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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    And yet The Firm still hasn't publicly said boo about Randy Andy.....
  2. 3 points
    We should have listed Meghan/Harry and The Queen on the divorce poll. I do believe this counts as a breakup.
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    Why people who can afford to have a driver choose to drive themselves is beyond me. I cannot stand driving. Hiring a driver would be one of the first things I'd do upon getting a little extra money.
  5. 1 point
    Good day to be Zara and have this pass without notice. Already having 9 points before this offence suggests she is indeed a speed demon! I am generally also there with you and - absent the creepy sex trafficking stuff obviously - I actually think this is very similar to the space where Andrew wants to sit, except he is there with successful businesspeople rather than Hollywood celebrities. there are racism issues in Britain that M has brought to the fore, and it’s awful to see and I do feel for her on that front. The pressure must be immense. That doesn’t mean she is not trying to use it to her advantage, for her own ends. equally the tabloids did go after Kate a lot in her early years with William because we also have class issues, yay! Her family were seen as social climbers, now they’re saints. i think my advice would be - just don’t marry royal. ? I believe the main argument goes that the money from the crown state is intended to be used for the administration of the country as a whole (so the plebs don’t get upset about the fact one family basically owns the island by virtue of being borne, you know? ). Anything that is then given “back” to the Queen could technically otherwise have been used by the government to fund other public services like the NHS, education, police etc instead - so by giving an amount to the Queen it then requires the taxpayers to make up the gap in funding for those services (through higher taxation than would theoretically otherwise be required). I don’t think it’s direct taxpayer funding as such, it’s almost more an opportunity cost? the reality is way more complicated obviously - you can argue the royal family results in the country collecting more money by way of tourism than it otherwise would. But then the counter to that is how much does the family itself actually add, if people would still come to see the palaces even without active royals? Edinburgh castle hasn’t been used in centuries but is still a major visitor attraction, for example. so the taxpayers money argument is potentially because a lot of people would like to pay less tax but still maintain or improve public services, and this is a clearly visible outflow of money that doesn’t necessarily create value for those people, so it’s an easy target. Reality is again that the civil service as a whole is hugely inefficient (in my experience, as I work a lot with a government department) and likely ‘wastes’ far more money than the Queen gets. or it’s just that we like a moan when it’s cold and raining, which is most of the time this is long, and just my take on it - I grumble but reality is I don’t care that much day to day ?
  6. 1 point
    I don’t know what to think about Meghan. The press coverage since the royal wedding has been brutal and it makes me think where there’s smoke there’s fire. On the other hand, I can’t ignore the obvious racism and have to wonder what role that has played in the coverage of her. Here is a thoughtful opinion piece from the New York Times on racism in Britain and the treatment of Meghan. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/09/opinion/meghan-markle-prince-harry.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage
  7. 1 point
    Prince Harry & Meghan Wax Figures Booted From Royal Display ... Madame Tussauds Acts Fast!!! https://www.tmz.com/2020/01/09/meghan-markle-prince-harry-wax-figures-removed-madame-tussauds-london-royal-family-display/
  8. 1 point
    I think this is just a huge publicity stunt by her. Everything “they” are saying is wrong has been Harry’s life. Being in the States where everything is NOT royal, may be different than the UK, however, Will and Kate seem to keep everything with their children etc relatively quiet, and the other royals are almost non existent. Moving here will just make them more of a target but now on two continents. What “they” are “protecting” themselves from is going to increase exponentially. Meghan just needs attention. And she is not getting the amount she was, and is trying to figure out how to get more. How far will she go to continue this? How long will it take Harry to get out of this stupor he is in and realize that she is pushing him away from the work he loves - carrying on his Mother’s legacy by bringing to light injustices, and into the limelight that she is protesting she does not want. Of course being besties with the two of them I am completely justified in saying this with all confidence ?
  9. 1 point
    Hadn’t realised that they chose to announce this news the night before Kate’s birthday. Seems a bit petty!
  10. 1 point
    Holy crap! If it’s true they didn’t tell anyone in the royal household, and yet had time to have this done... wow. That is some calculating. https://sussexroyal.com/about/ also, it’s funny that the Twitter hashtag is #Megxit
  11. 1 point
    I also saw reference to trust funds like you mentioned before, apparently both Diana and the Queen Mother may have paid into trusts for Harry. I presume it can only be that statement was written by them and not sense checked by anyone else, because no one else knew! This overriding theme of “we can do it all on our own” is perhaps not the best idea, but it is what it is now.
  12. 1 point
    Yeah, I saw screenshots of that website on twitter but not the actual url so cannot check it out myself. Is more clear, for sure. Which makes the statement WORSE - if they put that much thought in and had that much clarity, why such a shitty statement? Book recommendation - fiction - The Golden Hour by Beatriz Williams - I've been reading a ton of her stuff lately. This one is half about the Duke & Duchess of Windsor's time in the Bahamas at the start of WWII.
  13. 1 point
    I honestly had to come back to this because I am just flabbergasted by the wording. I have spent all afternoon thinking about their desire to work on becoming financially independent. Like they are freaking college students about to graduate with $100,000 in student loans. He has - at minimum - a multi million dollar trust fund and she was, allegedly at least, a successful actress. They have more money than 99.9% of the world. One dress that she wears is worth more than my car. Her best friends are a world famous tennis star and the daughter-in-law of the former Prime Minister of Canada. But they need to work on becoming financially independent. I watched their goddamn wedding and I was excited about it. At this point they could disappear from the face of the earth and I would not care. That one phrase has turned me off more than anything they have done to this point. They are working to become financially independent. That is the most out of touch thing I have ever read. my jaw is still sitting on the floor. Before they got married Prince Harry probably had more good will from the public than just about anybody I can think of. People loved him so much because of his mother. I really really hate to blame her alone and I won’t because this makes me remember the Nazi outfit and all the other stupid things he did that everybody forgot about. There are effing working on becoming financially independent. Good god they are oblivious. And yes, I do recognize that their expenses are very different than my expenses, but still… There had to be a better way to express themselves than that.