip, I met children at an orphan care center in Zambia who had HIV\AIDS. Most of them couldn't remember their parents because they died of AIDS when they were only babies. Frederick, an HIV positive father showed me something called a "Memory Book." A scrapbook with pictures and stories about him he was putting together for his son so he would have something to remember him with after they he was gone. About 650,000 children in Zambia are AIDS orphans. They play "Duck, Duck, Goose" and "London Bridge" just like kids around the world, but without help; the problems they face are only going to get much worse. We can't let Congress cut funding that provides critical assistance to kids like these all across Africa.Senators Mike DeWine ® and Dianne Feinstein (D) have written a letter to their colleagues in the Senate asking them to stop these devastating cuts in funding for the fight against AIDS and extreme poverty. With just 30 seconds of your time, you can send a quick note to your Senators asking them to support this funding and add their signature to this important letter. The work we are doing on the ONE Campaign will change the world. It already has. Let's keep up the pressure and make sure they know we won't let billions of dollars in cuts to the President's request for the world's poor go unnoticed.Ask your Senator to support critical development assistanceMatt Damon P.S. Click here to join communities around the world for the AIDS Candlelight Memorial on May 21.

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Doesn't Britney Spears give a lot to charity?I know, I know...she's crazy. But she does do some good minus some minor lapses in judgement (a la the "We should support our president in anything he does"...which is how most people think...but she's just ignorant and you can't stop that)...I may be grasping for something here, but I genuinely don't think she's a bad person...or a bad mother (runs and hides).

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I agree. I think that Britney is neither a bad mother nor a bad person. She mightn't be the brightest ever or have the best judgement in husbands, but I think she's less offensive than many.

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Well, if I were Brit-Brit...I would save my dough...She's quickly becoming a charity. :wacko:

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This doesn't QUITE fit here, but it is SO cool and refreshing, I had to share it. From Page 6 today:

June 29, 2006 -- TOM Petty has decided to take the high road when it comes to the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Music insiders were shocked when the Peppers debuted their hit song, "Dani California," last month - as we reported, it's eerie similarity to Petty's "Mary Jane's Last Dance." But Petty tells Rolling Stone: "I seriously doubt that there is any negative intent there. And a lot of rock 'n' roll songs sound alike. Ask Chuck Berry. The Strokes took 'American Girl' [for their song 'Last Nite'], and I saw an interview with them where they actually admitted it. That made me laugh out loud. I was like, 'OK, good for you' . . . If someone took my song note for note and stole it maliciously, then maybe [i'd sue]. But I don't believe in lawsuits much. I think there are enough frivolous law suits in this country without people fighting over pop songs.

I LOVE this guy's music, and now I think HE rocks. Not too many Tom Petty's these days...in all ways.

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Hear hear. It might not be true "charity," but it does show a magnanimous nature. Good for Tom.

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Bono and Geldof Criticise Blair Over G8 PledgesCampaigners Sir Bob Geldof and Bono have hit out at the G8 countries, because they are failing to keep promises they made over debt aid to Africa. Britain and other members of the G8 group of countries last year resolved to boost aid to poverty-stricken African nations. But a new report by campaign group Debt, Aid, Trade And Africa - of which Bono and Geldof are members - says all the G8 nations are making "painfully slow" progress. The lobby group also urged British Prime Minister Tony Blair to increase the UK's budget to Africa by nearly $425 million if it is to meet commitments he made at the G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland last July.

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'Princess' helping the poor She isn't wearing Prada these days.Anne Hathaway, the co-star of "The Devil Wears Prada," traded in her haute couture for hiking boots this week to help vaccinate poor children against Hepatitis A in a rural Nicaraguan coffee community."Hepatitis A is actually becoming a huge problem in Nicaragua," the "Princess Diaries" actress told the Daily News in an exclusive phone interview from the vaccination clinic in San Marcos, outside the capital of Managua. "This has been an eye-opener for me. Even if I weren't an actress, I'd do it just to help."When Hathaway's boyfriend of 2½ years, Manhattan real estate mogul Raffaello Follieri, asked her to use her star wattage to raise awareness for the humanitarian work his company was doing in Central America, she jumped at the chance."It's wonderful to be able to bring attention to the Follieri Foundation," the 24-year-old brunette bombshell said. "I was given the gift of being a successful actress, and I feel like I should use my voice."Nicaragua tops the list in its region for rates of childhood mortality from communicable disease. For two days, Hathaway has kept busy comforting the hundreds of tots receiving vaccinations in the makeshift San Marcos medical center with smiles and bandages. Hathaway's spokeswoman Marcy Simon was blown away by the passion the actress has shown for the foundation."One thing that's really impressive about Anne as a person is that she stands behind what she believes in," Simon said.Anna Ziajka

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Streep Narrates Katrina DocAudubon-sponsored film will premiere in New Orleans in late August Fresh off the smash success of "The Devil Wears Prada," Meryl Streep is lending her voice to a good cause.The two-time Oscar winner will narrate "Hurricane on the Bayou," a giant screen film shot before, after and during last summer's devastating Hurricane Katrina.The film is scheduled to premiere in New Orleans on Aug. 29, coinciding with the first anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. It will segue over to a run at Los Angeles' California Science Center IMAX Theater before moving into IMAX theaters worldwide on Dec. 22.The film focuses on the impact of Hurricane Katrina on Louisiana's coastal wetlands, an disappearing ecosystem that was supposed to be New Orleans' first line of defense against storms."Ultimately, nothing can shake the spirit of the people of New Orleans. Our city is already recovering, as it has from previous hurricanes many times in its long history," says Ron Forman, president and CEO of the Audubon Nature Institute President, which executive produced the film. "New Orleans will endure as one of the world's greatest cities and Audubon is committed to helping ensure its future. We will continue to educate people about the need to restore our wetlands as a key defense against any hurricanes to come."Streep, whose summer has included "Prada" as well as "A Prairie Home Companion" and a vocal turn in "The Ant Bully," is taking her second narrating stint for a Greg MacGillivray-directed IMAX film. She did similar duties on 1995's Oscar nominated "The Living Sea.""'Hurricane on the Bayou' is an emotional giant screen document of Katrina's powerful effects as well as a profound musical celebration of a city that has been called the 'soul of America,' and a call to restore New Orleans and the vital wetlands from which the city's unique identity first arose," says director Greg MacGillivray. "Meryl Streep's ability to connect with audiences and the depth she brings to everything she does makes her the ideal narrator for this film, which has so many moods and which uses the full force of the IMAX theatre film medium to not only educate and entertain but inspire."

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Streisand Donates to Clinton Charity Singing legend Barbra Streisand has donated $1 million to former President Bill Clinton's favorite charity. Staunch Democrat Streisand presented the generous donation to Climate Change Initiative, which aims to unite cities across the world in a bid to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Way We Were star Streisand is donating the proceeds from her upcoming US tour, which takes place in October and November, to environmental, women's health and educational charities.

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